1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background to the Study
Before now, the people of old (our fore fathers) used their fingers, toes to count or keep record. Pebbles or stones were used after counting, the stones were kept as a reminder of the number of yams remaining in the barn. Sticks were also used to shape and keep record by the people of old like noting the number of sheep and goats in the compound. Some important documents were kept in the local boxes holes were dugged in the ground where money is being saved. The early method of counting, distributing information, communicating and keeping records could not solve some disturbing problems of counting and record keeping. So man still went into discoveries as to have better and fast means of counting, storing messages and distributing information and some other of his undertaking as a result, a lot of discovery and invention of modern machines like computer, telephone, calculator, word processor, electric typewriter, photocopy machines etc.
The above mentioned machines/equipment cannot function on its own without somebody operating it or them.
Dynamic is the best way to describe today's office environment that undergoes rapid changes can be seen in office structures and in office positioning from entry level to executive manager's level. Attentions is now given to what the office does and the way in which office activities previously taken for granted can be accomplished.
Aronu (2002) defines information communication technology as the combination of two technologies, computing and the main purpose of which is to transmit representation of information signals between remote locations.
The introduction of information and communication technology into the organizations the changes cut across all aspects of works and the office professional as a whole.
Information communication technology has replaced the traditional equipment used by office management which are now considered obsolete and office activities and functions are today being undertaken by electronic and computer based technology leading to office automation and a paperless office.
Collins (2005) defined Information Communication Technology (ICT) as an application of practical science to industry, commerce, technical method, skills and knowledge. This clearly brings about the advantages of inter-connectivity system used in acquiring, storing manipulating, controlling displaying, transmitting and receiving of information through the internet facilities by means of telephone connected to a computer Montgomeries (2004) defined Information Communication Technology as the handling of pictorial, vocal and numerical information based in a combination of computing and telecommunication. Today's modern business world has been reshaped and connected to a global system of communication that ensures speedy information and business transaction in an organization.
Job performance assesses whether a person performs a job well. Job performance, studies academically as part of industrial and organizational psychology (The branch of psychology that deals with sources management), also forms a part of human resources management. Performance is an important criterion for organizational outcomes and success.
John Campbell (2005) described job performance as an individual level variable, or something a single person does. This differentiates it from more encompassing constructs such as organizational performance or national performance, which are higher level.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The emerging growth of information communication technology and drastic change in office technology operations is posting serious changes to office managers.
Golfberg (2005) opined that changes will continue to occur in office technology as well as in the structure of the office to accommodate people and machines to information needs, concern associated with changes should be anticipated job due to information communication and the fear of complex equipments such as video conferencing, facsimile transfer and so on, being introduce into the system has created fear and instability in the office manager.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The major purpose of this study is to determine the impacts of information communication technology on the job performance of workers in tertiary institution in Anambra State.
Specific objectives are as follows;
- To determine the extent to which computer application influences organizational effectiveness.
- To ascertain the extent to which IT influences organizational value.
- To determine the extent to which internet connection influences organization efficiency?
- To evaluate the extent to which application of modern technology influences workers productivity.
1.4 Research Questions
The researcher asked the following questions to act as a guide in the study;
- To what extent does computer application influences organizational effectiveness?
- To what extent does IT influence organizational value?
- To what extent does internet connection influences organizational efficiency?
- To what degree doe applications of modern technology influence works productivity?
1.5 Significance of the Study
This study will be beneficial to organizations, office practitioners and students. It can also be used for further research.
The study will help treat and improve some existing theories on information as they apply to organizations as well as the office professionals in the areas of human resources management.
Further Research:
It is also hoped that the findings of this study will contribute to the existing knowledge and information in the area of research.
Office practitioners:
The significance of this research work is immeasurable both to the practitioner, office professionals, chief executives, personnel managers, the management of the organizations and the public at large. It is expected that the following findings and recommendations of the study will guide the area of study to consider introducing information communication for their office professional efficiency and other human resources departments for effective administration of personnel matters.
The study will be useful to student who may wish to write or make some research on a similar topic using this as a point of reference and to re-orient them towards their profession, future research or practical endeavours.
1.6 Scope of the Study
The study covers ICT as the main key to organizational growth. IT covers the job performers of office workers and it focus on improving work force of an organizations and situations in Anambra State.
The area's covered are five institutions, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Nnamdi Azikwe University Awka, Anambra State University Uli, College of Education Umunze and College of Education Nsugbe.
The research will first identify the importance of ICT and educate its impact in an organization.
1.6 Definitions of terms
Is Information communication Technology were can we source information through ICT and Communicate effectively.
Is a data that has been processed and can be used per decision making.
The purposeful application of information in the design production and utilization of goods and services, and in the organization of human activities.
Means a noticeable effect or influence
Tools or machinery used for specific purposes.
Can be a place where information are on paper coverage and information is a documented, preserved and used for current and future operations or business.
A worker is someone who has the experience or trained to work in an organization on either to operate the machines or the available equipments like computer operator, or word processor. She is an alter Ego of the Boss”.