1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
The term “Quality Control” originated in the united state in the mild to late 1950 Hurdrins, (1922). The First reference to the term appeared in an article by Eugnebaum and again in his quality control as perceived by its quality is a complex concept that has been universally accepted in and inspection theory as key to providing customer satisfaction and company profitability.
There is quality going on in business today because the major value customer expect from seller is higher product and quality. Many product buyers can no longer accept or tolerate average quality.
Kottler (2003) says that, if companies want to be competitive and profitable, they must adopt “Quality control inspection” because product and service quality customer satisfaction and company's profitability are ultimately connected. Quality system has been evolving rapidly in recent years.
Over the past twenty years. Sample inspection activities have been replaced or supplemented by quality control. Quality assurance has along side been developed and refunded, and the most progressive companies are now towards quality control and inspection. This is as a result of, the major customers.
- The loss of market share to competitors
- Public cash students which focus on how companies have set about developing quality control and benefit of doing so.
- The teachings of internationally respected quality expert such as Eiegnebaum, Taguchi, Huran.
The concept ‘quality control' is basically new to managers, its practice control and inspection is mar concept of quality control and inspection is more common to modern and inspection through varying in definition.
Many literatures have been produced as a result of the widened interest in the subject matter of quality control and business process improvement. There is so many literatures covering the subject matter and its various aspects continuous cost reduction, productivity and quality improvement have proved essential for organization to stay in operation.
Quality has developed into the most important competitive weapon, furthermore, many organizations have come to realize that quality control and inspection is a way of managing business process to ensure complete customer satisfaction at every stage (Levit 1994)
Because firms must move from satisfying the customer to delighting the customer. Organization delight customer by consistently meeting customer requirement and achievement a reputation from excellence. All members of the organization importance to look together on a company wide quality improvement basic to be able to meet this goal.
The quality standard issue is not limited only to store contents, public institution like hospital, educational institution, transportation agencies etc are equally faced with quality problem.
1.2 Statement of Problem
It is the purpose of this study to determine if there is a relationship between knowledge and the importance for quality control and inspection. This is why the organization may be aware of the concept ‘quality control' and at what rate of the organization. What is the cause of this trend is part of our problem.
The longer a method of operating is in practice, the more likely it is either accepted or abandoned based on its merit and demerit. Quality and inspection has not been rejected in theory and practice. Since inception, rather improvements are being made intermittently or as the important arise.
Having been generally accepted, therefore what gains have been made by the organization that has adopted this new and inspection style? The general view or motion what only organization with existing managerial problem importance to switch to quality control and inspection can only be accepted or refused after a rigorous enquiring into our study. Switched to practice of total and inspection and why along the side. The gain OR benefit derived from the change to quality control and inspection.
Another problem is that its importance to know how if the practice of quality control has brought about an improvement in the organization product. The concept of customer and supplier in an organization is limited to the interface between the suppliers of raw material to the organization.
This concept is limited in its use, if that be the case as evidence in the fact that every one in the organization is both a supplier and customer to another person in the same organization (Oakland 1993), lack of knowledge of which may frustrated the importance for quality control and inspection.
Understand of such quality control principle will improve organizational operations or business process. To what extent are such principles understand, accepted and practiced.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
Specially this research aims at evaluating in the following:
- The level of awareness of quality control in Michelin Nigeria Limited.
- The extent of practice of quality control in Michelin Nigeria Limited.
- Determine the extent to which the practice of quality control has brought about the achievement of organization objectives.
- Providing a background for further research in this area, in River State and Nigeria.
1.4 Significant of the Study
It is the pertinent to stress this research work will be of a great benefit to the following categories namely: Managers, Consumers and Researchers.
this research work will make managers to be customer oriented and understand the essence of emphasizing on quality service as a means of surviving stiff competition. Also it will guide managers in providing quality service content.
It will make customers to know their right on qualitative demand. Also it will create an environment in which quality service will be the expectation of the customer at all time.
It helps to discover problems area as regard to the service rendered to customer and how to tackle such problems with the practice of quality control. It will also serve as a foundation for further studies on the field of study.
1.5 Research Question
- To what extent has the organization's product quality improved since the practice of quality control.
- Has there been an improvement in the level of out put since adoption of quality control.
- To what extent has waste level reduced since the practice of quality control?
- How has the general efficiency level improve with the practice of quality control?
1.6 Scope of the Study
This research work will be able to cover the following areas.
- The area of improvement in product quality in Michelin Nigeria Limited.
- The area of improvement in the level of output in Michelin Nigeria Limited.
- It will also focus on reduction in the waste level of the company used as a case study.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
Like every other human endeavors, this study was not without some problem. The success and the completion of this research study was determined by well.
Firstly, time was not on my side as the day of submission was so close. Distance was another problem as I was not able to travel for materials frequently. Another problem was finance as I share my income between the research and other academic importance, therefore there was no enough income to enable me gathers more facts about the research.
Yet another problem is unwillingness of some official of the company under study to disclose relevant information about their business, in some cases, the information they would not disclose become almost sufficient to frustrate the study.
The last but not the least of the problem is that majority of the Libraries around are not well stocked especially with text books dealing with the subject matter of the study, this also posed difficulty and almost discourage the writer.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Quality Policy:
Quality policy is a laid down principle that gives guideline to senior managers to achieve quality level specified by the organization.
Quality Control:
Can be described as quality that an organization, society, or community does which in the eyes of other determines the reputation on a competitive basis with best alternative.
Quality Control and Inspection:
Can be described as a business philosophy that seeks until all the employee of the firm on a collective responsibility for attaining high quality standard in both product supplied by the firm and attention paid to customers services requirement.
Quality System:
This is the organization structure, responsibilities, procedure, and process for implementing quality and inspection.
Is the totality of the attribute inherent in a product that bears up its ability to meet the requirement of buyers or customers.
Quality Control:
This is the term use in Japan; which translate as total quality, and goes far beyond the parameter of quality control, this is because the “control” implies that there is a plan
- Performance of plan doing.
- Comparison between plan and performance checking.
- Corrective action on the difference.
Quality Assurance:
This is concerned with the establishment and maintenance of documented producers. Design to ensure the product always conforms to customers or buyers requirement.