1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
The impact of training and development programme in a nation cannot be over stated. It is the life wire of every nation. A nation is viable when the employees are competent and qualified to carry out the work assigned to them, which cannot be achieved without training development programme.
Training and development programme add values to the employees, keep them abreast with new findings, and skills in their various area of responsibility which therefore guarantees the success of the nation.
Both private individuals are corporated bodies, even the government in the recent past, have learned to invest fortune to make training and development programme a success owing to the fact, the growth of any nation depends on the value or quality of her human resource.
To this end, the government in her contribution establish different agencies including the national orientation agency charged with the responsibility of informing, enlightening and education the masses on moral and contemporary issues through seminars workshops and other possible means.
However, employee training and development are at the heart of employee utilization, productivity commitment, motivation and growth. Many employees have failed in nation because their need for training was not identified and provided for as indispensable part of management function. Nation and individuals should develop and attain mutual goals.
Modern management has to develop the nation through resource development. Employee training is a specific function and is one of the fundamental operative functions of human resources management.
Meanwhile, lifetime learning is the role in today's fast paced global economy. No matter how carefully, job applicants are screened, typically a gap remains between what employees do not know and what they should know. Training is needed to fill this knowledge gap. Employees in the United States spend up to $44 billion annually on training. As large as this amount is it not really enough.
How the $44billion is spent is also a problem. Most of it is spent by big companies training already well educated manages and professional. Meanwhile, according to the American society for training and development, some 50 million workers mostly non-professional need technical or their training to perform their current jobs at peak efficiency per work, Japanese and German companies old spread their American counterpart on training and development.
Formerly defined, training is the process of changing employees behaviour and attribute through some type of guided experience. We now focus on the center and delivery of modern training, the ingredients of a good training, programme and the important distinction between skill and factual learning.
Reference to 1993 survey training magazine which covered 100 or more employees, sheds instinctive light on today's training practices. The companies survey represented all major industries, small at least two employees medium and huge firms represented. Although training needs and approaches vary managers can get the most out of their training budgets by the following a few guidelines. According to Beach (1979:11) a training specialist every training programme should be assigned along the following lines to maximize relation and transfer leaving to the job.
Thus, management development is a systematic process of growth and development by which managers develop abilities to manage.
It is the result of not only participation in formal courses of instruction but also of actual job experience it is concerned with improving the performance of the manager by giving them opportunities for growth and development. It is any planned effort to improve current of future management performance. “The role of the company in management development opportunities for its present and potential managers” exposing the employees.
To lecturers use studies, reading, job rotation, assignment and like does not guarantee that they will learn what is more important is the effort of individuals. Each individual has to make his own contribution to the development of himself. As others can only create opportunity.
Executive development is eventually something that the executive has to obtain himself. But he will do this much better if he is given encouragement, guidance and opportunity by his company.
The role of the company is to provide conditions that accelerate growth. And these conditions should be part of the national climate itself. In order to be away from the unrealistic expectation that we can create and develop managers only in the classroom.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
It was a clear fact that there are many factors militating against the manpower training and development programmes. These problems have over the year delayed the growth of national development of our economy, such problem of dishonesty on the part of the nation, poor management planning, ethnicity among the nation and lack of training and development to the personnel.
Meanwhile, employee training and development are at the heart of employee utilization productivity commitment, motivation and growth.
Many employee have failed in nation because of their need for training was not identified and provided for as an indispensable part of management function.
A case study of national orientation agency Aba North south, Abia State.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The purposed which this seeks to includes among other things the following.
- To establish the importance of training and development programmes in the national development.
- To determine the directors level of awareness of the programmes to the effectiveness and efficiency of the nation
- To ascertain manpower training on the national development of nation like the national orientation agency (Aba South)
- To make useful recommendations based on the findings
1.4 Research Question
This is designed at researcher to find answers to the following questions.
- How can the impact of manpower training and development programme be ascertained on the nation like the national orientation agency (Aba south)?
- What impact has training and development contributed in the growth of the national orientation agency?
- Is there enough co-operation, goodwill and harmony between the employees in manpower training development of the national orientation agency (Aba south)?
- Does the director's level of awareness of the programmes affect the effectiveness and efficiency of the nation?
1.5 Significance of the Study
- To importance of the study lies on the fact that seeks to identify programmes a tool for national development and fund solution to the problem arising from this project
- The findings and recommendations will aid the management of nation in policy formulation and other related decision making.
- It will equally expose the managers to the importance of manpower training to the industries.
- It will also guide the employees and management on how to solve manpower training and development.
- This study will also present useful materials for academic purpose such as lecturers, seminar and even as the basis for further research and classwork.
- The general public will therefore be exposed to the various types of manpower training and development programme in nation.
1.6 Scope of the Study
The study is central on the impact or importance of manpower training and development.
To accomplish the purpose of the study, the researcher choose the national orientation agency, Aba North as a case study.
In other word, the study started and ended in the national orientation agency, Aba south chapter.
The focus of the study is one the importance of manpower training. The study highlight the signals in a nation indication, the need for training and development programme.
It also outline the suitable time for the training to be chosen from, depending on the purpose of the training.
In line with the objectives of this study, there was no effort made towards ascertaining the cost of carrying out a training and development programme of any kind. The location or revenue of the training and who does it, were not of interest to the researcher.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
A lot of factors militated against this project work. The most inflicting problem was time. As a student carrying out the study with my ministerial and other domestic callings, the time schedule for this study seems inadequate.
Another major constraints includes lack of data and willingness of the custodians of those data from the nation to make it available for at least photocopy.
Even the material in the libraries are grossly out data easy to come by.
Funds needed for this research was enormous at least to cover transportation and photocopy of materials and this is earnest affected and determined the scope of this study.
All these constrains, not withstanding with God's guidance and provisions coupled with the corporation of my superior in higher learning, the study was successfully complete and within time scheduled.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Below are some term used in the study which the researcher considers necessary for elucidation.
This is intended to reduce the difficulty in understanding the study.
This could be referred to a group of people who from a business association in order to achieve a particular aim.
This refers to the gradual growth or change of something to a stronger and advanced level. It could also mean a change from the inside to the outside.
Is the act of running and controlling a business or similar nation towards effectiveness and efficiency.
Refers to the process of learning the skills need to do a particular job or task. It could also mean the process of acquiring new knowledge in a particular field.
Goals and Objectives:
Refers to the target or something that needs to be accomplished. It serves as mirror or a guide to the nation or individual concerned.
Refers as the determination of the basic long term goals and objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action as well as the allocation of resources necessary to carry out these goals.
A policy is a company's standing plan of action to guide its methods of operation
These are the simplest type of plans. They are quite different from policies and procedure, in that rules required that a specific action be taken or be not taken with respect to a situation
New entrains are introduced into the system. These are designed to familiar the trainees with their nation, its background, structure rules and regulations as well as personnel policies.
Job Rotation:
This enables new employees to work with the older ones in their sections.