1.1 Background Of The Study
Appraisal is synonymous with evaluation. An evaluation of managerial supervisory performance appraisal system in Nigeria which is the topic for this study has to do with the assessment of the performance of those entrusted with the supervision or management of the organization. In other words it has to do with the evaluation of how effectively and efficiently they have been able to carry out their function of planning, co – ordination, directing and controlling decision making in the organization to fulfill the objectives for which the organization was set up to achieve. These objectives are to serve as a medium of communication, enriching the life of the Nigeria by influencing his social cultural, political and technological thinking. More so as educate and inform all these at a profit to the organization.
Objectives appraisal is good for any organization because it help one to know where he or she is as contracted to where he or she wants or ought to be Vis Avis the achievement of his / her goals and the difference. This enables him or her to plan effectively and more efficiently too.
In the worker place, the management (I.e. The operational) engages in the appraisal of subordinates from time to time. They evaluate the contribution capabilities and short coming of the subordinate with a view to knowing their performance. The result obtained can lead to promotions, recommendation for promotion, or even dismissal. There is no other way to do this if not through his output, displayed positive and negative attributes. It is no gain saying that performance appraisal is invaluable planning, coordinating, policy formation, decision making and control.
The employees on the other hand engage in some form of informal appraisal of self, co – workers, supervisors and managers. So they are not totally ignorant of rating of these people. Since “formal” performance appraisal is used for most appointment, pay raises, promotion, down grading and dismissal. And employees of human resources being the most important assets of the organization. Managers and supervisors most exercise utmost care in doing this. This is poorly evaluated; it will surely affect his morale and attitude to work. This will result in lower productivity.
Again if a bad worker is rated higher than the good ones, the moral of the good workers would be damped as this would be a clear testimony or indication that their hard worker and contributions were not taken into cognizance in the appraisal process.
Appraisal in public service is full of paradoxes and love hate intrigues. Staff performance appraisal not done with objectivity, honesty and fair play breeds’ resentment, disillusionment and a host of other things that are inimical to the progress of the organization.
Robert stolz a management consultant believes and rightly too that with a right kind of appraisal a real industrial need to fulfilled staff appraisal are carried out in organization for administration, informative and motivational purpose.
Formalized appraisal permit an orderly and rational way of determine promotion, salary increase, transfers, training needs, potentials retrenchment, reassignment, termination of appointment etc. it is against this background that the researcher want to delve into the evaluation of managerial supervisory performance appraisal system I Nigeria telecommunication Nitel Enugu.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
For any organization to achieve its goals and objectives, quality of management is very necessary. Nepotism, favoritism, poor manpower utilization pervades the ranks and file government parastatals thus cultivating inefficiency. In Nigeria, there are many square pegs in round holes most times; the tail is wagging the dog instead of the other way round. Leadership is generally deficient because of their social connections, sycophancy or blood relationship. Despite the abundance of qualified and competent manpower, mediocrity is the order of the day. Consequently we observe escalating frustration, low debilitating internal policies and low productivity everywhere. This accounts for why many civil servant idle away time at offices if and when they come to work as a place to collect monthly salaries and allowances without working for them conscientiously.
Government desirous for the statuesque to stop commercialized and privatized most of its parastatals and agencies.
The study seeks to know whether the management and the supervisory staff are living up to their obligations.
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
The purpose of this study is to
- Evaluate the managerial supervisory performance appraisal system in Nitel Enugu.
- Find out whether the present system of appraisal has any relation with overall performance practices, decisions, viability, productivity and development as well as achievement of corporate goal.
- Ascertain the problem militating against management and supervisors in the task
- To identify whether the management is utilizing MBO efficiently and effectively.
- To determine the effects of ineffective formal appraisal to the activities of Niter Enugu.
1.4 Significance Of The Study
This research has varying degrees of significance to various categories of users such as researcher, management and those who may wish to make reference to it from time to time.
Again it is a prerequisite to the award of higher national diploma (HND) in this institution
Staff and management performance appraisal is very important to any organization that wants to remain a going concern.
It will also make the managers and supervisors to be alive to their duties of supervising and appraising.
The employees stand to gain immensely through better corporate performance.
1.5 Research Question
- What are the techniques and methods used to evaluate staff at Nitel Enugu?
- Have targets and goal against which performance were set and measure been clearly understood by the staff?
- Are staff promoted, rewarded, punished or dismissed based on properly laid down criteria?
- How objectives and effective is management by objectives appraisal system in this organization?
- Are performance report submitted regularly?
- What is the effect of inefficient interview held in Nitel?
1.6 Research Hypothesis
Hypothesis I
- Ho: staff are not promoted, rewarded, punished or dismissed based on properly laid down criteria.
- Hi: staff are promoted, rewarded, punished or dismissed based on properly laid down criteria.
Hypothesis ii
- Ho: the staff performance are not appraised and evaluated regularly
- Hi: the staff performance is appraised and evaluated regularly.
1.7 Scope Of The Study
Evaluating performance appraisal is important in all organization in Nigeria. The scope of this study is to set out to study the evaluation of managerial supervisory performance appraisal system in the entire Nitel nation wide but it is limited to the Nitel Enugu district.
1.8 Limitation Of The Study
Conducting a research of this nature cannot be done without meeting some impediments. The study dealt with Nigeria telecommunication Enugu district.
The problems encountered were time. Finance created another problem being able to source enough fund to run around and collect the necessary materials required for the execution of this project.
1.9 Definition Of Term
Social situation as it is now