Subsidy Project Proposal Topics and 10+ Materials@SparklynServices |
This platform is setup for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in Nigeria and other Countries, who desire for related project topics on Subsidy with Materials in PDF or Microsoft Word (Docx) that will serve as a guideline towards accomplishing their final year research aim. Below is the list of available Subsidy Related proposal topics that can be selected for proposal write-up submission.
Final year students searching for Project related topics on Cooperative Business should refer to this topic “Feasibility Studies a Requirement for Starting a New Cooperative Business in Nigeria” – The project is focused on feasibility studies: a requirement for starting a new cooperative business in Nigeria. The importance of a well prepared feasibility study in the cause cooperative information and investment drive cannot be over emphasized. A well prepared feasibility study can be used to obtained loan from banks and thus attract other investments. Cooperative projects backed by good feasibility studies are difficult to wind up easily. The drive for investment can only take place when there is sufficient money or resources. For any project there are the alternative technology, production equipment, building and other investments. This study takes a …
One of the most crucial Project Topics pertaining to Caesarean Section is “Acceptance and Perception of Caesarean Section Among Pregnant Women” – Pregnant women who gave birth through Caesarean section are believed to be weak as undergoing a Caesarean section traditionally portrays a sign of failure. The study was carried out to scrutinize the Acceptance and Perception of Caesarean Section among Pregnant Women. Investigation revealed that despite the possibility of a vaginal birth following Caesarean Section and the declining death rate from Caesarean sections, Nigerian women have historically refused to undergo Caesarean Section because to the widespread perception that abdominal delivery represents a reproductive failure on their side. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to …
Our research bot has sourced out one of the best related Project topic titled “Problems and Prospects of Community Banks in the Rural Development of Nigeria” – The community banking scheme has been in operation since December 1990, and has to a large extent achieved its objectives as a vehicle for poverty alleviation at the grassroots’ level. With about 1000 unit community banks and hundreds of thousands of customers, the banking habit has reasonably increased in the rural areas. The poor farmers, cattle rears, fisher men and artisans who might not have collateral but are hardworking could get loans from their community banks for productive activities thereby boasting the gross domestic products of the country. Since government encouraged the communities to invest in community banks, the scheme should …
We successfully found a topic related to your query, which is captioned “A Survey of Educational Facilities in Private and Public Primary Schools” – This research work carried out to survey of educational facilities in private and public primary school in Odeda local government of Ogun State as the case study. The subject of the study were eighty (n =80) teachers . also the design method use in the study was survey design. This instrument used in the method of data collection were on four wlert scale: Available, not available, adequate and inadequate while data was codified into frequency count and analyzed with the use of percentages. It confirm that there are more adequate educational facilities in private primary schools than public primary schools but the …
Among the most important Project Topics related to Accounting Profession, we found “Impact of Internet Communication Technology (ICT) on the Accounting Profession in Nigeria” – The accounting profession is regarded in the course of history as social institution, that whenever people met in the economic area a reference is needed to keep score, this is accounting. The study was carried out to examine the Impact of Internet Communication Technology (ICT) on the Accounting Profession in Nigeria. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to evaluate the challenges associated with integration of ICT in accounting profession and analyze the importance of ICT in training requirement of an accountant. Investigation revealed that accounting is the actor of recording, interpreting and communicating financial information …
We have source out one of the best Project Topics on Class Size, which is “Influence of Class Size and Teachers’ Experience on Business Studies Students Academics Performance” – This study examine the Influence of Class Size and Teachers’ Experience on Business Education Students Academic Performance in Lagos Mainland Education District, using simple random sampling technique. Questionnaires were administered to 200 business studies students selected from five senior secondary schools in Lagos Mainland Education District in Lagos State. Combinations of parametric and non-parametric statistics were used for the test of the research questions and hypotheses. The study concludes that class size, teachers experiences are significant factors affecting students’ academic performance. Therefore, the study recommends that there is need for government to build more on teachers’ educational qualification and mastery of …
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