1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background to the study
Research on competencies went to analyze, understand and explain the importance of managerial competencies in the organizations. Many studies showed that competencies is a cluster of the related knowledge, skills characteristics and attitudes that correlates with effective performance and are able to be measured evaluated, and strength through training and development programs it is consider as a common term for employees to assert their working and show the real activities (Berge et al., 2002). Every business organization need effective managers to be successful in today's highly competitive and dynamic business environment.
It is very important for a business organization to identify, develop, and retain talented people. Every successful and effective manager possesses several competencies that enabled him to perform efficiently and effectively at different managerial levels. Management occurs within any type of organizational context where human and physical resources are combined to achieve certain objectives. Managerial competencies play today an important role in different types of organizations.
The Competencies can detect the differences between average and excellent managers. The relationship between managerial competences and business success still remains an important issue within organizational literature (Crook et al., 2011). Competencies can give companies their competitive advantage over their competitors. This can be achieved through companies developing competencies that are not easily transferable from one business to another. Competencies can also be called maturing when they are no longer relevant to the firm's strategic positioning. Some core competencies that are difficult to duplicate can be developed through the firm's reputation, service, traditions and image (Lado et. al, 1994).
Managerial competencies refer to knowledge, abilities, skills and behaviors required for effective job performance in managerial occupations.
In addition to executing each function effectively, each level of manager should demonstrate managerial skills with regard to performing job-related tasks and responsibilities because management skills developed order and consistency through management functions (Bateman & Snell, 2002). Competencies vary depending on the type of business and manager competencies, similar to company core competencies, which can change with variables such as time, location of business or size of business.
The precise definition of managerial competencies is heavily contested. in the context of SMEs, managerial competencies are defined as sets of knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes that can contribute to personal effectiveness of managers (Hellriegel, Jackson, Solcum and Staude, 2008). Contemporary business companies need management professionals with managerial competences that would enable an employee to success-fully perform in ever changing business and economic environment.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
There are serious challenges in business organizations in Nigeria ranging from inadequate coverage of work schedule, staff persistent lateness, frequent conflict, truancy among students, inadequate and damaged physical facilities, shortage of fund among others.
This may be as a result of poor managers' competencies in effective and efficient management of the key resources in every organization including the organizational system which are; human, material, financial and time resources. No meaningful organizational change can take place without effective management of resources. Premised on these challenges that the study aimed at analysing Managers' managerial competencies for effective management of organizational resources in selected business organizations inLafia.
1.3 Research Questions
The following questions were raised up for the purpose of this research:
- Which are the managerial competencies that can help in the process of business performance?
- What are professional competencies?
- What are social competencies?
- What are personal competencies?
- Which managerial competencies — professional, social or personal are more important for business performance?
1.4 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the study is to examine competencies need by office managers in an organization.
Specifically, the study tries to;
- Examine the managerial competencies that can help in the process of business performance.
- Elucidate concept of professional competencies.
- Elucidate the concept of social competencies.
- Elucidate the concept of personal competencies.
- Examine which managerial competencies — professional, social or personal are more important for business performance.
1.5 Significance of the Study
These study findings may generate knowledge that may be utilized by office managers on the competencies of managers necessary for effective leadership for the realization of employee performance. Secondly, the study findings may provide a detailed explanation of the managerial competencies of the office managers within the changing educational scenario so as to improve understanding of manager's roles hence reduce any role ambiguities and role conflicts within the organizational framework.
Thirdly, the study findings may help in developing knowledge for office managers that participate in the training of educationists and finally, the research findings may form a basis for generalization of the recommendations for other organizations in Nigeria.
1.6 Scope of Study
This study was carried out by analyzing thecompetencies need by office managers in an organization for effective management of the business organization. The study was limited to selected business organizations in Lafia.
1.7 Limitations of the Study
The descriptive survey as a research design had its limitation of difficulty in using its findings for generalization since only a part can be used to represent the whole. In this case, the competencies need by office managers in an organization in Lafia could not be generalized to the entire nation. To reduce this limitation however, literature works were widely consulted to make references to issues being discussed which are of relevance to the other areas of the country.
Difficulty in the collection of primary data from relevant business organzations. This challenge was the result of the seemingly reluctance of respondents to provide information relevant to the study. This was taken care of by taking a letter from the school authorities that served as evidence that this study was just for academic purpose. Thus, the information given was treated with utmost confidentiality.
1.8 Organization of Study
The study is divided into five chapters. Chapter one deals with the study's introduction and gives a background to the study. Chapter two reviews related and relevant literature.
The chapter three gives the research methodology while the chapter four gives the study's analysis and interpretation of data. The study concludes with chapter five which deals on the summary, conclusion and recommendation.