1.1 Background Of The Study
Marriage is the oldest institution in the world it was instituted by God Himself in the Garden of Eden. Marriage was not the idea of any man. It was the original idea of God Almighty. God felt the need for marriage and instituted it “And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him an help meet for him” Genesis chapter 2 verse 18.
Since then man and woman alike have always tried to live in companion of each other because they are created social being.
Marriage can also be define as a union between a man and a woman to become husband and wife with the above definition.
Marriage is meant for mature man and woman and not for boys and girls because they can not yet cope with the challenges of marital life. Early marriage therefore is define as a union of a boy and a girl and a man to become husband and wife below the age of 18 years.
In the light of this study, when a girl below the age of 18, engages herself in marriage it is referred to as “Early Marriage”.
Finally to correct this social problem among this group of people is the reason why this study becomes important.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
The incident of early marriage in recent time has been on the increase in Nigeria despite all the enlightenment, campaigns and awareness through formal and informal education.
In Lagos State for instance, where almost all the ethic groups in Nigeria is represented, it is a common thing to see young girls with their children on their backs hawking different ware in the neighbourhood. Some have become more or less baby factories. There are still others who are maltreated and restricted by their husbands from selling or doing any types of work that can fetch them money.
They are totally dependent on their husbands and as a result of which they become unproductive. Also most of them feel like second class citizen because their educational background is nothing to write home about. They cannot express themselves in the public and as a result cannot sit in where other are:
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
- To find out what are the perceived causes of early marriage
- To proffer solution to the problem associated with early marriage.
- To know how early marriage affect the socio-economic and educational development of a girl-child.
1.4 Research Questions
- Is there a relationship between early marriage and socio-economic development of the family.
- Is there a relationship between early marriage and rapid increase in population growth.
- Is there a relationship between early marriage and educational development of a girl child.
- Is there a relationship between unwanted pregnancy and early marriage.
1.5 Research Hypothesis
- There is no significant relationship between early marriage and socio-economic development of the family.
- There is no significant relationship between early marriage and rapid increase in population growth.
- There is no significant relationship between early marriage and educational development of a girl child.
- There is no significant relationship between unwanted pregnancy and early marriage,
1.6 Significance Of The Study
It is hoped that this study will enable Nigeria parents to give equal opportunities to the training of their children. Instead of giving the girls away in marriage pre-maturally. It is also hoped that the study will enable Nigeria law-makers at all levels of government to enact laws that will make early marriage a punishable offense.
It is equally hoped that the result of their study will encourage student to abstain from early marriage or to reduce it to the minimum.
1.7 Limitation Of The Study
The study will be focused on women in Yaba Local Government Area of Lagos with special attention on women in Makoko, Iwaya and Ebute Metta area of the local government area. However, this is also due to insufficient time and financial constraint encountered during the study.
1.8 Definition Of Terms
Is the union between a man and a woman to become husband and wife.
Early Marriage:
Is the union of a boy and a girl and a man to become husband and wife below the age of 18 years.
Sexual Harassment:
This consists of verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, imposed on the basis of sex, that denies, limits or provides different treatment.
Social Environment:
As that consisting of people who have the capacity to interact and manifest a degree of vulnerability to the variable under discussion.
Forced Marriage:
This involve varying degrees of force, coercion or deception, ranging from emotional pressure by family or community members to abduction and imprisonment.