1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background To The Study
The world is going through an information and communication technology revolution that has drastically changed many facts of human life. From education, industry, economy, polities to entertainment (Ayeni, 2000).
me so important, that it is now the most significant indices in national and economic development, hence, Nigeria’s quest for economic growth can not be achieved without a significant contribution of information and communication technology in teaching and learning at all levels and aspects of her educational system. (Adamu, 2001).
According to Ajayi (2003) ICT is any product that will store, retrieve information electronically in a digital form for example personal computers, digital television, e-mail, robots, desktops etc.
Ali, (2004) in his view opined that information and communication technology is the physical structure of network of computers base systems (hardware, software and media) for purposes of organizing, processing, communicating, accessing, presenting, storing, retrieving and simplifying information when needed and in the form it is needed.
Ogiegbuan and Iyamu (2005) in described ICT as the use of digital technology that already exist to help individuals, business and Organizations use information.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has come to be an indispensable part of the contemporary world. Infact, culture and society has been adjusted to meet the challenges of the knowledge age. The pervasiveness of ICTs has brought about rapid technological, social, political and economic transformation. Thus a network if “information society” is organized around ICTs of which educational sector is not left out. (Amakin, 2006: Jagboro, 2005).
One of the aims of higher education is the acquisition, development and inculcation of the proper value orientation for the survival of the individual and society (NPE, 2004).
In higher education institution, the demand of the students involves coming to terms with the content and operations of their discipline area as well as learning how to operate within the culture of the institution and sub-culture of their particular faculty. This can be pursued with the involvement of ICTs in teaching and research (NFE, 2004).
It is widely acknowledge that ICT can be use to improve the quality of teaching and learning in any tertiary institution. The prevalence and rapid development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has transformed the human society from the information technology age to the knowledge age (Galbreath, 200).
It is in this perspectives, that Onasanya (2004) affirmed that ICTs are becoming natural part of man’s daily life; thus their use in education by staff (academic and non-academic) and students is becoming a necessity. Certainly, the present and future academic global community will utilize ICTs to a high degree. This has made it imperative that lectures not only need to use ICTs, but they need to become comfortable with using ICTs. This is to ensure that they participate fully in the life of the contemporary university and to accomplish their everyday task.
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) as defined by Milken Exchange on Education Technology, (1999) is computer based tools used by people to work with the information and communication processing needs of an organization. It encompasses the computer hardware and software, the network and several other devices (video, audio, photography, camera, etc) that convert information (text), images, sound, motion and so on into common digital form.
In conclusion, the effectiveness and efficiency in teaching and learning in the humanities education can be ensured by ICTs potentials.
In Nigeria, the evidence for the growing importance of ICTs in modern university education is the increasing rate in acquisition of computers and other information technologies for use by staff and students.
Although much has been written and said about the value of ICTs in teaching, learning and research, studies have shown that successful integration of technology into the university system depends not only on access and availability but also on the extent to which staffs and student embrace these technologies (Horgan, 1998).
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have permeated into every sphere of human development, of which education stands to be the greatest benefling of this development. It is in the above regard that this project decided to consider the necessity of this phenomenon in humanities education.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
In this modern world, ICTs has been a phenomenon in the educational system. But it is generally true that for some people ICTs might not be readily available accessible and might not be used or under-utilized, and that its use might not be adequately appreciated. This study is out to investigate the availability, accessibility and use of ICTs in humanities education.
1.3 Purpose Of Study
The main purpose of this study is to assess the level of lectures and students awareness and utilization of ICTs in humanities education, for effective teaching and learning. Hence, based on the findings of this work, adequate suggestion would be made towards facilitating students understanding and improvement of their interest in learning through implementing the use of ICTs facilities which in turn will promote lectures productivity and enhance their professional capabilities.
1.4 Research Questions
- ICTs are relevant in humanities education
- ICTs are readily available in humanities education
- The accessibilities of the ICTs are certain in humanities education.
- There is a high level of ICTs literacy among lectures in humanities education.
- Students ICTs literacy level in humanities education is high.
- The ICTs literacy level of students in humanities education can be said to be sufficient for employing ICTs techniques in teaching and learning.
- As a student do you consider the use of ICTs as useful in humanities education?
- If yes, what of you consider being these advantages?
1.5 Significance Of The Study
This study would be important to the following categories of people:
- Students
- Lectures
- Educational professionals
This is because it would identify policy options and strategies that would make ICTs more relevant and beneficial in humanities education
The study will also sanitize the government on the importance of allocating more funds on the importance of allocating more funds to the educational sector especially in the provision of ICT equipment in higher education.
It will also awaken lectures and students on the need for adequate embrace of ICTs through continuous training on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
1.6 Scope Of The Study
The study will focus on humanities education in the university of Lagos in respect of accessibility, availability and use of ICTs.