1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Of The Study
The successful achievement of cooperate objectives depends on how effectively and efficiently the various groups that make up an organization work towards achieving goals, that are congruent with the established goals of the organization and the motivation of the individuals within the organization. The motivation of the individuals, the qualification of the individuals as regards their various jobs, the work environment and some socio-cultural factors are factors that affect an organization performance.
James and Savilla Smith 1992), state that the values which under pain the great majority of organization and thus, defines success often include money, power and status. In addition behaviour patterns of the people within the work environment of an organization would also affect the efficiency of that organization.
As such it is necessary to understand the attitude of employees in the organization as attitude determines the behaviour of a worker within the work environment. This study however examines the attitude of workers towards female executive with particular reference to an organization like First Bank of Nigeria Plc Owerri and Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) Owerri.
In this context, female executive refers to female in the management cadre in other various departments. The organizational and managerial values in these organizations tend to be characteristics by geterotypical view of women’s role attribute, preferences and commitments. The role of women in Nigeria society has undergone a lot of changes over the years before the advent of Western civilization in the early twentieth century and up to pre-independence.
Nigeria women were predominantly relegated to household and kitchen works. Their major role revolved around child bearing and household management. Women were hardly found in public life, this however was primary due to the general African and Nigeria belief that women are weaker sex. The advents of Western education today gradually expand the role of women from household and kitchen works to the position they occupy today. Before independence, there were few female university graduates in Nigeria. This of course affected the number of women in the place. It is therefore not surprising that the struggles for independence and first republic did not witness many prominent female frontlines politics but after independence the treat of this change.
As a result of female graduates from Nigeria and foreign universities the happiness brought about by the privilege few, witnessed a greater appreciation of the need of women to be educated. This led to women farming various association and union. Women are now becoming more career oriented and entering various business profession, women participation in management is rapidly increasing. This shaking off the cultural and social inhabitations which had hinder to restrict the women’s scope of socialization
Despite all the effort made by the women organization, some religious practice like Islam are against women taking up certain forms of employment rather they prefer their women staying at home even if they want to go out they completely covered with a cloth. It has been observed that male workers within the organization who are affected by their culture and religion beliefs in relations to women, find it difficult to accept women in positions that welll place them or given them authority over men. This study therefore aims at determining the attitudes of workers towards female executive and the effects of those attitudes of the female executives.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
In the recent times, business establishment have been characterized by and organizational culture that has not argued well with the growth and success of the organization which directly or indirectly given a boast to the gender discrimination (against women) within its operation and administration gender discrimination is largely seen in the attitude and behaviour of workers (male and female) towards which are religiously or culturally induced are thus negatively included hence bringing about. In subordination, lack of commitment, negligence, despising authority in hospitable work environment to achieving organizational goals and objectives.
These are all functions of the societal cultural and traditional practices. Thus for any organization to accomplish her goals and objective in any competitive environment, this obnoxious cultural and traditional practices must be jettionshed thus, deemphasizing gender issues a proficiency capability and competence irrespective of the gender be held paramount in attaining success. In the various firms, be it profit and non-profit making organization in Nigeira, there are many females in management position.
These women have made some positive impacts so as to correct a wrong impression people have over them, that they are useful only in the kitchen. They have struggled for and equal opportunity despite some repugnant cultural impediments that have hindered from taking their rightful place in the decision making body. It is quite in controversial that the female folks are indispensable in the management activities in every establishment. A pointer to this fact is the achievement of some noble females such as Dr. Ngozi Okonji Iwuala, the Minister of Finance and Former World Bank Director, who used her position to attract debt relief for our country, Prof. Dora Akunyere who fought the importers of fake drugs to a standstill. Others include Dr. Oby Ezekwesiri former Minister of Education who introduced due process in government offices.
It is in recognition of the indispensable role of female in management cadre that the (UN) in 1975 made a declaration of international years of women with its cardinal point such as equal development and peace. It is no doubt that some of them have distinguished themselves in management positions they have held. They are important keyplayers in the decision making bodies so many female executive have contributed positively to the development are growth of the establishment they are not. The major problems are:
- Low productivity in companies headed by female executives.
- Gross misconduct of workers.
- Too much bureaucratic bottlenecks.
1.3 Objective Of The Study
The aim of this study is to enable us to have and adopt understanding of the nature and effect of the attitude of male and female workers towards female executive by so doing, it enable one to appreciate the overall effects of these attitude on the individual and organization. The objectives are:
- To determine the productivity rate of female executive in organization.
