1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Keyboarding skills as motor skills is defined as the ability of secretaries to key in information in the memories of the computer with minimum effort and energy use. Hames (2000:1) are of opinion that secretaries can be considered as skilled keyboard users when they are able to accurately key in data into the memories of the computer in a minimum time, with minimum use of energy and with high degree of consistency and flexibility.
Keyboarding is a long life skill. It has evolved from a transcription typing skill where secretaries typed hand-written letters into a generative typing skill involving composing original thought at the keyboard, (Cooper, 1983). Technologically, progress and development has not resulted in information being made available and easier, but it has put more pressure on computer user-secretaries to develop skills (such as keyboarding skill) in order to best utilize good business transaction and to improve communication, for example, the use of e-mail to interact with customers through the help of keyboard.
The key to success when living in such a computer-centric world is to be able to interact effectively and efficiently through well-developed keyboarding skills. Unlike the days gone-by Cooper was considered a talent that ensured a secretarial position for typing someone else’s letter, typing has become an integral part of our daily lives, keyboarding is no longer a routine for transferring ideas from scribble to print. The average computer user spends at least 2.4 hours a day actively engaged in computing at work. (Usernomics, 2007).
The most popular types of computer hardware processing which help the user to write and edit memos, letters and reports data management programmes which involve the secretaries to use long list of data and spreadsheet programmes that handle tables and numbers is known as keyboard, (Isosoki, 2000). Secretaries now have these skills to ease their jobs and enhance proficiency and productivity leading to improve access to goods and services. Current computer technologies is mostly controlled using keyboard input in the delivery of service in business enterprises is basically about efficient service delivery.
Business enterprises exist to achieve a set objectives or goal. The secretaries are total persons influence by input received from external factors, example; trade association, political association etc. they are citizen members of the system in any industry and virtually influence demand and supply. In recognition of this, it is then believed that secretaries are unique in their own ways, they play vital roles, need and different level of knowledge and skills; it then becomes imperative for the secretaries to recognize this unique differences.
Hence, good keyboarding skills of secretaries ensure good qualities both in typing out figures that contains customers’ details for documentation and producing error-free of business letters, memos, transcripts etc. in any business enterprise. Keyboarding skills breed coercion which ensure organizational and industries efficiency that leads to organizational success. So any business enterprise that lack keyboarding skills oriented secretary would find it difficult to attain her desire objectives.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The secretaries can be looked upon as vital link in an organization, more than that they are expected to carry out nearly thousand different activities in assisting the executives (Wikdal, 2001). The inability of secretaries to meet up with this expectation has brought frustration to their bosses. A lack of keyboarding skills impedes secretaries in their work because it can turn even a relatively small typing into an arduous and time consuming ordeal. For example extra time and energy are needed to hunt for the right keys.
Fumbling with keys can generates spelling and punctuation errors. Extra time and energy are needed to find and correct typing mistakes. Poor keyboarding skill therefore affect secretaries’ ability to complete a related task, (Johnson & Brine, 2000, McDonald & Foss, 2007). This has equally raised quarrels between the secretaries and their bosses, other employees, customers and the public of which the reason might be lack of good keyboarding skills, more sometimes, these keyboarding skills are not found in secretaries. Therefore, this research work will examine the impact of keyboarding skills on the performance of secretaries in business enterprises.