1.0. Introduction
1.1. Background Of The Study
This research can simply be viewed within the Nigerian context; ethnicity is very closely associated with a strong belief in a perceived cultural and linguistic diversity of the country. It is often regarded as the inevitable consequence of socio-cultural differences. With reference to Nigeria within 1999 − 2011 democratic dispensation, Nigeria can be seen as a “mere geographical expression” a “heterogeneous” society or as having a federal character Okwudiba (1980)
Indeed many Nigerians regard ethnicity as bio-cultural phenomenon arising from the more existence of various cultural groups within the same polity. However, it is common to interpret the other administrative discrimination observed in Nigerian politics in tribal terms. According to Akin, tribalism “is perceived to be the central unifying concept for the analysis of African not only Nigerian life”.
Much have been viewed, observed, gathered and put down in the trace of the effect of ethnicity in democratic principle in Nigeria towards ethnic politics of Nigeria. This dispensation 1999-2011 at which ethnic factor have been based, each ethnic group irrespective of size, wants to be autonomous in regards to its internal affairs.
The chapter suggested among other things, the creation of more autonomous communities and guest for more states in the country as a means of allaying fear of ethnic minority and enhances development in the country. However, this ethnic ideology in itself needs to be explained. It cannot, therefore be made a decisive independent variable several factors therefore attempt to explain the ethnic phenomenon in Nigeria.
First, may be ethnic sentiments aflamed by bringing it to the fore front of the consciousness of the reading population. Second it may generate decisive inter ethnic controversy. Ethnicity is a very sensitive issue in the nation politics in its interpretation. It may be regarded by some ethnic ideologies as casting aspirations on their ethnic groups. In other case, the net effect is an unintended growth in ethnic tension.
A focus on ethnicity tends to make a very significant variable in considering the nature of democratic principles in Nigerian government and politics. Thus, knowing clearly well that it is the loss of confidence, by the ethnic group in the democratic principles over the years that have paved way for the politics and governance which many have site as ethnic dilemma.
However, no wonder Tony said “I feel it sounds so ridiculous and of course a murder to our hard earned democracy that people tribalism which stand to militate against our stability in democratic government”. Donaba, a resident of Lagos state could write affirming that Igbos are brewing crisis in Lagos state − THIS DAY February 20, 2001 simply because the voice of Ndigbo feels that it is high time they take a shot at the highest office in Logos state.
Finally, one should not conclude that the act of ethnic crisis is just from a particular tribe but out of ethnic fight for survival in the recent democracy. In as much as there is no way geographical extractions cannot afford to do without bloc politics.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
The statement of the problem includes the following points mentioned below.
Fear of marginalization among the ethnic groups based on the rotation of power. This have constituted a lot of problems in the democracy and time understanding of democratic principles which stand to be a major focus on the side of political appointment, employments and awarding of contracts by the government undertaken within 1999-2011.
Ethnicity in the point of resource control, revenue allocation and unethical privatization and personalization of power public political class.
Injustice and unfair play on the part of the Nigerian political leaders who have on one way or the other allowed the sprint of ethnic consciousness to overrule them in the performance of their appointed duties.
1.3 Objective Of The Study
The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the democratic principles that have been applied within 1999-2011 democratic dispensation (fourth republic) and attempt to stand against or for the performance of true democratic principles.
1.4 Research Question
In the course of this research question a few of questions emerged. The following have to be asked.
- Will this study solved the problems of ethnicity in Nigeria?
- Of what extent can this study help in improving the performance of democratic government and stampede the rate of ethnic crises?
- Does this democratic rules and regulations, principles, policies and programme bring effectiveness and speedy democracy in Nigeria?
- To what extent can the ethnic politics of this nation be controlled?
1.5 Statement Of Hypothesis
The hypothesis stated below are formed for detailed elicitation of the study and these hypothesis when tested will either confirm or refuse the extent to which ethnicity and democratic principles have been witnessed or affected the democratic government within 1999-2011
- Ho: Poor performance of democratic principles in Nigeria is not due to ethnicity.
Hi: Poor performance of democratic principles is due to ethnicity - Ho: Inadequate practice of democratic principle is not the cause of ethnic crisis/violence during this dispensation 1999-2011
Hi: Inadequate practice of democratic principle is the cause of ethnic crisis/violence during this dispensation - Ho: Ethnicity does not promote democratic principles
Hi: Ethnicity do promote democratic principles
1.5 Significance Of The Study
Since democratic principles serve directly towards touching lives, this lead to great development (Rural or Urban) among the different ethnic groups a constructive and objectives of democratic principles will no doubt promote efficiency and thus beneficial to all.
It is hoped that the findings of this study to a great extent will help in improving the performance of democratic government and stampede the rate of ethnic crisis. Above all, it is hoped that the adoption of the recommendation will go a long way in the general improvement of the performance and development of the continuous democracy.
1.7 Scope Of The Study
In scrutinizing the scope of the study, it pin-point on the structure nature of ethnicity in Nigeria between 1999-2011. it looks on the various democratic rules and regulation, principles, policies and programme which were geared towards setting of ethnic crisis against effectiveness and speedy democracy in Nigeria.
The scope also deals with how far the ethnic politics of the nation can be controlled in future.
1.8 Limitation Of The Study
This research work is limited to 1999-2011 democratic dispensation in Nigeria (Obasanjo and Yar’adua Regime respectively) which started from 29th May 1999.
The research encountered problems in the course of the study. The problems ranged from financial constraints following the downward surage of the economic and the fact that the researcher come from one of the ethnic group which might leaf him into being bias in drawing up the vital information.
The major limitation is paucity of relevant data on the subject since the research instruments were questionnaire, textbooks and interviews. Those that collected the questionnaire delayed unnecessary to fill in the information, some filled the questionnaire with inaccurate information.
1.9 Definition Of Terms
The concepts which intended to define for use in this work are as follows;
- Democracy
- Ethnic
- Politics
- Principles
- Ethnicity
- Democratic principles
The term democracy simply means government of the people, usually through elected representatives.
A group sharing a common origin, culture or language
as used in this work means science and art of government political affairs of life.
Basic truth, general law of cause and effect; guiding rule for behaviours. General law shows in the working of a purpose.
Stands according to ethnic grouping deriving from belonging to such racial, background, customs, norms, society, civilization, tradition.
Democratic Principles
as used in this work imply supporting democracy. Paying no or little attention to class division based on birth or wealth as a guiding rule for behaviour and thus, general cause of action.