- To determine the extent of gross misconduct of workers in organization headed by female organization.
- To determine the performance rate of female executives in comparison with their male counterparts.
1.4 Research Questions
These will help to guide a definite direction to this study:
- What is the productivity rate of female executive in organization?
- To what extent is the gross misconduct of workers in organization headed by female executives?
- What is the performance rate of female executive in comparison with their male counterpart?
1.5 Significance Of The Study
A study of workers attitudes towards female executive is a field that much work has not really been done. This research is therefore significant in opening up new avenues in the overall understanding organization bahaviour and industrial psychology.
The research will open up a new visit to knowledge which could be used in future for state appraisal and selection in organization. This study is significant in that it helps in determining certain roles female executive could be that achievement of the organizational goal and promotes interpersonal relationship with the organization.
Beneficiaries of the study are
Private Organization:
In this case, the organization has been receiving support from different donors, partners and interested individuals to finance projects and carryout activities. The assistance rendered is vital to save lives of children. The organization therefore extends its gratitude and appreciation to institutions, groups, individuals and association who forward their unreserved support. This humanitarian development activity would not have been possible without your continual help. This research examine the relative success of private, public, and non-profit organization in funding employment for temporary assistance for needy families beneficiaries in Florida.
Government Organization:
Although it is clearly known that poor women, poor elderly people and OVC are the target groups of the projects, there is a need to identify some clear on the basis of which the selection of beneficiaries will give priority to those who are severely in poor living standards. So, the foundation proposed the following selection criteria, subject to be improved (if any) by the responsible selection committee.
The program examines the special roles of NGOs and the challenges they encounter, their relationships with stakeholders (states, non-governemntal organizations and beneficiaries). The internal organization challenges as the changing policy contexts in which NGOs operate. The centre established this innovative programme to our knowledge, the first of its kind anywhere in the word in 1995. It is intended for people who are making or who have the potential to make a significant contribution to the non-governmental sector in the developing world as analysts, policy makers, researchers or practitioners.
In this case, many students usually benefit from the study. Students tend to be drawn from all corners of the world. Countries represented on the course so far include Afghanistan, Armenia, Australia, Brazil, China etc. Some student have come from large well known NGOs such as Action Aid, Care, Red Cross but many are people who are working in small local organization. Not all of our students are necessarily actually working in NGOs, we have also sometimes had people who are part of government or inter-government organizations but who work with the NGOs sector, or from people who are consultants with NGOs.
The Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) also benefit from this particular study. For several years, despite consistent perceived cash investment by the federal government, power outages have been the standard for the Nigerian populace, however citizens for the country still do not see this as normal. Generally, the tariff has been critical as being too low compared to the cost of generating power. The federal government of Nigeria has increased the tariffs to attract foreign investors since the 1st of July, 2010 in order t o meet the growing concern for foreign investors into the electricity sector.
First Bank of Nigeria:
This research has been carried out for over a century distinguished itself as a leading banking institution and a major contributor to the economic development of Nigeria. They benefit in making and creation of bank such as international bank operation a branch was opened in Accra, Gold Coast (Now Ghana) in 1986 and another in Freetown. First Bank of Nigeria introduced a decentralized structure with fire regional administration and this was reconfigured in 1992 to enhance operational efficiency.
1.6 Scope And Delimitation
The scope covers only First Bank of Nigeria Plc Owerri and Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) Owerri.
1.7 Limitations Of The Study
Time was another limitation there was not enough time to embark on an exhaustive study. The starting and submission time was inadequate for this study.
Also a great threat to this study because of this nature require large funds which could not be obtained.
Academic Workload:
Academic workload was another limitation of this research work due to the nature of our lecture from Monday to Friday which provides little time for student to go for the information needed for the research.
Availability of Information:
The major limitation to this study are access to necessary related information due to the organizational set upon employee want to be involved for the fears of queries from superior officers and maybe subsequent termination of the job.
1.8 Definition Of Terms
This is a way how people act as individual and as groups. Behaviour is a goal oriented activities of a person. It is a particular way somebody do things, especially towards others in a specified situation (Oxford Dictionary) 7th Edition.
Anything that impels, propels or energies an individual to behave in a particular way, any force that effect or influence a person’s performance level (Johnee, 1989:2).
Female Executive:
Any female occupying management position or an executive position, that is women in top position.