I.0 Introduction:
Business Education programs are part of the total educational program in Nigeria.
Co-ordinated efforts on the part of business educations, school administration and guidance counsellors have brought the necessary changes. High-quality have been developed. Though, both the academic and vocational aspects of the present program should be carefully examined today’s students.
1.1 Background Of Study:
Prior to the Nigerian Civil War, business school existed in all parts of Nigeria for the training of youths in secretarial and clerical duties. When the states took over the control of education in 1971, most business school were merged with secondary business grammar schools. Today, there is an emergent shift in emphasis and orientation towards a more functional approach to secondary education, which better fulfils the socio-economic needs of the nation secondary schools are encourage to introduce, practical subjects such as typewriting, book-keeping, shorthand, office clerical and secretariat practice, accounting and economics.
It was also observed that in the year past before the introduction of modern methods some teachers of business studies in secondary schools applied orthodox methods to teach the students. More so, it equally observe that the teachers who had proper training refused to make of the appropriate method of teaching which could be as a result of short lesson period, lack of materials, conducive environment and bad economic situation of the country. All of which have resulted in preventing the students from understanding the subject. The subject matter is very important; this is why every teacher must be prepared. Who so ever lack this orientation either in higher institution or outside seminars would not be able to apply appropriate methods which are suitable for the teaching of the subjects in both primary and secondary schools.
This research is therefore designed to examine the method of teaching business studies in CMS Grammar School Bariga.
I.2 Statement Of Problem:
The used to impact knowledge of business studies to student have continue to decline. This should be a concern to many business educators and school authorities at large to see the number of yearly enrolment of the students offering the subject in secondary school and higher institution.
In effect, there are good numbers of questions which the good number will like to investigate on in order to find solutions to the problem. These are, what is business studies as a whole, who are involve to teach it, what are the method to enhance the teaching and what are the reason for the low performance and enrolment in the subject.
These are all questions of concerns which bring to this investigation in secondary schools’ needs.
I.3 Research Question:
For the purpose of this research the following question are put forward
- What methods of business studies teachers apply in teaching?
- Do these methods have good effect on the students to achieve their goals in the business studies?
- Do teachers of business studies have the knowledge of pre-handled pedagogical teaching methods?
- If yes, do they really apply them while teaching?
- Are the students inspired to further more on Business Studies in higher institution?
1.4 Purpose Of Study:
- To disclose the applicable methods used in teaching business studies in secondary schools.
- To find out if the method are really effective.
- To find out if the teacher have the pedagogical experience in their teaching qualification.
- To assess the impact of the methods used on the students those are offering business studies
1.5 Significance Of The Study:
- The study will enable teachers to know the right methods to use in teaching business studies in secondary school.
- This study is relevant in the sense that there is need to increase knowledge in the area of the methods been used.
- It is also significant in the sense that it will enable the teacher training college to intensify effort on assessing the performances of their students while on teaching practice (TP).
- The study will also serve as a help to show the outcome of the method been used at the end of the lesson.
- It will also enlighten the school authorities to employ quality teachers to the subjects.
1.6 Scope Of The Study:
This study covered only selected secondary schools in Bariga Local Government Area of Lagos state (CMS Grammar School Bariga). This investigation cannot exceed this area due to the financial situation on transport fair, time factor and to avoid delay on how to collect data for the effectiveness of the study.
1.7 Formulation Of The Hypothesis:
A hypothesis is a conjectural statement of the relationship between two or more variables, hypotheses are always in declarative sentence form and they relate either generally or specifically, variables to variables. They tend to serve as assumed answers to his principal questions, the correctness of which he assesses, in the course of his study.
Hypothesis is classified into null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis specifies that there is no relationship between two or more variables which is denoted by the symbol Ho while the alternative hypothesis specifies that conditions under which two or more variables differ, and it is usually denoted by the symbol H1.
Ho: The teacher does not show the effectiveness and efficiency of method teaching business studies in secondary schools.
H1: The teachers show the effectiveness and efficiency of method of teaching business studies in secondary schools.
1.8 Limitation Of The Study:
The survey of this study is within CMS Grammar School Bariga, which will make the work to be effective for the researcher to gather actual facts, and to save time and transport fair.
1.9 Definition Of Terms:
Business is the buying of goods and services while study is to learn about a subject usually at school or university, study can also be define as “finding out information” is when someone studies a subject in details in order to discover new information.
As defined by the Cambridge Learners Dictionary.
Therefore, BUSINESS STUDIES : Is define as a subject taught in both junior and senior secondary schools which deals with finding out information on buying and selling of goods and services either in school or any organisation. The studies comprises of office practice, commerce, typewriting, shorthand, accounting or book -keeping.
Definition of The Above Studies.
Office Practice:
It is a central point or an administrative centre of any living organisation where clerical activities takes place e.g record, give out information, analyse and save guard.
Could be define as a science, which studies the behaviour of man in relation to the system of trade and distribution as well as the operations and the mechanics of the ancillary agencies as they relate to trade and distribution. Commerce involve trade and aids to trade. To involve buying and selling of goods and services while aids to trade include banking, transporting, communication, warehousing, insurance and advertising.
It can be refer to as a course of study which equip the student with typing skills and techniques so as to be able to produce reliable copies of a variety of document on the typewriter. Typewriting is generally describe as the act of printing on paper by means of the typewriter.
It represents a spoken sounds by written signs. Writing by signs means writing words as they are pronounced and not according to long hand spelling.
Can be defined as that process, science, art or system of recording, analysis, classifying, summarizing, interpreting and reporting financial transaction or acting information of a business enterprise or an organisation so as to assist the management or users in planning and control coordination and decision making in a given period.
Book- Keeping:
Is the art of recoding business transactions in terms of money or money’s worth between individuals and institution in other words it can be the act of recording an organisations transactions in the books of accounts.