Industrial Relations Project Proposal Topics and 7+ Materials@SparklynServices |
Industrial Relations final year research library is a curated collection of resources, tools, equipment, and materials that students or researchers can access to support their project research. This platform is designed for (2025) Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in Nigeria and other Countries, who are searching for Industrial Relations Project Topics with Materials in PDF or Microsoft Word (Docx) that will serve as a roadmap for completing their research aim in Industrial Relations.
The primary objective of this online resource is to provide students with a quick and simple way to locate pertinent proposal topics and materials related to Industrial Relations. The Microsoft Word (PDF) materials for Industrial Relations project topics that could possibly be selected for proposal write-up submission are listed below.
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After searching our library, we discovered that Public Service has one of the best related Project Topics titled “Factors Responsible for Low Productivity Among Employees in the Nigeria Public Service” – This work attempts to reach into factors responsible for low productivity among employees in the Nigeria public service (power sector) Nigeria which has often been described has giant of a Africa has a lot of minerals and materials resources however, the level of work ethnic is either low because of poor attitude to work among Nigeria in collaboration with this view Nigeria former president Shagan (1982) described Nigerians attitude to work as one of the worst in the world the work covers a review of authorities and pedants as Ogunna (1995) who lamented that Nigeria has a lot of mineral …
Final year students searching for Project related topics on Credit Card should refer to this topic “Design and Implementation of a Credit Card Fraud Detection System” – Credit card fraud is the deliberate deception practiced with a view to gaining an unlawful or unfair advantage. A credit card is a thin rectangular slab of plastic issued by a financial company, that lets cardholders borrow funds with which to pay for goods and services. The aim of the study is to Design and Implement a credit card fraud detection system to prevent credit card fraud. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows to develop an application software that will keep record of every fraudulent credit card transaction online, easily detect a stolen …
We have source out one of the best Project Topics on Juvenile Delinquency, which is “Family Instability and Juvenile Delinquency” – The family as a universal social institution exists in all human society. It forms the basis without which no society can survive. It is from here the individual picks up a “self” through the process of socialization. Various factors have been associated with delinquency, but the most important is the quality of relationship between parents and children. Some observers of social life have argued that the family no longer functions as a useful social unit. The method employed for the study is the survey method and the purposive/judgemental sampling technique of the non-probability sampling method. Based on the data collected, we found …
Finding research topics based on Banking System has been a recent activity of this platform. We suggest you observe this topic titled “Impact of Bank Competition on the Nigerian Banking System” – This study seeks to determine the relationship between bank competition and banking system stability in the Nigerian banking industry. Annual data were employed in the course of this research. The sources of the data employed were the Central Bank of Nigeria and Nigeria Stock Exchange Fact Book. Three macroeconomic variables and the entire banks quoted in the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The dependent variable for the study is Z-Index. While concentration ratio of the first three largest bank, concentration ratio of the first five largest bank, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, Lerner Index, gross domestic product, interest rate and inflation rate, return on asset, …
We successfully found a topic related to your query, which is captioned “Influence of Parental Separation on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students’ in Educational District” – This study examined the influence of parental Separation on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Student in Lagos Educational District II. Descriptive research design was used. The population for the study comprised all the secondary school students in Lagos Educational District II. Stratified Random technique was used to collect the sample. The instrument for the study was a self construct questionnaire titled “Influence of parental separation on academic Achievement of secondary school students in Educational District II (IPSAASSED). The instrument has reliability co-efficient of 0.76 when tested during the pilot study. The statistical tool used to test the hypotheses was Pearson product …
Among the most important Project Topics related to Cooperative Business, we found “Feasibility Studies a Requirement for Starting a New Cooperative Business in Nigeria” – The project is focused on feasibility studies: a requirement for starting a new cooperative business in Nigeria. The importance of a well prepared feasibility study in the cause cooperative information and investment drive cannot be over emphasized. A well prepared feasibility study can be used to obtained loan from banks and thus attract other investments. Cooperative projects backed by good feasibility studies are difficult to wind up easily. The drive for investment can only take place when there is sufficient money or resources. For any project there are the alternative technology, production equipment, building and other investments. This study takes a …
Industrial Relations Related Departmental Repository assistance in finding your preferred topic for proposal submission or presentation purpose. Below is the list of related repository under Industrial Relations department:
Industrial Relations Project Topics for Final Year Students are geared towards identifying real-world issues and delivering solutions by giving the existing issues a topic that will eliminate or significantly reduce proposed research (system) inefficiencies. The main and optional Industrial Relations project proposal writing sections are outlined below:
Motivation for Embarking on the Project
Brief Background of Study
Statement of Problems
Aim of the Study
Specific Objectives of the Study
Significance of the Study (Who benefits from the project and how?)
Relevant Research Questions
Relevant Research Hypotheses