Capacity Building Seminar Topics and 11+ Project Materials@SparklynServices |
This platform is setup for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in Nigeria and other Countries, who desire for related Project or Seminar Topics on Capacity Building with Materials in PDF or Microsoft Word (Docx) that will serve as a guideline towards accomplishing their final year research aim. Below is the list of available Capacity Building Related proposal topics that can be selected for proposal write-up submission.
We successfully found a topic related to your query, which is captioned “Problems and Prospects of Lending to Small Scale Agricultural Producers in Bank of Agriculture of Nigeria” – The research work on “The Problems and Prospects of Lending to Small Scale Agricultural Producers in Bank of Agriculture. For the research work to be adequately understood, the researcher introduced the subject matter highlighting the statement of general problem. This project also touched on the research objectives, scope of study and significance of the study, the research went further to review related literatures on the subject matter. Due to time constraints, the researcher has only highlighted the major aspects of the agricultural credit schemes and repayment of loans. In a way it could still provide for an input to deeper …
Our research bot has sourced out one of the best related seminar topic titled “Influence of Perceived Organizational Culture on Employees Performance” – The cognitive systems of human that helps in improving thinking and decision making were based upon organization culture. The multifaceted set of beliefs, assumptions and values helps in presenting different level of culture by conducting business at an effective manner. This research work try to assess the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance. This study also try determine whether organizational culture influences employee’s performance on the basis of gender. The study adopts qualitative and quantitative research design to understand the influence of perceived organizational culture on employees. Findings show that there is a significant relationship between organization culture and …
After searching our library, we discovered that Photography has one of the best related seminar topics titled “The Effectiveness of Photography as a Communication Tool in Advertising” – This study is on the Effect of Photography as a Communication Tool in Advertising. It originated as a result of the unfavourable marketing conditions experienced by manufacturers. in the advertising and marketing of their products to the consumers. Data used for the study was collected by the researcher personally using the questionnaire method. Result of the study show that business organizations employ the use photography in advertising to help win the consumer patronage towards buying their products. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A …
Finding research topics based on Computer Literacy has been a recent activity of this platform. We suggest you observe this topic titled “Relevance of Computer Literacy to the Employment Potentials of OTM Graduates” – The study was carried out to explore the relevance of computer literacy in enhancing the employment potentials of Office Technology and Management (OTM) graduates. Investigation revealed that there is a perception among employers that the skills taught in OTM programs is insufficient to meet the practical needs of the workplace. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A total of 100 (one hundred) respondents were selected for this study to represent the entire population of the study. Data was collected using the questionnaire and analyzed …
Among the most important seminar topics related to Maritime Security, we found “Challenges and Prospect of Private Maritime Security Companies in Nigeria Maritime Environment” – Private Maritime security is the protection of vessel both internally and externally. The areas from which ships and maritime operations need protecting include terrorism, piracy, robbery, illegal trafficking of people, illegal fishing and pollution. The study appraises the Challenges and Prospect of Private Maritime Security Companies in Nigeria Maritime Environment using Port Harcourt to Bonny Island Waterways as a case study. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to analyze the importance of an effective Nigerian Private Maritime Security Companies and the various challenges faced by it, explore the rationale for the importance of Nigerian Private …
We have source out one of the best seminar topics on Terrorism, which is “Terrorism; the Boko Haram Phenomenon in Nigeria” – The Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria has been a source of concern not only to the government of Nigeria, but also to the international community especially when they bombed the United Nations headquarters in Abuja in 2011. After this attack, the sect has carried out numerous attacks in Nigeria killing hundreds of people. There has been plethora of reason adduced to this development. Some opinion and political leaders within and outside Nigeria adduced the causes of Boko Haram insurgency to poverty, injustice, and lack of civil liberties, while others disagree with this line of thought. Based on this, using both quantitative and …
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