1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Of The Study
The huge shape as seen by astrologers from the moon, and discovered and called the earth an enormous planet, has been transformed to small place where activities can easily be carried out with less intervention, thanks to the Polar behind the magical influence of computers.
Computers have been employed in nearly all of the human field, from Business and Banking, Insurance, Agriculture and Technology. Difficult and strenuous jobs that were carried out by humans in the past have today been easily and effectively carried out by computers.
In the development and maintenance of life, Agriculture plays an enormous role. As the population of human increases so also the requirement of food and their need for other agricultural products will be high in order to satisfy the huge population with food, shelter and raw materials for their industries.
Since human being have limit in all they do, it deems imperative therefore that services of this great and tireless machine be put into all of man’s activities including the Agricultural sector for mass production and provision of food and other agricultural benefits to man.
In the field of animals husbandry, whose services are also needed for further (addition) production to satisfy every aspect of man’s wants, because of the usefulness of this sector of Agriculture it is necessary that computer are introduced, in order that its activities be easily carried out for better results.
This projects is concerned with computerizing a poultry farm but our center of attraction is in general stock keeping and other activities that will be done easily and effectively by computers. It is worthy to note that a poultry farmer who engages a large scale production encounters a lot of problems, these problem may include stock keeping proper account of their daily activities and also keeping tracks on feeding the birds.
This project will see the design of a system that will take care of the above mentioned problems. Above all, it will serve as a guide to poultry farmers on how to keep proper stocks and the system of feeding their birds to avoid stunted growth.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem.
The purpose of this study is find out the affect in implementing a computerized in a poultry farm. The introduction of computer in a poultry can have a positive or negative response to the society.
However precaution, principles and strategies should be undergone before innovating a computer system in the farm or organization, so that the effect can be treated. Certain factors should be considered before innovation of the computerized system will take shape such factors include
- Statement of the Sub problem
- Limitation
- Delimitation.
1.3 Statement Of The Sub − Problem.
The statement of the sub − problem centered mainly on the following.
- The way it should be handled
- The merits towards the computerization of the poultry farm, to farm and society.
- The demerit or short coming in innovating a computer system to the society.
- The problem it may produce
- The ability to keep electricity supply constant in the poultry site
1.4 Delimitation Of The Study
The computer system when fully introduced into our poultry farm will be very during the daily transactions that will be carried out. Birds and feeds when purchased can dully accounted for by registration using the system, each feeds/bird has its distinctive way of being classified and recorded. Provision also exist in case of dead birds, if a bird dies it must be recorded in the system and the computer now uses this for proper stock keeping. Sales can easily be carried out using this system, because when you provide the computer with the quantity and unit price of the birds we want to sell it immediately provides in its display menu the total amount you will sell the bird.
1.5 The Significance / Objectives Of The Study
Since computers are tireless electronics machines, it entails that there would be less need of human labor but the system if design properly will aid efficiency and productivity in the poultry because it has few or no restrictions. The introduction of computer in poultry has enormous objectives.
- The ease it bring to the difficult and strenuous job.
- To give accurate and also keep accounts.
- To reduce cost in terms of paying workers (laborers)
- Save considerable time needed to carryout all activities.
1.6 Limitation Of The Study
The poultry farm ha a lot of departments, so to computerized the whole activities of the poultry will not be totally possible at our stage, the problem of time and cost highly restricted. The scope of our study when giving proper and comfortable time with the right resources the study can be totally carried out, leading to the complete computerization of the whole department / section of the poultry farm
1.3 Definition Of Terms
Computer System:
This an electronic device that accepts data as input, process this data and provides information as output, storing it at electronic speed under a controlled program.
These are group of inter − related records on a particular subject.
A network of interrelated, interdependent and interacting procedures that are joined together to perform an activity accomplish a specific goal.
It is a combination of their attributes and their interaction that are organized in the pursuit of a common objectives.
Are sets of electronic instructions given to the computer to tell it what to do, when and how to do it. It is frequently made up of group of related program.