1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
In introduction topic a survey of the strategies for improving the functionalities of ins service training of secretaries in a modern business organization in Enugu state, we must first understand when in-service training is all about.
There are many definition of in service training but I will highlight on just a few in order to see ways of improving its functionalities for a modern secretary.
Otto and Sender (1964) stated that in service training is a continued education of person while they are in service.
Hass (1964) stated that in service training include all activities engaged by professional personnel during service and designed to contribute to professional improvement.
Dillon Peterson (1981) defines in service training and professional growth for individuals within a respectful, supportive, positive organizational climate having as its ultimate aim to better learning. Having seen the definitions of in service training, ,let us consider the strategies f improving its functionalities.
The aim of in service training for the secretaries being to help them overcome many challenges posed to them by the modern technologies such as computers, fax machines, word processors etc. To now improve the functionalities of this training for secretaries it becomes imperative to train them in the use of these equipment to enhance their productivity and efficiency
To also improve on the functionalities of in service training for secretaries in a modern business organization, such must be well articulated and well designed toward personal and organizational goals.
According to Wyn Reilay (1979) he said that there are two schools of thought as to the extent the design and running of their services We are more interested in the second school of thought which agrees that trainees should participate in determining what should constitute an in service training for them. For it helps to develop a sense of responsibilities.
Granti8ng study leave instead of on the job training will improve the functionalities of in service training of secretaries in no small measures, in that they will have enough time to consulate on the training and also remove stress which will not help in the training.
Attachment of incentives like promotion, monetary reward etc, can as well enhance the functionalities of in service training of secretaries. The type of personnel assigned to conduct the training will equally in no small measure improve the functionalities of this training, seeing that in service training si a two way course that really involves a trainee and a tutor. How the tutor handles the course will go a long way to arouse the interest and dedication of the trainees. Using qualified personnel will in turn bring in new motivation, fresh insights, whose teaching techniques is based on many years if experience will impact and improve the functionalities of in service training of secretaries in a modern business organization in Enugu sate.
A good communicator is equally a great asset to this course of study.
1.2 Statement of Problem
The inability of employers to send their staffs for in servuice training posses a lot of problem and pulls down efficiency and productivity.
Most modern business organizations in Enugu state lack qualified secretaries. They employ secondary school leavers as secretaries, when they don't even know who a secretary is not to talk of what her duties are. There in experience and lack of training posses a great problem as to what assets of training to give them.
The establishment of staff development and distant education for staff training is one thing but lack of facilities,, non chalet attitude of employers and lack of funds are militating against the up-liftment of such projects like in service training of secretaries.
Some of these employers lack adequate knowledge as to how in service training can really improve their workers and in turn bring about greater productivity and efficiency
Selfishness and greediness is another problem facing the improvement of the functionalities of in service training og secretaries in modern business organizations in Enugu state in that over use these secretaries and at the same time pay them very little amount of money as salary, which makes it difficult for such secretaries to go for in service training and when the attempt to attend one is usually not a very qualitative one and the result is usually learning little of nothing at all.
These days, people are mainly interested in the acquiring of certificates and not really on skill acquisition of learning what they are suppose to learn. In this situation, such secretaries will inevitably receives what they have asked for which is inadequate training.
Considering the above background, the study therefore, awareness should be created in the need for improved functionality of in service training of secretaries in modern business organizations in Enugu state, to be able to promote efficiency and increase productivity.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The study is therefore designed to
- Examine the literature on in service training of secretaries with the intension of improving the functionalities of in service training of secretaries in modern business organization in Enugu state.
- Determine if secretaries in modern business organization in Enugu state are given adequate training
- Determine the need for improving the functionalities of in service training of secretaries in modern business organizations in Enugu state,.
- Create awareness on the needs of employing qualified secretaries and on he need of sending them for an improved in service training.
- Offer immediate and long term suggestion for the improvement of the functionalities of in service training of secretaries in modern business organizations.
1.4 Research Questions
This study will seek to answer the following questions
- What literature can be examined to improve the functionalities of in service training of secretaries in modern business organizations in Enugu state?
- How far are secretaries in modern business organization given adequate training?
- To what extent is the need to improve the functionalities of in service training of secretaries in modern business organization in Enugu state?
- What level of awareness is to be created in the needs of employing qualified hands in modern business organizations and on the need of sending them for an improved in service training programmes?
- What immediate and long term suggestion should be offered for the improvement of the functionalities of in service training of secretaries in modern business organizations in Enugu state?
1.6 Significance of the Study
This study is significant for the following reasons
- It will go a long way in helping to create the necessary awareness required of employers in achieving an improved in service training of their secretaries, for an improved functionalities of these secretaries. Thee by making them more productive and deficient in their jobs to the benefit of the employers and to their joy and satisfaction.
- It will help build the desire for self development as the secretaries are provided with the opportunity of self evaluation, which will in-turn move them to strive for greater competence in their job to the benefits of the employers.
- This study will serve as a guide and also as a motivational tool for both the secretaries and the employers of labor in modern business organization in Enugu state.
- This will help the Nigerian labor congress to put-up a common front and fight against mediocrity in the employment and training (in service) of the secretaries in modern business organizations in Enugu state, thereby creating job opportunities for qualified secretaries and creating good ground for qualitative and improved in service training of same.
- The study is significant in that it will help our policy makers take into account the strategies of improving the functionalities of in service training of secretaries in modern business organizations ion the state, thereby formulating development plans to favor them. The policy makers can even go to the point of making a uniform and standard rule on how the in service training of secretaries in modern business organizations in the state should be carried out. This in turn will put the secretaries in the lime-light and also make for their better utilization
- It will take away redundancy and make the secretaries feel fulfilled.