1.1 Background Of The Study
Co-operative movement in the world as a whole including Nigeria, was actually borne out as a result of the exploitative tendencies of the landlords, supplier and money lenders on the masses, the extreme weight of poverty and the widening gap between the rich and the poor (African Encyclopedia 1974)
It is an organization of people who co-operate to help each other in various ways. The principal aim being to promote both the economic side, co-operative may succeed in increasing the prices received by growers in a given demand situation in a number of ways. Co-operative may in favourable circumstances reduce the cost of Marketing by doing the job than the private traders they replace. This might be where the small primary traders lack the finance and storage facilities to enable them to carry out effectively the middle man’s functions described earlier. The large group of problems by paying comparatively small financial contribution into central pool may be able to raise more capital. They may also by pooling their labour, be able to build storage or processing plant within closer proximity of their farms.
Co-operative’ may provide useful channel for propagating ideas for the improvement of methods cultivation of their membership of peasant farmers. They may also help to improve the product marketed by encouraging production of a more standardized products or more effective grading of the product.
They may also be useful channel through which loans to farmers may be made.
In case of Thrift and Credit Society, the co-operative can help in the provision of facilities for regular thrift savings by member without such savings being removed from their control and creation of funds to be lent to its members at far responsible rate of interest for provident or productive purpose.
However, political reasons have also contributed to the encouragement of co-operatives. Another reason is the desire to promote indigenous African Middlemen. This was certainly the predominant motive behind the encouragement of co-operatives by the colonial government adopting the paternal attitude towards the encouragement of African enterprise. They found themselves generally more successful with these than the promotion of individual African entrepreneurs. This was also the chief motive of the Nigeria procedures themselves, who saw collective action through the co-operative, the achievement is still “Far-fetched”. Owing to some predicament confronting the societies.
These are:
Inherent weakness in Management
The reluctance of members to pay very high subscription and their reluctance to pay very well in advance. This means that co-operative are often at a disadvantage with the traders they are competing with through “Lack of Capital”.
The problem of maintaining loyalty among its members; however, in spite of all these entire predicaments, cooperative societies through their various contributions have provided that, it has a very important role to play in the economic development of Nigeria.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
A co-operative society consists of a group of people, organization e.t.c. joined together for mutual benefits. It requires the making of sound decision by its members for continued operation. Hoover and McLay (1977).
In 1935, when modern co-operative ordinance started in Nigeria, a lot of societies have been born, but they do not stand the test of time owing’ to their structural deficits. Oludimu and Awolahi Bello (1996) poor’ capital to grant credit and employed qualified personnel, poor management, poor supervision by co-operative department, poor capital to develop real estate, provide engineering infrastructure, employ professionals and ignorance of the concept of co-operative enterprise by members.
Hence this study tends to access their impact in the economic development of Nigeria.
1.3 Objective Of The Study
The objective of this study includes:
Examination of the major types of co-operative society in Lagos State
Review of the role of the co-operative societies in the economic development of Lagos State.
An assessment of the level of development contribution of co-operative societies to the economic development of Lagos State.
1.4 Research Questions
The research will answer the following question.
Ho1: What effect does co-operative society has on the savings attitude of Lagos State co-operation workers?
H02: Has a Co-operative society influence the investment habit of Lagos State co-operative workers?
H03: Has the standard of living of Lagosians been alleviated through co-operative societies?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
To guide the research, the following hypotheses are formulated:
H1: The establishment of co-operative societies has a positive effect on Savings habit of members in Lagos State.
Ho: The establishment of co-operative societies has no positive effect on Savings habit of members in Lagos State.
H1: The establishment of co-operative societies does improve the welfare standard of the people living in Lagos State.
Ho: The establishment of co-operative societies does not improve the welfare standard of the people living in Lagos State.
1.6 Scope Of The Study
This study is concentrating on co-operative societies in Lagos State. The role will take different forms in relation to welfare of the self-reliance trade, savings and rural development.
Specifically the role of co-operative societies in the said area will cover the period from 1991 and 1998. Development will adequately examine to see whether there is any positive correlation between members of registered societies, membership, savings, loan, shares and reserves.
This study examines the five basic types of co-operative societies in Lagos State. They are:
- Co-operative Thrift and Credit Society (CTCS).
- Co-operative Agricultural Multi-purpose Society (AMS)
- Family Economic Advancement Programme (FEAP)
- Fisherman Co-operative Society (FCS)
- Consumer’s Co-operative Society (CCS)
1.7 Significance Of The Study
The importance of this study is to proof to the entire populace and to all that will stimuli across this research work that co-operative society has the positive effect on their savings attitude of the people which will lead to investment, which will eventually lead to the upliftment of the standard of living of the people.