1.1 Background To The Study
It is indisputable true that man has almost complete dominion over all things on earth, yet he has remained subjected to physical, biological and social environmental problems which he created. Non-communicable diseases (NCDS), also known as chronic diseases are not contagious or transferable from one person to person. But it is contacted individually; they are four main types of non-communicable diseases that occur among the youths which are cardiovascular diseases (like heart attack and stroke), cancers, and chronic reparatory diseases (such as chronic obstructed pulmonary diseases and asthma) and diabetes, and others include hypertension, trauma, mental disorder, fractures, malnutrition, poisoning, fibromyalgia etc which in effect leads to damage of vital cells and tissues which may even leads to death. Non-communicable diseases have many different causes but they are never caused by bacterial, germs or other living organisms that attack the body, they are never spread from one person to person (WHO, 2002 and 2010).
In the year 2010, there was an estimated number of 80 million deaths globally, of which 90% was due to non-communicable diseases, 1.7 millions deaths was as a result from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) especially coronary heart diseases (CHD), and stroke, 7.6 million from cancer, 42 million from chronic respiratory diseases, and almost 1.3 million from diabetes (WHO Global Status Report on Non-Communicable Diseases, 2010:411). Mental health problems are leading contributions to the burden of disease in many countries and contributes substantially to the incidence and severity of many non-communicable diseases including VUD and cancer.
Non-communicable diseases contribute substantially to youth (adult) mortality. It adds to health inequalities within Benin City, mainly affecting population largely because of inequalities in the distribution of major risk factor (Mackenbach, 2004). This topic will enhance the youths in Benin City on how to prevent and control the causes of non-communicable diseases among them. Especially through the making in of tobacco and alcohol which damages the respiratory system and heart against the pumping of oxygenated blood for the use of the body.
1.2 Statement Of The Problems
The problem associated with non-communicable diseases among youths in Benin City varies from one person to another. Health problem are associated with poverty, poor diet, and lack of essential resources among these are inadequate clean water, shelter, food, educational orientation and clean air. In addition, many developing countries and poor population are facing health problems. This is true of diseases especially non-communicable diseases. Globalization is an important determinant of non-communicable diseases epidemics since it has direct effects on national economic and health system (Moffow, R. H., 2002).
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
The purpose of this study is to examine the cause and effects of non-communicable diseases among youths in Benin City. Also to determine the ways which they can be prevented, controlled and treated.
1.4 Research Questions
- Does environmental factors increase the incidence of non-communicable disease among youths?
- Does the knowledge of health education help to prevent and control non-communicable diseases among youths?
- Does the educational qualification of parents enhances the reduction of the incidence of non-communicable diseases among youths?
- Do non-communicable diseases increases as a result of life style like intake of tobacco?
- Does poverty of parents and lack of essential resources in the community increase the incidence?
- Does parental gene increase the incidence of non-communicable diseases among youths?
1.5 Significance Of The Study
The findings of this research will be beneficial to youths, students, parents, school administrators, health institutions and other concerned individuals. It will help to educate youths and create awareness about non-communicable diseases, the causes and effects and possible prevention and controls. It will enlighten the government and the ministry of education and the health sectors the need for seminars and training on non-communicable diseases.
1.6 Scope Of The Study
This study is restricted to causes and effects of non-communicable diseases among youths in Benin City. The investigation is restricted to the following areas and quarters in Benin City.
- Ogbe Street
- Ebiwe Street
- Marine Street
- Obazee Street
- Plymount Street
- Uzama Street
1.7 Limitation Of Study
In the course of this research, there were problems of finance and high transport rates. Also time factors and other academic commitment hinder the smooth execution of the research.
1.8 Definition Of Terms
This is the condition of subjects with wide spread narrowing of the bronchial air ways which changes in severity over short period of time (either spontaneously or under treatment) and leads to cough, wheezing and difficulty in breathing.
This is a way malignant tumor, including carcinoma and sarcoma. It arises from the abnormal and uncontrolled decision of cells that then invade and destroy the surrounding tissues
This is a departure from normal health and is a disorder with a specific causes and recognizable signs and symptoms.
This is a departure from normal health and is a disorder with a specific causes and recognizable signs and symptoms.
This is any disorder of metabolism causing excessive thirst and the production of large volume of urine.
This is a disorder characterized by pain in the fibrous tissue component of muscles without any inflammation.
This is a high blood pressure elevation of the arterial blood pressure above the normal range expected in a particular age group.
This is the condition that develops when the body doesn’t get the right amount of the vitamin, minerals and other nutrient it needs to maintain health tissues and organ functions.
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDS):
These are diseases that is non-infectious and non-transmissible among people.