1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of Study
Introduction: stress is the result of planning undue expectations or desire on ourselves, creating images of ourselves and trying and trying to live up to the image that has been created by others.
The Origin of Stress.
The term stress was firstly employed by a biological context by the endocrinologist Han selve in the 1930s.he later broaded and concept to include inadequate physiological response to any demand. In his usage stress refers to a condition and stress on the stimulus causing it.
Imagine that you just brought out your dream car.it is the Juguman. You have scraped everything you have to buy it you wanted to take it for a spin. It is a sunny spring day you turned the streo on, the top down and cruise merily on the interstate, isn't life wonderful? You suddenly scratching noise at the front. The drivers at your front of you are all slamming on their brakes.
You see that each car is coming is coming within split second of near ending the one in front. Within seconds the stress of the situation enters you mind through your eyes and ears. Your mind or brain immediately takes over before you can even say Oh NO! not my new car! The middle and the lower part of your brain electrically trigger a massive fight on slight response. Your legs slan on the brake, you grip the steering wheel and try to straighten it.
The origin of stress may vary with the individual, but in general stress arises from frustration, lite changes, conflict lack of control and uncertainty.
In this difficult economy, many of us (secretratries) are findings it hanader than ever to cope with stress in the workplace. Regardless of occupation, seniority or salary level, were spending more and moreof our work days feeling frazzled and out of the control instead of alert and relaxed. While some stress is a normal of part of the workplace excessive stress can interfere with your productivity and reduce your physical and emotional health.
Findings ways to manage workplace stress is not about making huge changes to every aspect of your work lite or rethinking carrier ambitions. Rather, stress management requires focus on the one thing that is always within your control.
1.2 Statement of Problem
During the course of our duty as a secretary, we encounter stress, some in high levels some in low. But what exactly is stress? It is the result of placing undue expectations or desire on ourselves, creating images of oursett and trying to live up to the image that that has been cretaded by others.
When we compare the image of ourselves, opposing forces are created, and our mind tries to match the created image with the current situation. Stress can be made worse by other peoples expectations, and being human we always care what others think of us even though we tell ourselves that we do not. we try to change ourselves so that we can be accepted by other people, regardless of whether or not they care. Negative thoughts about our self image also add to the stress. We remember everything that we have done in life, but more so the negative ones. We re-live those negative moments over and over again in our minds, lowering our self esteem.
The first thing we have to learn is that what has happened in the past cannot be changed, or erased. , learn not to de the lesson we learnt it again. What happens in the past is exactly that, passed, and we must learnt to live for now.
In this difficult economy, many of us (secrefries) are finding it harder than ever to cope with stress in the workplace.
Regardless of occupation, seniority, or salary level, were spending more and more of our work days feeling trazzled and out of control, instead of alert and relaxed. While some stress is a normal part of the workplace, excessive stress can interfere with your productivity and reduce your physical and emotional health. Finding ways to manage workplace stress is not about making huge changes to every aspect of your work life or rethinking career ambitions.
Rather, stress management requires focus on the one thing that's always within your control. According to Dale (2007), yet many thinks stress is an emotional sickness and as one that has caused ten thousand times more damage than small pox has not invited government attention. Certain percentage of the population has herrous breakdown induced by stress and emotional conflict which is posing critical challenges to the secretary. Therefore a secretary has to develop a better attitude towards stress to function effectively. According to Dr Alexis Carrel puts it rightly “Business men who do not know how to manage stress suffers depression, anger, etc.
The trend nowadays is towards acquisition of knowledge and techniques to managing stress to improve work efficiency and good report in offices. According to Amadi et al (2008), in facing challenges, a secretary has to be tactful, posses initiative, cooperative, intelligent and dependable among other things.
Therefore, the secretary has to accept whatever demand that comes from the boss with all amount of happiness to improve the relationship.
Furthermore, stress management has to do with adjective demand that requires coping behaviour such as building resistance, keeping work and non-work life separates, getting exercises and taking things through with on-the-job peers.
Anyim and Akanwa (2008), it is in the light of the above that the research wishes to investigate the various ways of managing stress.
1.3 Aim / objectives of study
The study is sought to determine the cause of stress to a secretary in the office. The case of Banks in Owerri Municipal L.G.A.
It specifically sought to:
- To assess what bank secretaries' perceive as causes of stress in the work place.
- To determine the extent to which occupational stress affect the job performance of bank secretaries?
- To examine what bank secretaries' perceive as strategies for managing stress?
1.4 Research questions
The study was guided by the following research question;
- What do bank secretaries' perceive as causes of stress in the work place?
- To what extent does occupational stress affect the job performance of bank secretaries?
- What do bank secretaries' perceive as strategies for managing stress?
1.5 Hypotheses of the study
The following hypotheses were formulated, and tested at 0.05 level of significance.
HO1: There is no significant difference in the mean response of male and female bank secretaries on causes of stress.
HO2: Highly experienced and less experienced bank secretaries do not differ significantly in their mean rating of effects of occupational stress on their performance.
HO3: There is no significant difference in the mean rating of married and single bank secretaries on strategies for managing stress.
1.6 Significance of the Study
Research studies in managing stress is essentially of the hope that the research would arrive at the objective information that would furnish the secretaries, bosses and the students etc on the nest to manage stress. The finding of the study will be of importance to office mangers, secretaries, students and all employer or labour as it would inform them on various ways of managing stress to improve work efficiency.
The study is also significant in its attempt to bringing the techniques a secretary needs mostly to manage the boss to improve work effectiveness and good relationship.
The findings would be beneficial to future secretaries, bosses, government, tertiary institutions and the entire society.
Finally, the study of this nature would be of importance to the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), colleges, Polthenics, Universities, Student researcher offering office technology/management as a course or carry out research work on the problem.
1.7 Scope of the Study
The study covers effect and management of stress by the secretary in the office. Stress management in the home is not included.
1.8 Definitions of Terms
Every protession has its own jagons, to avoid technical ambiquities, therefore, it would be necessary to define some terms, concepts that appear in the study.
Moorhead and crittin (2009) defined stress as a person's adaptive response to a stimulus that places excessive psychological or physical demands on him or her. Ekpo (2007) defines stress like, emotions caused by a particular environemt but is an inner response aronsed by pleasant or unpleasant situation in any environment. According to new advanced learners Dictionary defines stress as pressure, tension or worry resulting from problems in one's life.
According to Ohakwe (2007), a secretary is an assistant who possess a mastery of office skill, demonstrates the ability to assume responsibility without direct surpervision, exercise initiative and judgement and makes decisions within the scope of assigned authority.
According a Wikipedia an office is generally a room or other area in which people work, but may also denote a position within an organization with specific duties attached to it.