1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Global unemployment causes sleepless night; several government bodies have set up institution that could find solution to the unemployment menace. At times these bodies came up with several committees that government should control population of educational system and compulsory services for graduating youths etc. as means of checking unemployment's rate.
In Africa, particularly Nigeria, unemployment danger or menace have causes the government to come up with several employment schemes like Nation Directorate of Employment (NDE), to provide jobs on its teeming population. However, the government even carried itself reliance programmes so as to impact into its citizenry, the need to develop their initiatives and employ them.
Some states governments were not left out in trying to find solution or its teeming populace. Several employment agencies were set up like Voluntary Services Scheme (VSS) at Anambra State; it is to say that despite all these efforts, no significant results were recorded. No amount of government polices, provisions of human and material subventions training of manpower. Employment of expatriates has been able to improve employment rate.
Like a mustard seed, an ideology that Michael force with European industrial revolution of 18th century, particularly in Britain, not only survival but also was exported to some parts of the world including Nigeria.
Co-operative call of self-mutual help integration of resources to the satisfaction of all contributors' identified need(s). Besides, “No man is an island”, a tree cannot make a forest. People from different background(s) pool their expectations together. The act of carrying out these activities is called co-operative society.
Therefore in Anambra State, Oganiru Age Grade in Nnewi North Local Government Area enhanced this research activity which was conducted as to know the level or impacts of co-operative in reducing unemployment danger.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
In view of the problems the Nigeria government at all level as well as private individual, have recently realized the importance of co-operative business enterprise as vehicle for economic development of co-operative business organization.
The reasons attributed to this situation include lack of finance or initial capital, lack of access to credit facilities among others. It is a well-known fact that in this country, many co-operative organizations only exist in names. This major reason responsible for this state of affairs is low capitalization. With this problem of finance is the mismanagement of funds rampant in most co-operative society.
The dynamic role co-operative society organizations are expected to play in our match to economic greatness and the motivation of entrepreneurs in this direction are being realized at all. This is a great dissonance to our national economy. This problems trigger of the questions;
- Does co-operative business enterprises have enough employment potentials for the ever growing Nigerian population from the pintails from the point of view of Oganiru Age Grade in Nnewi North Local Government Area
- What are the factors hindering the growth of co-operative business enterprise?
- Hold significant is lack of capital and infrastructural facilities in the establishment and operation of co-operative society organization a site relates to Nnewi North Local Government Area.
- What role does government policy play to encourage the establishment of co-operative business enterprises in Nnewi North Local Government Area?
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study
The aim of the study is to examine the Solving Employment Problems Through Cooperative Organization using Nnewi Community in Nnewi North Local Government Area of Anambra State as a case study. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows:
- To find out whether or not cooperative societies have enough potential to generate employment opportunities for the ever-growing population of the nation from the point of view of Oganiru Age Grade.
- To determine the causes of unemployment in the age grade.
- To reveal the problems causes by unemployment to the local government area socio-economic life.
- To identify the types of co-operative societies that will help solve these problems and dangers.
- To proffer solution and recommendations as to the problem of unemployment through the cooperative societies.
- To study the role-played by the co-operative societies in its mandate to tackle the unemployment problem in the local government area.
- To determine factors militating against co-operative societies successful execution of its mandate.
- To find out the type of unemployment prevalent in the local government area.
1.4 Scope of the Study
This study covers the operation and working of co-operative societies with respect to solving the problems of unemployment through Oganiru Age Grade in Nnewi North Local Government Area and also alleviating poverty.
The problems of finance to a great extent have some hindrances on the researcher's ability to collect sufficient information needed for this research work.
Some of the official documents could not be provided for enough/sufficient data as required by the researcher. For instance, the members and staff of the co-operative societies could not give out some documents with required to their operations.
1.5 Research Hypothesis
In order to pursue the objective of this study, the following generalized statements have been designed to guide and aids in obtaining the result for the experiment to be conducted. For this work, the null hypothesis will be represented with H0 while the alternative hypothesis will be represented with hypothesis H1.
Hypothesis One
- H0: Co-operative business enterprises hold no employment opportunities in Nnewi North local government Area.
- H1: Co-operative business enterprises hold employment opportunities in Nnewi North local government Area.
Hypothesis Two
- H0: There is no positive relationship between the establishment of co-operative business enterprise and increase in employment opportunities.
- H1: There is positive relationship between the establishment of co-operative business enterprise and increase in employment opportunities.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The menace “unemployment” has become a threat to the Nigeria society in general if the finding of this study is any thing by there would be of immeasurable value to the following:
- to the unemployment, it will be to know workings of the co-operative societies in the local government. This will go a long way in assisting them secure employment or got themselves employed.
- to the staff of the co-operative societies, this work can serve as a mirror which co-operative staff can see their objective targets, achievements and importantly, people perception of them.
- to the federal government, through this work, the government can use it as a yardistic to measure the effectiveness of co-operative societies.
1.7 Limitations of the Study
During the course of this study, there were some problems encountered which stood as limitations to the research work. Some of the limitations include:
- Work Load:
This work look complex because of courses the researcher is facing in the school and the credit load attached to it, the researcher will be eliminating the research.
- Time Contents:
Time affected this project adversely; undoubtedly, it is because the researcher is combing the projects, assignments, term paper and many other problems, the researcher would have broaded the scope of work.
- Financial Expenses:
Finance affected this project, because the researcher was spending money on transportation, information required by the researcher and many other expenses make for the researcher to achieve what he want for the project.
1.8 Definition of Terms
This is when people are willing to work but they could not find work to do.
It means danger, problems. This is dangers that government have against the unemployment people in the several communities.