1.0 Introduction
The consumer cooperative society today is going through difficulties in the local government of Idemili North, consumer cooperative has been concerned with the systematic, preservative and dissemination of knowledge in the system. This consumer cooperative has not been very successful in Idemili North due to the problem surrounding them this society would be better and effective society if they have formed themselves into cooperative registered society according to law.
1.1 General Overview of the Study;
The consumer cooperative has been intimately concerned with acquisition, preservation and dissemination of her cooperative knowledge as they proceed, there is the need to make these observation being recorded in journals an book, non material accessible to users for convenient and immediate consultation to the member.
The infrastructure of effective communication network needs to be established in their various zones of operation provision or reliable roads and associated facilities to alleviate the general rigors/dangers that member encounter when carrying out transactions to distant market place.
Consumer and marketing cooperative society have not been very successful in Idemili North due to the problems surrounding them. There will be a better and more effective society if they had formed themselves into registered cooperative according to law because of the predominance of illiteracy.
They lack the education and enlightenment of performance which have help to enhance the level of performance and understanding of what consumer cooperative is all about. Historical knowledge has been also considered a necessary help for discussing temporary issues as regards to the present. It gives an insight into the nature of problem and direct attention to what is going on in the consumer cooperative in Idemili North in Anambra state.
Consumer cooperative in Idemili North have coordinated better method of farming and encouraged the farmers creativity. They protect the farmers interest as well as selling quality goods at affordable rate, this project covers the difficulties faced by the consumer cooperative in Idemili North LGA as a geographical reference for the project has some factors which affects consumer cooperative society are as follows:
- Sales of adulterated goods by its members
- Incompetence in the executive of consumer cooperative in Idemili North
- Illiteracy among members
- Low storage facilities
- Lack of capital
1.2 Objective of the Study
To make it clear, the aim and objectives of consumer cooperative providing question and providing prospects solution to the following problems:
- To make know the members of consumer cooperative in Anambra state particularly Idemili North.
- To make recommendation on how the consumer cooperative will enhance its programs.
- To know the specific system the particular system operates on so as to achieve maximum effectiveness
- To improve on consumer cooperative scheme which will provide member which expounded knowledge of the cooperative never the less introducing its procedure and techniques on how cooperative share their dividend surplus to their members.
1.3 Scope of the Study
- The technique of their operative to professional standards
- It will equally decode to them the importance learned and educated cooperative members
- To eradicate incompetence and inefficiency
- To enable members see and know the importance of this association in which they are the study was carried out in Idemili North LGA Anambra state directors and members of consumer cooperative were constituted as the population the organization activities in the LGA.
1.4 Research Questions
- How can we correct the wrongs in the consumer cooperative society
- How can we bring the problem and prospect of consumer cooperative society to understanding
1.5 Significance of the Study
The importance f the study can not be over emphasized because of the categories and marketing cooperative society. The exercise has evaluation of learning cooperative for the improvement of the society and the state in general
The consumer cooperative will have a significant benefit as a result of improving the marketing techniques for large distribution. However, this will help to uplift the consumer cooperative and its knowledge to the standard of emulation by the Idemili North consumer cooperative. More so it will help the student on the project to write up and have a broad knowledge of consumer cooperative society.
1.6 Limitation of the Study
The study was limited by some difficult factors, the continuous strike conditions of the members, non chalante attitudes of some members as well as the director made the research study a little difficult to collect the questionnaire on agreed dates, these caused the researcher a few setbacks due to going to their various districts repeatedly and in some cases without success
As a result of these factors, health and financial constraints to the large occupational members involved in the process, the researcher was only able to gather only few questionnaire from the society members
The frequency and its technique of operation were not adoptive and again because of time limit it was not possible for the researcher to invest into all the factors that are affecting the consumer cooperative society in Idemili North LGA in Anambra state being the area of concentration.
1.7 Definition of Term
Consumer Cooperative Society;
This is a society which deals on sales of manufactured consumer products of the member at a reasonable price. They are also similar to other cooperatives but for the fact that they are mainly found in the rural areas and its members are mostly farmers they sometimes are called service centers for their members.
Bulk Buying;
This refers to the buying of goods in large quantity at controlled price and selling to members and others at affordable price
Patronage Rebate;
This is the amount of money the society usually realizes at the end of the year. it is shared among members based on their degree of their participation, they also paid dividend on shares.