1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Security Monitoring System is a type of electronic security device that senses movement and usually triggers an alarm. Many types of Home Security Systems can sense motion in total darkness, without an intruder becoming aware that an alarm has been triggered.
Security Monitoring System is an important part of most burglar alarm systems. They help alert security personnel, especially in situations where no obvious break-in has occurred. For instance, if an intruder steals a key to gain access to a protected house or hideout within the house, the intruder's entrance or presence could go unnoticed. A Security Monitoring System will detect the intruder's movements as soon as he or she walks or otherwise moves within the area protected by the detector.
Security Monitoring Systems usually protect indoor areas, where conditions can be more closely controlled. Detectors for use in homes usually detect movement in spaces about 11 m × 11 m (35 ft × 35 ft) in area. Detectors for large warehouses can protect areas with dimensions as large as 24 m × 37 m (80 ft × 120 ft). Buildings with valuable or important assets, such as museums, also use Home Security Systems to detect break-ins at vulnerable points. Such points include walls, doors, windows, skylights, and even air ducts. Special Security Monitoring Systems can protect the inside of exhibit cases where items such as diamonds are displayed. Others can be focused to a narrow area of coverage, somewhat like a curtain, that is projected in front of a painting to detect even the slightest touch.
1.1 Types and Operation of Home Security Systems
Security Monitoring System uses a variety of methods to detect movement. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. Infrared detectors sense an obstruction of its transmitting signal when an intruder comes between the line of sight between its transmitter and receiver. Microwave and ultrasonic detectors are active–that is, they send out waves of energy and receive waves reflected back by objects. Any disturbance in the reflected waves caused by a moving object will trigger an alarm.
Video systems optically monitor an area, and movement is registered visually on a monitor. Often, these methods are combined to improve accuracy and reduce chances of a false alarm.
The detector used in this circuit is the infrared type only. It is employed in this circuit because of its reduced cost of purchase and a simple and comprehensive mode of connection and operation. Two transmitters are used here, one at the entrance of the house and another located somewhere beside the building. An obstruction in any of these areas alerts the housekeeper by signaling an alarm circuit located somewhere else.
1.2; Significance of the Project
This project is very important in homes, offices and even other places where valuables are kept. One of the major importance is its computerized control so that the power of this circuit is controlled from the comfort of an office. When used in homes, the sound of the alarm can even scare an intruder without anybody being around the house. Nevertheless it is very important that this circuit is properly designed and mounted to prevent any form of false alarm.
Modern home security systems make use of several different technologies to reduce false alarms. Infrared detectors can be programmed to ignore the first movement detected, as in when the intruder moves from one detection zone to another, and to sound the alarm only when the movement passes through two or more detection zones within a specified period of time. In this way, an insect landing on the detector's lens, or a sudden rise in background temperature caused by an activated furnace, is ignored.
1.3; Uses of the Project
This project can be used everywhere including homes, offices, industries and others where proper security is to be ensured. In a wider view, this project can generally be referred to as motion detector. Apart from its basic use in homes as home security systems, Motion detectors have other various uses.
In manufacturing, electric eye detectors can count products on an assembly line, and perform other tasks that people would find tedious. Some dangerous machinery is equipped with active infrared or electric eye beams of light as a safety device. Should an operator's hand get dangerously close to the machinery, the beam is broken.
The circuit is interrupted, and the machine shuts down. Garage doors with automatic door openers can be equipped with beams that sense a child under the door and stop the downward movement before the child is injured. Outdoor porch or patio lights fitted with motion detectors can be turned on automatically when motion is detected.
One of the most common and convenient applications of motion detectors is found at modern grocery stores, where doors automatically open as customers enter and leave.
This material contains electrical diagrams, circuits, illustrations and more (Very detailed)