1.1 Background of the study
The Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS, 2008) report showed a 13% exclusive breastfeeding rate which is a decline from 17% indicated in 2003 report. The 2008 report also revealed that 34% of the infants aged 0-5 months were given plain water in addition to breast milk, while 10% were given non-milk liquids and juice and 6% were given milk other than breast milk. Furthermore, only 32% of children less than 24 months of age were still on breast milk. Considering the percentage of mothers practicing breast feeding, it should not be surprising that Nigeria is still saddled with high incidence of malnutrition and its associated infant mortality.
Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is the application of breast milk alone in the feeding of a baby for at least four months and if possible six months of life, without the addition of water, food or drinks. The baby however receives vitamins, minerals and medicines in the form of drops and syrup as need arises (WHO,1981). The World Health Organization WHO (2001) received the optional duration of EBF to six months of life. The second type of breastfeeding, predominant breastfeeding (PBF), on the other hand, implies that the infants predominant source of nourishment is breast milk. The infant in this type receives in addition of breast milk, water and water-based drinks (WHO 2001). Complimentary breastfeeding (CBF) or mixed feeding occurs where factory produced baby formula is the primary source of nourishment for the infant, the breast milk given occasionally.
In Nigeria, the perception of mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding is discouraging as most mothers complain of financial and physical challenges, not having enough breast milk, working and breastfeeding, breast and nipples problem and pressure from family and sometimes the effects of drugs taken while breast feeding (Agunbaide & Ogunleye 2012). These factors have hampered the practice of EBF.
Parts of the efforts to promote improved breastfeeding practices focused on hospital norms and services, legislations and institutional polices, health workers training, mass media campaigns, peer counselling and educating, mother to mother support and a combination of these strategies (Green,1999, till et al, 2004) (Quinn et, al, 2005). Specifically, the United States agency for international development (USAID) in 1996, issues a grant to the academy for international development to design and implement a 10-years program, known as the LINKAGES project, to improve breastfeeding practices rapidly and at scare.
Unluckily this has not yielded and encouraging result. This is because in African countries, the national rate for early initiation of breastfeeding were low, with Ghana having the lowest rate (35%) following by Madagascar (34%)Quin et al, 2005) as it has been ensured that safety, optimum growth, health survival of the human infants; that duration of the breast feeding may also determine the strength of mother/child born and attachment, yet exclusive breast feeding is not being in full practices among nursing mothers because of the long time they spend in the office.
Breastfeeding decline significantly from 1900 to 1960 due to increasing negative attitude towards the practice and the development of infant formulas under modern health centres, human breast milks considered the healthiest form for milk for babies because of its numerous advantages over artificial formulas (National health services 2007).
The practice of EBF has been less than optimal in many developing countries including Nigeria. Variations in the level of practice of exclusive breastfeeding have been related to prominent socio-economic and cultural factors which influence breastfeeding practices. Social factors like maternal education, occupation, family background and utilization of basic health services may affect breastfeeding practices. Educational attainment had been adjudged to be a factor enhancing the practice of exclusive breastfeeding, this is attributed to access to information about exclusive breastfeeding while breastfeeding practices did not differ significantly with respect to maternal age and occupation (Brown, Dewey & Allen, 2012).
Certain assertions have also been identified as undermining factors to the practice of EBF. Such factors include; excessive crying of the infant, the need to resume duty, maternal illness, delay in establishing lactation, poor growth of infant and pressure from family and friends (Ogunbaide & Ogunleye, 2012). Essentially therefore, there is need for improved infant breastfeeding practices because Nigerian children need to be protected. In the area of study, there is paucity of data in studies on EBF. The researchers therefore felt the studies on exclusive breastfeeding on infants should continue until there is a dramatic change in behaviour among Nigeria nursing mothers. This is why the present study is considered necessary because it is an additional effort in the direction of improving exclusive breastfeeding practices in the study area.
1.2 Statement of problem
Despite the effort and strategies that have been put in a place by WHO and UNICEF to increase awareness of exclusive breastfeeding through baby friendly hospitals initiatives in order to reduce complication associated with artificial feeding like respiratory and gastro intestinal infections. It has been observed by the researchers are still reluctant to practice exclusive breastfeeding due to work factor and environment.
Hence, the question “what is the attitude and perception of nursing mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding In Kagarko Local Government Area of Kaduna State.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the study is to assess the attitude and perception of nursing mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding In Kagarko Local Government Area of Kaduna State.
The specific objectives of the study are to:
- Determine the perception of mothers on exclusive breastfeeding.
- Assess the knowledge of mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding.
- Identify the practice of exclusive breastfeeding by mothers.
1.4 Research questions
- What is the perception of nursing mothers on exclusive breastfeeding?
- What is the knowledge of nursing mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding?
- What are the practice of exclusive breastfeeding by mothers?
1.5 Hypothesis of the study
HO: There is no significant association between the level of knowledge and the practice of exclusive breastfeeding among mothers attending Ante Natal Clinic in Secondary Health Facility in Kagarko Local Government Area, Kaduna state, Nigeria.
1.6 Significance of the study
In view of the present problem of working mothers and breast feeding and the dangers of inadequate breast feeding and the adverse effect on mothers and infants, the research study will help the individual mothers, physical education administration, health workers and the entire local government area, especially for those mothers who because of ignorance or selfish interest do not want improvement on adequate breast feeding of the infants. The findings and recommendations of this research are also expected to help the state and the local government area in drawing plans to improve on the breast feeding practices and working mothers.
There will be research on parity, religious affiliation, age and location to the effect of EBF adoption in the area of study. Knowing this will help health workers, particularly health educators in planning their health instruction and teachings of EBF. Attention should then be given to all nursing mothers irrespective of parity, age, religious affiliation to help and encourage them to adopt EBF.
1.7 Scope of the study
This study is carried out on the grounds to examine the attitude and perception of nursing mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding. The study is limited to Kagarko Local Government Area of Kaduna State.
1.8 Operational definition of terms
Clear perception fact or understanding about exclusive breastfeeding.
Position as indicating action, feeling or mood towards exclusive breastfeeding.
The way of carrying out or doing exclusive breast feeding.
Exclusive Breastfeeding:
Feeding of a baby with breast milk only for the first time months of life.
Mammary gland that secrets milk after giving birth
Artificial Milk:
Milk synthesized from plant or animals used to feed a baby.
Complementary Feeding:
Artificial milk given to augment breast milk after 6 months of exclusive feeding.
Baby friendly hospital initiative
Sudden infant death syndrome
1.9 Organization of Study
The study is divided into five chapters.
- Chapter one deals with the study’s introduction and gives a background to the study.
- Chapter two reviews related and relevant literature.
- The chapter three gives the research methodology while
- The chapter four gives the study’s analysis and interpretation of data.
- The study concludes with chapter five which deals on the summary, conclusion and recommendation.