Dilute the Liquid Soap Paste
Post by Sparklyn, 06-Jan-2025.
If the test mixture stays clear as it cools, it's good to continue. The last measure of patience is needed when diluting the paste. Take the remaining 40 oz. of distilled water and bring it to a boil. Add the water to the soap paste. Stir it in a bit with a spoon or the potato masher.
Turn the heat off on the crock pot. Put the lid on and wait.
After an hour or so, stir it some more. It should have softened some by now, but will likely still be very chunky and gooey. Put the lid back on and wait some more.
You can put the lid on and leave it to sit overnight and dissolve. If you prefer a more active role, just keep waiting and stirring, waiting and stirring. The potato masher will help to break up some of the larger chunks of paste, but nothing will help more than just waiting.