1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background To The Study
For the purpose of clarity and understanding it is pertinent that the introductory part of this project, approach the topic by giving definitions of the subject of the project work.
Roder and Rogers (1973) defined the term organization or industrial activities as a stable system of individuals who work together to achieve through a hierarchy of ranks and division of labour for a common goal, while on the other hand Gray (1980) defined conflict as a behaviour by one person or group of persons that is purposely designed to inhibit the attainment of goal by another person or a group of persons deliberately interfere with the aim of denying the other, goal achievement.
However, one should be careful not to fuse conflict with competition as it has often been the case. By definition the two are viewed differently. Although conflict between person can be through of a naturally occurring event, it can be a destructive force. For instance, conflict between a superior and subordinate can lead to one or both parties having their feedings hurt; the subordinate quitting his or her job or some how attempting to sabotage the flow of work of the superior as a retaliation.
This sabotage of the work effort could be very costly to the organization as it could deny the organization its major goal of profit making; as the major goal or objective of any profit oriented business is to make and maximize profit.
A company, personnel management record and activities will be at it best if labour and management co-exist in understanding by being reasonable to each others demands through such management styles as middle of the road management and team or democratic management. These tow styles preach high concern for both product for which management is more concerned about and employee morale and satisfaction. They try to develop cohesive, committed work groups so that both high production and high satisfaction manifest as wanted or planned.
Several authors have also sated the need for industries or business entities to ensure good management styles like the one stated above I their various activities. But some are only driven to if by circumstances like conflict which is a cost to the industry in the form of human and material resources.
Therefore, industrial conflict as an impediment to personnel management is a hindrance or obstruction towards the attainment of organizational goals. For this conflict whether inter-group, intra-group, inter departmental line-staff and role conflict or in whatever form weakens the very basic of an organization existence, for no organization can really its customers for t long if its merged in conflict.
But conflict between individual and groups is a universal phenomena and a better understanding of its importance and cost with help managers to industry objectives.
With this understanding, employees are motivated confident and have a sense of belonging as they themselves s part of the industry. Also an inner sense of place and fulfillment will be activated and this will be reflected in workers performance.
But failure to be concerned about conflict is very costly as it undermines the work effort of management and employees and that of inter personal relationship.
1.2 Statement Of Problem
It has been established that conflict has been with man since beginning of marking and has no doubt a negative impact on the administration of personnel policies and programme.
The existence of conflict in an industry normally hinders the said industry from achieving its set objectives which ever way one may hoot at it, either from the point of the employee or employer, it is assumed that conflict is an unhealthy development towards the attainment of industrial goal. The case of ANAMMCO is looked at from the following point.
- Types of conflict and their effect on personal management.
- The effect of labour management conflict in ANAMMCO.
- The sources of industrial conflict
- Industrial conflict resolution technique.
1.3 Objective Of The Study
As conflict is considered a major set-back in the administration of personnel policies and programmes and also an unhealthy development to the performance of an industry and due to the unhealthy development in ANAMMCO which resulted in poor out-put and performance in its activities, it is the objective of this study to:
- Examination the various type of industrial conflict in ANAMMCO
- Ascertain the effect of labour management conflict in ANAMMCO
- Investigation the sources of the conflict and proffer solutions to them.
- Find out various industrial conflict resolution techniques.
1.4 Research Questions
- To what extent does the various types of industrial conflict affect personnel management.
- To what extent does labor management conflict disrupt activities of ANAMMCO
- To what extent does ineffective communication and role function trigger off industrial conflict.
- To what extent are the various conflict resolution techniques applied in ANAMMCO.
1.5 Hypothesis
- H0: There is no significant different between the senior and junior staff of ANAMMCO on the elements that hampers smooth personnel management.
H1: There is significant different between the senior and junior staff of ANAMMCO on the elements that hampers smooth personnel management. - H0: There is no significant different on the aspect of labour management conflict that disrupts activities in ANAMMCO.
H1: There is no significant different on the aspect of labour management conflict that disrupts activities in ANAMMCO. - H0: There is no significant different between junior and senior staff that makes ineffective communication and role conflict trigger off industrial conflict.
H1: There is no significant different between junior and senior staff that makes ineffective communication and role conflict trigger off industrial conflict. - H0: There is no significant different between collective bargaining as the technique used in resolving industrial conflict in ANAMMCO.
HI: There is no significant different between collective bargaining as the technique used in resolving industrial conflict in ANAMMCO.
1.6 Significance Of The Study.
The following of this research work is expected to contribute to the following.
- Help ANAMMCO workers appreciate the destroying effect of industrial conflict on personnel management.
- Provide suggestions to avert labour management conflict in ANAMMCO.
- Provide suggestion to various sources of industrial conflict.
- Provide basic information in industrial conflict resolution techniques.