1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Of The Study
The role and importance of cooperatives is one of the cooperative principle which seek to provide educational training for cooperative members, elected and representative, manager and employee, so that they can contribute effectively to the development of their cooperatives. Its importance cannot be overemphasized in cooperative development, the role and importance of cooperative education stand in the centre of the cooperative movement.
From the inception of early cooperative Rochadale the pioneers of the world cooperative movement, one of the unique tasks, embarked was philosophy and practice of cooperative, even in recent review of cooperative principle in 1966 the traditional co-operative alliance “ICA” re-sated the role and importance of co-operative education as on e of the cardinal principle cooperation.
The co-operative rules, laws and bye-laws of respective co-operative societies and the 1993 co-operative decree stipulated that some percentage of co-operative society surplus should be kept aside for committee members in a body of elected members in co-operative society who handles the affairs and the day to day running of co-operative business enterprise. The importance of management in any organization is axiomatic, and the success or failure of an organization dependent to a great extent on quality of the management committee.
Therefore officer and management of co-operative business enterprise required a more technical education/training to be able to control the management. Moreover, in order to alleviate the problem of illiteracy, ignorance of member, misconduct and poor management, the role and importance of co-operative education and management cooperation development in Imo state must be tenaciously pursued.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
Generally, history of co-operative education in the development countries of the world reveals that the main cause of rickety. Foundation of co-operative is lack of the importance of co-operative education. Lack of the role and importance of co-operative education induces disloyalty of members, high incidence of overdue and unpaid loans, low attendance at meeting, ignorance of members proposals, poor members relations, bad management, low productivity resulting in little or no surplus, poor public image, inability to change with the times and other harmful results.
Lack of education/training and business in experienced limits, the effectiveness of managers, president, secretaries, treasures and other management committee members. Quite often, some together as members pools and importance of co-operative education to equip them for an effective education to equip them for an effective task. Some co-operative societies due to their small size, low membership find it difficult to raise fund sufficient to organized or sponsored special training programmed for their management of co-operative development in Imo state, the role and importance of co-operative education programmed could be taught through seminars, conferences or relevant courses institution of high learning.
1.3 Aim and Objectives Of The Study
The aim of the study is to examine the Importance of Co-operative and Education in Effective Management of Co-operative Enterprises. From the research carried out, the following objectives of the study are discussed as follows.
- To assess the roles of education and communication towards effective management of co-operative enterprises.
- To examine the impact of education and communication in co-operative management.
- To assess the relationships between co-operative education and effective management of co-operative enterprises.
- To assess the problem or difficulties effecting co-operative education and communication.
- To outline possible solution to the problem.
1.4 Research Questions
From the objective of the study the research question are as follows:
- What are the roles of co-operative education and communication towards effective management of co-operative enterprises?
- What are the impact of co-operative education and communication towards effective management of co-operative enterprise?
- What is the relationship that exist between co-operative education and effective management?
- What are the problem effectively co-operative education and communication?
- What is the possible solution to this problem?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
- H0: There is no significant relationship between Co-operative and Education in Effective Management of Co-operative Enterprises
- H1: There is a significant relationship between Co-operative and Education in Effective Management of Co-operative Enterprises
1.6 Significance Of The Study
According of the statement of the international co-operative alliance (ICA) in its 1972 congress, all co-operative societies should make provision for the importance for co-operative education for their employees as well as general public, in the principles and techniques of co-operative both economics and democratic (Agbo 1992).
This study aims as solving the problem of acute shortage of managerial man-power, it is also aims as facilitating co-operative development through web designed articulated and functional, the education mass enlightenment and publicity.
1.7 Scope Of The Study
The study covers a limited number of selected primary co-operative societies in Orsu local government area. This study focuses on the role and importance of co-operative education towards co-operative management of co-operative business enterprise. It is certain that it has not been easy for the development or establishment of co-operative societies in Orsu local government area which will form a basis for valid generalization of all co-operative societies in Nigeria, with regards to the role and importance in Orsu local government area.
1.8 Limitation Of The Study
However, the following factors were the limitation of the study:
- Lack Of Finance: The main factor that can disorganize the effort was lack of finance. To take a wide study on the role and importance of co-operative education toward co-operative business enterprise of co-operative societies in Orsu local government requires a huge sum of money will enable the researcher travel far and wide, searching for valuable materials, information to work with.
- Inadequate Research Materials: The materials relating to this project were scarce and difficult to lay hands on, however best use was made of what was available.
1.9 Definition Of Terms
- A Co-Operative: Is an autonomous association of persons' unit voluntary to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise (ICA). In 1995 during the centenary marked one hundred years of the existence of formal co-operative in the world.
- Education / Training: Is a process of designed to give knowledge and develop skills. This is the fifth (ICA) representative management of their co-operative. It is also an academic focused program which allows students to obtain professional work experience while still in college. It is a unique opportunity for student to apply their academic preparation to real world situations in business and industry.
- Management Of Co-Operative Business Enterprise: The government body of a registered co-operative society to whom the management of its affairs in entrusted.
- Co-Operative Education: Is a technique of learning that many perceive as being proffered over competitive situation. The concept is that of “divided we fall, united we stand” (Johnson, Johnson and Smith 1991).
- Co-Operative Education: May be defined as a structured program in which period of related work experience. At the secondary level, co-operative, members usually attended classes for past of the ay and part of work for the day. This is designed for co-operative members to enable them to be experts and have the knowledge and skills in order to competitive in the market environment.
- Co-Operative: Is a legal entity owned and democratically controlled by its members. Members often have a close association with the enterprise as producers or consumers of its productivity or service or as its employers.