The Roget’s the saurus has listed the following as related to library.
- Book depository
- Information center
- Country library
- Lending library
- National library
- Circuiting library
- Municipal library
- Public library
- Special library
- Rental library
- Private library
- Learning center
- State library
LIBRARY: is define as the collection of written printed or other graphic or visual material organized and maintained for reading, studying and consultation.
It is also define as a collection of books, pamphlet, etc. Kept for reading and consultation; especially, such a collection anged to facilitate reference as by classification and indexing.
You can also say that a library is a place where books are professionally organized, center of information and knowledge
Library is a place where every human went for their own to research on topics and also to educate their brains.
Library is basically concerned with the provision of reading and learning facilities irrespection of age or discipline and administration. The role of the library has changed over the years, consequently. Some definitions do not suit the concept and role of modern libraries.
For this modern definition of library is defines as the collection of books and non-books materials housed, organized and unterpreted to meet the broad an varying needs for people for information, knowledge, recreation and cultural enjoyment.
There are different types of libraries.
A school library can be defined as an organized collection of print and non-print materials kept in a school for the use of both pupils and teachers but mainly for pupils. This types of libraries are established in primary and secondary schools whose collections are mainly for the young..
These are libraries established in institutions of higher learning, which include universities, Polytechnics College of education, college of technologies and other related institutions. An academic library is established as an integral part of the institution aimed as agent for the transmission of the scholarship of the society it also tries to satisfy the basic information and bibliographic needs of student and lecturers in their general and special intellectual field.
A special library is a library set up by an organization to promote the organizational objectives with collections limited to the subjects covered by the organization.
It is assigned the mission of acquiring, organizing and providing access to information and knowledge so as to further the objectives are aspiration of the parent organization.
It is expected to select, procure, store, retrieve and disseminate information relating to the special field of the parent organization. Special libraries are special in their users, users who an professionally oriented and research based.
A public library can be defined as a library established in a town or city which is maintained from public fund and is generally available free of charge to the public. Its collection tends to spen all field of knowledge include a good provision for children.
Public library may serve the general public or special categories of public which as children, members of armed forces, hospital, patients, prisoners worker and so on.
Its aim is to serve the general public.
These are libraries owned and financed by the national government of a country, charged with the function of acquiring, assembling and preserving for use material of knowledge previously recorded in whatever from for the present and future generations.
The National Library of any country is the mother library, the apex library and a peace-maker in library development and services.
It is the library of the highest standing and the symbol of intellectual resources of the nation. It is the legal deposit library, which performed the function of publication of the National Bibliography of the country it serves. It assign the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) to the country publishers. It also adopts international rules for bibliographic description and disseminates to sum-some to other. Libraries in the country via conference and seminars which it organizes.
These are libraries that are prillately owned, and not opened for public use. Also that can by use by an individual at his/her home.
These are movable libraries that can serve the people or public located in remote areas where there are no plans of establishing a library, usually it is being set up in trucks with open space at the back so that its clienteles whom are mostly villagers, will find it easy to retrieve the materials of their choice, these library, usually moves from one village to the other.