1.0 Introduction
Surface waters are subjected to pollution. The discharge on the Nworie River from waste water contains various contaminants that are very hazardous on people using the water for domestic purposes and life of aquatic animals in the river. These harmful components accumulate over time in the river. An integrated approach for the evolution of the impact of waste water effluents was used to enumerate an ecological risk assessment to Nworie river.
The effluents from industrial areas were discharge too closely into Nworie river Biological treated industrial effluents creates great amount of barely biodegradable organic pollution, organic nitrogen, ammonia, phosphorus and sometime zinc. The toxicity of effluents was mostly dependent of chemical composition. The municipal discharge contained great amount of organic compound that was completely biodegraded and is still had a great nutrient pollution loaded.
The harmful substances from the effluent were traced in the river down stream site slightly higher concentration of organic pollutants, organic nitrogen, phosphorus and zinc were detected due to discharge. In toxicity test, samples of the river waste were toxic. Sediments at the down stream. Site accumulated from discharge organic phosphorous or zinc. So it is obvious we must reduce the quantity of nutrients in the effluent waste water. in both effluent, it will be necessary to reduce the limiting elements for growth of algae and macrophytes in the river.
Every community produces both liquid and solid waste. The liquid portion waste water is essentially the water supply of the community after it has been fouled by a variety of users from one stand point of source of generating waste water . may be defined as a combination of one liquids or water carried waste that was removed from residence, institution, commercial and industrial establishment together with such ground water, surface water, storm water as may be present.
If untreated waste water is allowed to accumulate the decomposition of the organic material content can lead to the production of large quantities of malodorous gasses. in addition, untreated waste water usually contain numerous pathogenic or diseases causing microorganism that dwell in the humans intestinal tracks or that maybe present in certain industrial waste.
waste water also contains nutrient which can stimulate the growth of aquatic plants, and it may contain toxic compounds for this reason, the immediate and nuisance free removal of waste water from its source of generation followed by treatment and disposal, is not only described but also necessary in an industrialized society.
1.1 Background of the Study
Surface water has been a source of water which is put into several uses. It can be stream, river or sea. The source of this form of water collection has been through perception , ground water movement etc. not minding the fact that surface water is been put into various important uses, it is sometimes especially in the developing countries being contaminated by the uncontrolled discharge of foul water (sewage) or other organic materials.
These sewage discharges can be categorized in the following groups.
(A) Domestic Sewage:
These comprise sullage is waste water from personal washing, laundry, kitchen as regards for preparation and body waste.
(B) Industrial Sewage:
These have many treatment methods being developed to deal with health and environment concerns associated with it. The background of this study looks into Nworie River as a source of water for the neighboring community and is being polluted with waste water; careful assessment of the health and environmental effects becomes important in this report to know the level for which this water is polluted.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Water quality issues arises when increasing amount of waste water are discharged to water bodies that are eventually used as a water disposers. The water of Nworie river are used for domestic and industrial water supply and a repository for the resulting untreated water. significant questions remain about the testing and level of treatment necessary to protects human health where the commingling source result in an indirect portable use. This research work looks into the health and environmental problems encountered in using this river as a source of water supply for variously used.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
This project has been designed with the objectives of finding out exactly, the components of the discharged urine, soil origin organisms. Fecal, organic matters, (sullage) from federal medical centre (F M C) and Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education (A I F C E) Owerri, and their effect on the quality of water at Nworie river
Also the sole objective of this project is to know exactly the health implication these sorts of degradation to the user of the river, people living around the area. And most importantly to give solution to the problems observed in the course of this study and also give reasonable answers to the research questions.
1.4 Study Area
Nworie River is located at the back of federal medical centre (F M C) and Alvan Ikoku Federal College of education (A I F C E) Owerri Imo State. The waste water from these areas is discharged to the receiving river through an open channel drain down to the river (Nworie river).
These waste water discharged may contain some toxic compound such as organic nitrogen, ammonia, chloride increasing the ph of the river, nitrate etc. this research works studies this area and tries to know the effect these waste water on the receiving river and also the health implication of the people using water from this river for one use or the other.
1.5 Scope of the Study
There are several forms of surface water pollution which are caused either through discharged from waste discharging channels, sewage run- offs or even through infiltration and seepage of mineral constituents. This research work will study all this forms of contamination with respect to the federal medical centre (F M C) and as the source of contamination.
It will also give the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the water and waste water and compared them with the world health organization (WHO) standard.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The significant of this study is to:
Prepare a paper that will serve as an academic tool to help student that will handle such a related project with confidence.
Help in solving the problem of waste water discharge in a river.
Create an awareness of the health implication of untreated water to the public.