1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Communication is one of the most frequent discussed concepts in the entire field of organization and managing. However, it is seldom clearly understood. As people, society, business organization, academic institutions gather in small and large groups, they interact. This means interaction is communication.
Effective communication is a pre-requite for the attainment of organizational goal, but it has remained one of biggest problems facing modern management communication it is an extremely broad topic and of course, it is not restricted to the management field.
Melntyre (1993) is of the view that communication is pivotal in development process because it caters to human dimension. How efficient and healthy a business is determined through its communication process and how effective communication is said to be effective when there is successful transfer of information and understanding from asender to receivers.
As management creativity, communication is an extremely important skill, which is yet to be mastered by managers in order to provide the information and human understanding necessary for group effort. Also to provide the attitude appropriate for proper motivation and job satisfaction, better communication absolutely necessary. No organization however small, can operate successful without adequately communication between its members.
As a business grow in size, the needs for adequate communication become more obvious.
There are two aspects of the problems of organizational communication firstly the manager's expertise in transmitting ideas, or instruction to other persons or group of people is such a way as to ensure that the recipient of the information knows. Exactly what he is expected to do. Here manager's expertise is necessary because if language is not correct, they what is said is not what we meant, then what ought to be done remains undone. Surprisingly, not everyone in managerial position is good at expressing himself either verbally or in writing.
The second fact of communication which management must take positive steps to achieve is the communications that replaces secrecy, often, this secrecy is unintentional. If communication is neglected, the organizations deprive itself of some very important benefit that could be derived from progressive communication programmes.
For an organization to accomplish its objectives, there must be communication between the members in performing their duties and responsibility for any organization or business, be it private or public of successfully meet up its set objective communication should not be over looked, an environment for political misunderstanding is created. Management should therefore, realize that employees must not be only be will informed concerning their work, but since they do not have a stake in success of the organization they also want to be well informed about matters which affect them directly or indirectly on the job.
This imposes specific responsibilities on management to communicate information affecting the organization and job security of employees. This property enables employees to feel that they are part of the organization, that is, that they are working with it, not just for it. A constant efficient communication networking with it, it necessary for subordinate needs and goods.
If this is not present, the group affect that is necessary for organization effectiveness is hampered. Lack of this information promotes an atmosphere of secrecy and distrust as it happened in most Federal and State ministers where all files are secret and confidential. So effective communication is the life blood of every organization and has always provided advantages to those who possess it and to the business public image (Murphy Hide Brandt, Thomas 1997:4). However, this is an important channel of ensuring that the aims and objectives of the firm as well as policy guide havereached all and sundry in the organization. It is therefore against this background that the study is focusing on the use of communication as a tool for achieving corporate objective.
Brief History of Imo State Ministry of Education
The Imo State Ministry of Education is the government body that directs education in Imo State. It was established in 1988, its functions include formulating a state policy on education, collecting and calculating data for the purpose of educational planning and financing, maintaining uniform standards of education throughout the state, controlling, and the quality of education in the state through the supervisory roleof the inspectorate service department within the ministry, harmonizing educational policies and procedures of all the local governments in the state. It is located at the 2ndFloor of the State Secretariat Complex, Owerri.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Communication has been signed out for special emphasis in recent years. A great deal has been said and written about the roles of communication in the managerial process and most often, it has been treated as a problem or psychological problem or a problem in language and social skills.
Communication is cited as being at the root of most problems of the world. Problem of communication is given as the explanation for industrial disputes and organizational conflict.
Ineffective communication within an organization means that team work and collaboration on specific tasks is less efficient. And misunderstanding leads to anxiety, frustration and possibly anger and then poor job satisfaction. When this exist in an organization as a result of poor communication.
There will be low productivity or decreased productivity the sole aim of every business organization is to increase productivity as such make profit, since communication is a tool for achieving corporate objectives, the research wants to find out how ineffective communication linens the realization of this corporate and also to finds solution to it.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of this study is to determine the role of communication in achieving corporate objective the specific objective includes:
- To examine the problems posed by poor communication.
- To examine the communication channels provided for in the organizational structure and assess their effectiveness.
- To identify communication gaps in the organization which must be closed to realize set goals.
- To assess the roles an effective communication might play on productivity of business organization.
1.4 Research Questions
The study is guided by the following research questions:
1. What is the relationship between communication and corporate objective?
2. How does communication structure affect productivity?
3. How does communication lead channels affect organization performance?
4. What is the relationship between communication process and employees relations?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
Ho1: Communication process does not have significant relationship with employee performance.
Ho2: Communication processes have significant relationship with employee performance.
Ho1: Mechanism does not have significant relationship with productivity.
Ho2: Feedback mechanism has significant relationship with productivity.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The completion of this research study will be immense benefit to managers and workers in organization/companies. It serves as a tool for achieving effective managers performances. The most important contribution of the work is that it will provide an insight on how effective communication between managers and their subordinates can improve the workers attitude to work positivity there by increasing organization productivity.
1.7 Scope of the Study
Notwithstanding, the areas of the study covered during this research work, the study was greatly affected certain constraints within the tie limit. The following limitations are inherent in other study.
Time Constraints: This research was constraint by time limit. This posed a threat to the successful coverage intended in the course of its study.
Cost Factor: it is unusual that the preventing economic predicament posed great problems in procuring the whole material information and other relevant statistical data.
However, the researcher was able to scale through the hurdles in availing herself the relevant data constraints here in.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Here an attempt is made to define these terms operationally:
Effective Communication:
There is a successful transfer of information which must have meaning and understanding from a sender to a receiver.
Business means organized effort enterprises to supply customers with goods and services. It also means the activity of making buying, selling or supplying things for profit. It can be also well defined as an activity that two or more people undertakes that gives satisfaction.
The process of transferring back in to ideas, react to it and send a feedback where necessary. This is the ultimate distinction of the message.
The information which the activator of communicator of communication sends across the receiver message maybe spoken or written
The act of conveying the thought and feeling to other reactions in accordance to the purpose, system and manner of the act.
The reply that comes to the sender by the receiver whether positive or negative.
The Channel:
The medium or method through which the message is sent to its target from the sender.