1.1 Introduction
Integration of documentation and knowledge based computerized services in information system is a tremendous means of helping health professionals in their daily practices and to improve the quality of service delivery.
Effort is continuously being made in designing and developing economically and reliable database system to satisfy a clinical database information system. This project is about the design and implementation of a clinical database system for clinical management of the IMSU Medical Centre and shows how record and data can be handled and stored within the system.
The system will store patient’s records, drug inventory and dispensation as well as other relevant clinical information within the University Community. The system will be used by the staff (Doctor Nurse, Clerks, Consultants and other relevant authorities as the demand may be) within the clinic. It will process data speedily and accurately provide information when and where required.
The clinical database system will be used to store data produce reports and handle management inquiries. In clinics that are made up of Doctors, Nurse, Patients and other personnel staff, an information system is required to keep track of the day-to-day transaction of the clinic and to improve the communication skills. Also this system will help, in highlighting risk/complex patients for consultant input alert of DNA; easily identify all patients taking certain medications, monitor frequency of major complication e.g. peptic ulcer, check for known drug interaction, and improve evidence based practice, record questions.
Therefore, it is hoped that the design and implementation of a clinical database system would provide a flexible and reliable management of the University clinic. This program is carefully designed to work in a standalone system or in a multi user environment
1.2 Brief History Of Imo State University Medical Center.
The history of IMSU medical center is dated back to 1st of June 1993, with only one Doctor as the medical Director (Dr. Ihekwasu), by 1st of July the same year additional six nurses where employed, subsequently three attendants and Lab technicians were employed. The medical center was started in a one room apartment in the admission block. Later it was moved to its present permanent site, located toward the extreme end of the university campus.
1.3 Statement Of The Problem
It is observed that in Imo State University Medical Centre, most of its record on staff, students, patients, drug, ward and bed allocation, inventory and drug dispensary are handled manually. The problems associated with the manual method include inaccurate data, poor quality of patient care and administrative inefficiency. The task involved in this design is as follows:
- Careful study of the manual operations of Imo State University Medical Centre
- Collection of information on general problem comforting the medical centre
- Study the identified problems, design and develop a clinical database system that will help in solving these problems
- Develop computer software that will help in the management of the medical centre
1.4 Objectives Of The Study
The primary aim of this project is to design and develop a clinical database system for Imo State University Medical centre, which will achieve the following.
- Improve efficiency and the communication skill in the clinic
- Keeps proper patient record, drug inventory, ward and bed allocation, drug dispensing and efficacy of Drug dispensed.
- To bring about a complete pollution free environment that will ensure a secured public health of the staff, and the University Community.
- To acquire practical experience in the design and development of a clinical database system and other related software.
1.5 Scope And Delimitation Of The Study
The scope of this project is mainly on patients’ record, the drug prescription available drugs, the drug dispensed and the efficacy of the drug dispensed. The application of query in getting the desired reports on drug inventory in the pharmaceutical unit.
User resistance and misconception:
Human fear towards change was a major problem encountered in this course of study; hence vital information was hidden away from me.
Sensitivity of the study:
Due to the sensitive nature of drug management, some secrets were not given out for professional reasons.
The time allocated to carry out this project is quite small for adequate and complete investigation of the study.
1.6 General Methodology
The project is carried out following the appropriate stages involved in design and development of clinical software. The stages are briefly discussed below.
Problem identification:
The problems associated with the medical centre are first identified. This is done by critically analysis of the existing system
Data collection:
The data required for this clinical database is obtained by interviewing staff, students and other medical personnel. Also vital information was also obtained from the internet especially on the technicality in designing and developing a clinical database.
System modeling:
Using relevant facts obtained from relevant sources, the Clinical database system is designed.
System Development and implementation:
The conceptual design is development and implemented as computer program. After the development and implementation, the system is tested to ensure that it fulfills the objectives of the project.
System installation:
The developed clinical database system software is installed on the computer system and made ready for use.