1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Of The Study
Language is generally used for the purpose of interaction among people in the society. It is also used to differentiate people by sex, age and social status within a particular society. Language serves as a tool for development in every society. It develops nations or societies socially and particularly for the purpose of interaction within and outside a particular society. Through choice of words and forms of speeches, language can be used to differentiate gender or age.
The languages that a person uses can be differentiate into L1 and L2, that is first and second languages. First language is also known as mother tongue meaning our language or the language a child first comes in contact with depending on the environment he/she is born and raised while second language is a language that is later learnt at adult stage.
1.2 Statement Of The Problems
Every individual has a first language or a mother tongue. Hausa language is a largely spoken language in the Northern part of Nigeria. It is observed that most Hausa native speakers posses this problem of their second language (English) facing syntactic problem as a result of the interference or the influence of the mother tongue (Hausa) over the second language (English). This is why a native speaker of Hausa language is easily identified if he/she speaks English language because the interference will be observed once the speakers makes an utterance.
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
Behind any research, there must be reason(s) why that particular research is carried out. It is in this regard that this research aims at investigating or identifying the various ways or forms through which Hausa language interferes on the syntactic level of second language. Because of the late arrival of Europeans to Northern Nigerian where Hausa is spoken, English is not as fully embraced by the Hausas as is the case with their Southern counterparts. English language seems to have some communication syllogisms, that is extension of sense and use of lexical items and local idioms. The syntactic interference of the Hausa language on English language is the focus of this research study. Therefore, this study aim at identifying the interference of Hausa syntax on the syntax of English.
1.4 Research Questions
These research questions are formulated in order to guide the researcher. The following are the questions that this research aims at answering:
- Does Hausa language have vowels that have the same distribution with standard English?
- Does English have the same realisation as in basic Hausa consonant system.
- Do the Hausa speakers/writers borrow from English the syntax?
- Has the ascendancy of English language in Nigeria created ‘linguistics imperialism on the Hausa Language.
- Do lexis and structure in Hausa language have different implication from those of English language?
1.5 Significance Of The Study
This research will be of great importance not only to the literature of Hausa language but also to those who are learning it in educational institutions as well as the entire Hausa speaking populace.
However the research does not aim at discrediting the Hausa syntactic forms but rather aims at pointing out the inherent features that characterise Hausa syntactic forms and compare them with that of English in order to find out their areas of contrast and its inherent defect.
1.6 Limitation And Delimitation Of The Study
Firstly, this research is specifically concerned with the study of how mother tongue (Hausa) interferes on the syntax of second language (English) using the U.G IV English language students as case study of the research work with a view to finding out the interference Hausa syntax has on that of English and also suggest possible solutions that could address the problems. All the findings are based on the area of the study.
1.7 Objectives Of The Study
The aims and objectives of any research work is to uncover proficiency on the necessary issues or aspect related to the study. This project also will be of great importance not only to those who are literates in Hausa language but also to those who are learning Hausa in institutions and to the speakers of Hausa in general.
The study is also designed to examine the syntactic interference of Hausa language on English language particularly to find out the difficulty of English language pronunciation from Hausa speakers. Also to determine the implication and influence of language usage.