1.0 Introduction
Visual basic (VB) is the third generation event-driven programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft for its programming model. Visual basic is also considered as a relative easy to learn and use programming language, because of its graphic development features and basic heritage. Visual basic was derived from BASIC and enables the rapid application development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications access to database using Data Access objects, Data objects, or active data objects and creation of active X controls and objects.
With every little effort, the programmer can design a screen that holds standard windows elements such as command buttons, check boxes, option buttons, text boxes and list boxes. Each of these windows objects operators as expected, producing a “standard” windows user interface.
Visual basic is easy to learn, which makes it an excellent tool for understanding elementary programming concepts. In addition, it has evolved into such a powerful and popular product that skilled visual basic programmers are in demand in the job market.
The purpose of this project topic on design and implementation of a web enabled visual basic tutorial is to present to student with a big picture on visual basic online teaching or tutorial so that students of Federal College Agric can be able to go the website and learn the application of VB and its importance to human existence. It enables the students to learn at their own pace.
In this chapter, we begin with a discussion of how the design of website on visual basic tutorial has traditionally been driven by the role they play and the services they provide. The problem of designing this website in order to provide services like learning and teaching are also considered. The general discussion of the designation of website on visual basic tutorial and the essential function they provide must be presented in this project.
Visual basic enables an individual to program easily. It is an object oriented programming language. It has tool bars, properties and other main menu that helps to create a beautiful project outlook.
Here is an example of the language: code snippet that displays a message box “hello world” as the window forms load.
Private sub form load ()
‘Execute a simple message box that will say “Hello world”
Msgbox “hello world”
End sub.
1.1 Background Of The Study
Background History Of Federal College Of Agriculture, Ishiagu
The federal college of agriculture, Umudike now at Ishiagu as the training wing of national root crop research institute situated at Umudike, in Abia State. She still trains staff of NRCRI in Advance Certificate, National and Higher Diplomas.
The relocation of the college to Ishiagu in1993 made way for the establishment of federal university of Agriculture now Micheal Opera university of Agriculture, Umudike.
Ishiagu being the new location is quite suitable for academic and agricultural work. Presently, the college occupies an area of 200 hectares.
1.2 Aims and Objectives
The college will aims at excelling in every aspect of Agriculture and capacity building of middle level manpower (ND and HND) in practical and theoretical Agriculture. It has the under listed objectives for efficient performance and achievement of the target.
- To develop and run training programmed that can produce self-reliant agriculture technologies and technicians for the agricultural industry. M To meet NBTE accreditation standards, expand and diversify programmed that are cost effectives.
- To maintain a close link industries related to agriculture and ensure that our products meet their needs. This will provide adequate SIWES places and opportunities for some employment to our student in the private sector.
1.3 Statement Of The Problem
In an institution like this, Federal College of Agric the method of admission is very alarming for instance, in a department like computer science Tech., the number of intake of ND student are 80.
In a situation like this, you find out that learning programming language generally poses a big problem. This I turn forms constraints that will slow down the peace of growing versatile in area of academic.
Even in my course of research, I found out that there are other departments who ought to do the course, for instance computer sc. Tech but owing to the constraints involved, I therefore drew out some problems that could be the course
1. Department Computers
Since the learning of visual basic requires practical, the students are limited from knowing how the program works because of some computers activities in the lab. Sometimes, the students are made to stay 3 people each on one system, you know what that means, and concentration will be lost.
2. Overcrowding
Like as I said earlier, over population can hinder a student from learning. This is because, the atmosphere will be stuffy owing to the heat exerted from the bodies or skin of students. The environment will be unconductive and sometimes seats are occupied and others.
1.4 Purpose Of The Study
The purpose or aim of the study is to provide a website on visual basic online teaching where the students of federal college , will go and learn, make research, and gather facts on any information they want on VB. This will help to improve student’s attitude and make them to become good programmers despite their area of discipline in the institution.
Another point is also to enable student become versatile in all area of academic work. Since we are in the computer age, information and communication technology has cropped in every nook and cranny of this world. Even the illiterate ones have realized the applications of computers.
Learning visual basic in a big institution like this makes the students to understand all about object-oriented language. You can imagine students from the department of mass communication, political science, public administration etc writing a program on VB. This generally means that this website will enable the student to learn at ease, in a more conducive atmosphere without any obstruction or disturbance. As a matter of fact, the project is going to be hosted on the internet to allow students to browse through and thus enhance their intellectual capabilities and learn beyond the traditional classroom lecture.