1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Record keeping occupies a strategic position in the efficient and effective management of the organization. In fact, it is central in the administration of the business organization because it documents the planning and implementation of appropriate information allowing proper monitoring of work. The approach is for records created in the course of day-to-day business of the organization to be stored and kept in hard copies as evidence of an action, decision or process. However, the process of record keeping provides a framework for keeping, maintaining and providing for the disposition of records and what is contained in them. They are therefore intended to benefit all members of staff by facilitating continuity and evaluation of services and preserving privacy.
This framework is provided for by guidelines designed to educate people on decisions regarding professional record keeping. For instances, American Psychological Association (APA 2007) contains the “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct” generally required for the maintenance of appropriate records of psychological services. Unfortunately, the Nigeria situation in the business of record keeping and management especially in most business organizations system has not been too successful because of lack of management components (Omeyi 1997). It is hoped that if these options are adopted in the business organizations, perhaps most if not all the problems associated with record keeping would have been addressed. It is on this premise that this research work set out to examine factor affecting effective record keeping in business organizations.
1.2 Problem Statement
Perhaps it would not be an overstatement to say that record keeping problems are common to the different levels of the business organizations. It is however becoming clearer that it is more pronounced because accurate, reliable and trustworthy records that fulfill evidential requirements are being created but not properly managed. This therefore becomes an issue of great concern to government, stakeholders and office managers, individuals and organizations.
In the past, frantic efforts to improve the situation in many organizations through the introduction of computers and internet services as well as development of database management system do not seem to have helped the situation much because the record management system is still conventionally paper-based and manual in operation. Many management staff complains of funds, and material resources. The reality reveals gross inadequacy of qualified personnel, facilities, students' explosion and space problem. This study is therefore a response to the challenge by striving to empirically identify these problems and well defined management options that could improve record keeping processes in universities especially in the study area.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of the study is to examine the factor affecting record keeping in business organizations. In specific terms the purpose of the study are as follows:
- To examine the benefit of records keeping to the organization.
- To examine the extent to which management secure record in modern business organizations.
1.4 Significance of the Study
The research work is intended to evaluate the factors affecting record keeping in business organization. This study will be beneficial to people in the secretarial field to help them improve on their records keeping skill and processes.
It will also benefit students who have the quest for more knowledge on the factor affecting record keeping in business organization as well as solution to students who are researching into similar topics, most especially, students in of the office technology and management department and other management students institution of higher learning.
1.5 Research Questions
Answers to the following questions were provided in this study.
- What are the benefits of records keeping to the organization?
- To what extent does management secure record in modern business organizations?
1.6 Research Hypotheses
H01: There is no Benefit of record keeping to the organization.
H02: Management does not secure record in modern organizations.
1.7 Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The scope of the research work is limited to selected some selected banks in Rivers State, which include First Bank of Nigeria PLC and Union Bank Nigeria Plc.