1.1 Introduction
The shepherd metaphor is an appropriate and useful image for depicting the nature, role, and proper functions of faithful leadership among God’s people. The shepherd-leader motif in Scripture has garnered increasing attention among scholars concerned with the nature and function of pastoral leadership in recent years. The Old Testament utilizes the good shepherd metaphor to convey multiple truths about leadership in Israel. Bailey notes three distinct uses of shepherd imagery in the Old Testament (Bailey 2014: 31-34). The considerable extent of the shepherd-leader motif throughout Scripture provides sufficient insight into the nature and role of spiritual leadership to construct a reasonable profile of a model leader (Laniak 2006; Merkle and Schreiner 2014; Tidball 2008; Bailey 2014; Golding 2006a; Golding 2006b).
As a prelude to other parts of this study, this chapter will discuss the background upon which this study was initiated, the statement of problems that led to this study, the Aim and Objectives of the study. Others are Significance of the study, Scope of work, Research hypothesis and questions, Limitations of the Study and Definition of technical terms.
1.2 Background of Study
Nigeria is a country where religion thrives in the form of Christianity, Islam and African indigenous religion. Both the governed and the governor claims to be an adherent of one religion and the other. Since most public officers claim to be either Muslims or Christians they are usually sworn with the Holy Quran or the Holy Bible as they subscribe to the oaths of Office and Allegiance. In view of this, it is expected that the public officers and political office holders will be guided by a high ethical conduct and prudency in the management of state affairs.
Paradoxically, Nigeria is also a country where amorality thrives. At all levels of governance, amorality has been a prominent feature of Nigerian politics. Therefore, that Nigeria paraded one of the worst governments in the developing world since 1960, when the country became independent, is not surprising. Hence, the country remains grossly undeveloped despite its huge resources.
Official corruption, mismanagement of fund, favouritism, nepotism and all forms of amoralities remain the blight of Nigerian politics. Consequently, the level of poverty and insecurity has reached a high crescendo as the gaps between the rich and the poor continue to widen. Nigeria, undoubtedly, has paraded at all levels of governance corrigible, avarice, kleptomaniac and non-responsive leadership since her political independence in 1960. All these are reasons, not only for failure of governance but also evidence that Nigeria is a morally bankrupt society.
Globally, individuals with requisite educational background have been appointed to carry out roles and responsibilities in different organizations. Today leaders occupying positions in universities, polytechnics, hospitals, business organizations, civil service as well as military formations. The need for leadership in all spheres of life dated years to be the time of bible leadership and administration. The first five books of the bible tell us how the Jews as nomadic wonderers in to the civilization of Egypt. Which was old and sophisticated settled in Egypt. They have their own God called Yahweh or Jehovah, and this respect, they differed from the people around them (Parkes, 2003). The believed that their God had promised them a land of their own and that they must leave Egypt and attain the autonomy and freedom in Palestine. These autonomy and control were provided by the leadership of Moses (Cottrell, 2003).
The management style was theocratic which is essentially authoritarian. Management practices were excellent in Egypt before the Jews came as the Egyptians had learnt how to control the flooding of their river to produce an increasing abundance of food for an increasing population. Modern writers in construction management are perplexed at the planning that went into the construction of pyramids (Goldhabe, 2002). They needed thought out project ideas, procuring of materials like stones and arranging for their movement to the sites, development of workers, scheduling and sequencing are all important aspect of project planning, staffing and controlling in operation (Uriyimadu, 2007; Oguche,2014).
Even though this study is on shepherd motif in the Old Testament, the researcher specially, focus on Psalm 23 because it consists of shepherd imagery and this will give a better understanding of the shepherd motif in the Old Testament. The researcher does recognize the fact that the entire book of Psalms is not the only poetic book, but we have other books like Job, Song of Songs, Lamentations, Proverbs and most of Ecclesiastes that are also poetic in nature. It should be noted that most prophets like Jeremiah, Daniel, Jonah and Micah use symbolism in their prophetic utterances to convey their messages.
Therefore, in Nigeria where the research was carried out, the activities that was conducted is to know the Old Testament's Shepherd Motif and its Relevance for Nigerian Leadership.
1.3 Statement of Problems
Investigation revealed that Shepherd Motif in the Old Testament has been misinterpreted, misunderstood and subjected to criticism in recent times due to the varying degrees of methodologies by scholars. Scholars who have written on shepherd motif used different terms like military dictatorship, autocracy, aristocracy, leadership, democracy, rulership, kingship and spiritual leadership to talk on the shepherd motif without closely examining the caring motif which anchors the basic foundation that gives meaning to the shepherd motif in the Old Testament.
Leadership style in some Nigerian Universities is supposed to motivate the staff into been productive and perform optimally. Also, it is supposed to create a conclusive environment that enhances the productivity of the staff. Personal observation has shown that the staff of the library has not performed effectively and their productivity has not been encouraging. There is a difficulty in determining the effect of autocratic type of leadership on the occupational health aspect of work climate, the influence of transformational leadership in the work place on the employee perceptions of the attitude aspect of the work climate. These difficulties (challenges) that lead to lack of gateways or barriers that lead to a problem which this study will attempt to solve.
1.4 Aim and Objectives of Study
The aim of the study is to examine the Old Testament's Shepherd Motif and its Relevance for Nigerian Leadership. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows:
- To explore the most effective and sustainable role of the shepherd enshrined in Old Testament relevant to the role of the pastor in the church today;
- To investigate the unchanging concept of the shepherd motif in the Old Testament and explore viable approaches to the study;
- To transform the knowledge of the pastoral care leadership in the Church;
- To provide proper interpretation of the shepherd motif in Psalm 23, Ezekiel 34, Jeremiah 23:1-6, Isaiah 40:11 and Zechariah 11:4-17; and
- To provide an adequate translation and interpretation that will correct the misunderstanding and misconception of the shepherd motif which has been subjected to criticism in recent times.
1.5 Research Questions
The study came up with research questions so as to be able to ascertain the above stated objectives. The specific research questions for the study are stated below as follows:
- What is the knowledge of the pastoral care leadership in the Church?
- What are the unchanging concept of the shepherd motif in the Old Testament and explore viable approaches to the study?
- What are the shepherd motif in Psalm 23, Ezekiel 34, Jeremiah 23:1-6, Isaiah 40:11 and Zechariah 11:4-17?
- What are the most effective and sustainable role of the shepherd enshrined in Old Testament relevant to the role of the pastor in the church today?
- Are there adequate translation and interpretation that will correct the misunderstanding and misconception of the shepherd motif which has been subjected to criticism in recent times?