1.1 Background Of The Study
Environment of a firm consists of all group and institution that have an actual or potential influence on the organization and its ability to achieve its objective. Business environment comprises the large number of factor in a organization and in the outside world that can influence the work or managers (Oyedijo, 2002). The business environment includes customers, competitor, government regulatory agency, legal and political frame work and institution, technology development and social culture factors that influence business behavior. Management of a firm work their decision within those environmental force because any neglect of these factors can cause a lot of damage to the political environment that affect all forces of organization. Therefore, for the firm management to make effective and efficient decision that will help to achieve its missions and strategies of the firm, they must look into internal and external environment. The environment forces are divided into two which are internal and external environment. For internal influencing management decision, the internal environmental force to the firm under study include the (F.C.M.B), its employee and shareholder forces the external, the tax environment consist of the customers, competitors suppliers and human resource/labor market and government agencies, the needs of the people and for making profit. (Obasan 2001:2) for a business to exist, such business is carried out. Therefore management decisions are depended on its firm environmental force influence.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
This study is designed to investigate the critical relationship between management decisions and environment forces. The environment force play an important role in an organizational existence, these environmental forces virtually influence every aspect of the organization. Management decision may be made based on improper assessment of the environment. For this reason, problem that could arise and needed to be assessed are as follows;
- The influence of the environment in the performance of the organization
- The influence of the environment on the laws that govern the organization or business
- The influence of the environment or the interest of the buyer and seller of the organization or business
- The influence of the environment decision making of the organization or business.
- The relationship between the organization environment and its goal.
1.3 Statement Of Objective
The general objective of the study is to examine the influence of business environment on management decision in Nigeria firm with particular reference to F.C.M.B Olipanu.
The specific objective includes;
- To reveal environmental the effect of environmental forces on the performance of the organization
- To determine the effect of the environment of force on management decision.
1.4 Research Question
- Does business environment have significant impact on management decision?
- Does environment have effect on organizational performance?
- Is there influence of the environment on laws that govern the organization or business?
1.5 Statement Of Hypothesis
Hypothesis 1
- Ho: Business environment does not have sufficient impact on management decision.
- H1: Business environment have sufficient impact on management decision.
Hypothesis 2
- Ho: The environmental force has no effect on the organizational performance
- H1: The environmental force has effect on the organizational performance
1.6 Scope And Limitation Of The Study
The study will be carried out in a service rendering for, First City Monument Bank (F.C.M.B) in Olipanu Lagos State. This bank is one of the organizations that are equipped with all the features of a well organized industry in the locality. The resource of the staff to the questionnaire is quite low but for the help of the staff, it was successful. The study covers all existing environmental force of the industry within its totality. The limitations of the study are constraint in the conduct of this study it include times, respondents financial, material and technology. Time of comprehensive research was short, respondent attitude to questionnaire are not encouraging as most of them refuse to respond to interview, there are no means of finding out other material and financial resource for the accomplishment of the study.
1.7 Significance Of The Study
The study was carried out to highlight the important roles the environment plays in the survival of firms, organization and public corporation that aid users of the research findings and their benefit are as follows;
- The private and public companies shall benefit from this study by learning, when to and how to respond to this environmental forces in their decision in line with the direction setting.
- The management of all enterprises shall benefit from this study by learning more important the environmental forces, and before taking decision.
- This will also enable the share holders to learn so many environmental forces that can influence the decision of the management on wealth i.e. where the management retains shareholders divided for major reasons, may be tax imposed for such period was high. This will affect the return on capital of shareholders.
- Emergency entrepreneur, real entrepreneur and entrepreneur would find this interesting in the aspect of being exposed to aggregate environmental forces that influence the business and how to exploit various managerial decisions.
1.8 Definition Of Terms
This is the activity that involves the sum of total of production and marketing of goods and services for the purpose of satisfying the need of people and for making profit.
Business Environment:
This comprise the large number of factors in the organization and in the outside world that can influence the work of the manager, this include customers, competitors, government, regulatory agencies, etc.
This is a step which is taken the conclusion of statement made in other to achieve a specific goal.
Decision Making:
Refer to those steps include technique in arriving at a choice between or among alternative actions.
This means a way of controlling and organizing a business or similar organization. It is also a process of getting things done through people.
Management Decision:
These are steps taken by the manager which will affect the overall performance of the organization.
These are settings in which a business is carried out and organized.
Environment Force:
These include those things that can influence on environment which include internal and external force.
Internal Environment:
These consist of the force inside the organization in which managers must function with.
General Environment:
These consist of broad forces which affects the surrounding of the organization.
Task Environment:
These consist of specific organization or groups that influence an organization; e.g. resource, government agencies, etc.
This is the location of the case study (Onipanu).
Is a general expression of the overall purpose of the organization.
This is a person who coordinates all other factors of production and aim at satisfying the needs of customers (Lillian and Yeside 2009)
Real Entrepreneur:
Is a person who initiates a business himself into the market i.e. an individual actor in the market.
Qvasi Entrepreneur:
This is a person who uses another person’s idea to develop his own business.
Emergency Entrepreneur:
Are those that exist offer right simple because they have connections with the corridor of power by using public funds to buy or establish business.
Return On Capital:
This is the yard stick employed to measure the efficiency of the management in utilizing the assets of the business.
Strategy Intent/Vision:
This is the desire feature state or inspiration of the organization.
Strategic Planning:
Is a sequence of analytical and evaluate procedure to formulate an intended strategy and the means of implanting it.
Buyers Of Business:
These are those who enjoy the goods produced and services rendered by an organization.
Sellers Of Business:
These are those who sell goods and also render service to the buyers.
These are those who carry out the same type of business in the same location.
Government Agencies:
These are those who collect tax from business organization on behalf of the government. These taxes are collected from the employer and employee.