Management Policies Project Proposal Topics and 13+ Materials@SparklynServices |
This platform is setup for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in Nigeria and other Countries, who desire for related project topics on Management Policies with Materials in PDF or Microsoft Word (Docx) that will serve as a guideline towards accomplishing their final year research aim. Below is the list of available Management Policies Related proposal topics that can be selected for proposal write-up submission.
We successfully found a topic related to your query, which is captioned “Students’ Awareness and Attitude Towards Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure” – The prevalence rate of high blood pressure (HBP) among youths in Nigeria and the world at large is said to be on the increase. This is attributed to lack of knowledge of several modifiable risk factors (excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of exercise etc) and non-modifiable risk factors (age, hereditary, race and sex). Literatures reviewed on HBP hold that no specific cause for the disease in question has been discovered. This study set out to assess the level of awareness of risk factors for high blood pressure; level of youth engagement in unhealthy lifestyles and dietary habits; level of knowledge …
We have source out one of the best Project Topics on Internal Revenue, which is “Challenges of Personnel Management in Government Owned Establishment” – Personnel Management in simple terms means the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals. The study was conducted to examine the problems prevalent in the personnel department of government owned establishment using Suleja Local Government as a case study. The study went ahead to investigate the problems of the personnel department and to identify some factors which militate against the effect of the inefficiency on the staff of the personnel department and the establishments at large. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. …
Among the most important Project Topics related to Banking Industry, we found “Merger and Acquisition as a Viable Option for Effective Performance of Banking Industry in Nigeria” – The research centered on the merger and acquisition as a viable option for effective performance of banking in Nigeria using United Bank for Africa Pic as a case study. In carrying out the research, two (2) hypothesis were stipulated which basically questioned the significant of merger and acquisition on the performance of banks in Nigeria and the significant impact of merger and acquisition on the job performance of an employee in banking industry. To test these hypothesis, chi-square statistical tool was employed. It was found out that merger and acquisition is a viable option for effective performance of banking in …
After searching our library, we discovered that Pension Scheme has one of the best related Project Topics titled “Effects of Pension Schemes on the Nigerian Workers” – No man is an island; collectively we have been able to make a thorough research on how effective pension scheme in both the civil and public sectors of the Nigerian economy has been beneficial or just a mirage to the Nigerian workers; thus a case study of Enugu state. In the first case, the purpose of the stuffy shall be looked at. As an overview, the aim of this study as to look at the impact of pension schemes on a sector of Nigerian workers of this public servants and how effectively this pension arrangement would be made so as to …
Final year students searching for Project related topics on Financial Ratio should refer to this topic “Issues and Problems of Treasury Operation in Financial Institution” – This study is aimed at solving the issues and problems of treasury operation in financial institution in United Bank for Africa, which is the area of study. In our banks today especially the commercial banks, we have what we call “treasury operation” and it could be defined as an arm that backs or support all treasury activities in a bank. It could as well be known as “Trops”. The treasury operations’ functions cover the provision of efficient back office support for all treasury related activities of the bank. The bank procedure in this area is related and it is to …
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