1.1 Background Of Study
National population commission was formerly known as national population board/it was inaugurated by military regime on April, 22 1988 with a three ijeur mandate to conduct a national census. The inauguration ceremony was performed by the former vice- president, Admiral Augustus Aikhomu. The commission had alhaji shehu musa as a chairman. After the inaugurations and mandate national population commission was assigned the responsibility of enumerating the nations population periodically − through census and sample survey among other function there staff are made up professional expertise of demographers, statisticians, public relation practitioners, contograhens and computer experts put together to make a success of a head count. The national population commission (NPC) is a corporate body with perpetual success it operates like an independent ministry of the federal government with the chairman as the chiey executive- it reports directly to the president and enjoys autonomy on census related matters.
1991 census was conducted and the figure according to 1991census was about 88.9m for the nation. Hence national population commission (NPC) Enugu state headquarters had the following function to perform and this was applicable to every other NPC office through out the 36 state of the federation the functions one as follow. a) Undertake the enumeration of the population of Nigeria periodically through census, sample survey or other wise. b) Establish and maintain machinery for continuous and universal registration of birth and death through out the federation c) prepare and maintain a national frame work for delineation exercise for census and sample surveys, d) collect collate and publish data on migration statistics, e) research and monitor the national population policy and set up a national population data bank, f) arrange for the appointment and training of enumerators and all other categories of staff of the commission, g) provide information and data on population for purpose of facilitating national planning and economic development, h) advice the federal government on any population and related programmers and problem. Etc
1.2 Statement Of Problem
Productivity was the underlying impetus of the federal government resolve to undertake the police of some public corporation. Non- chilling attitude to work contributed to low productivity output and this study affected our economy − for the purpose of this study, it is weak because the management staff one weak as well, they have not fully utilized the tool of motivation to improve the efficiency and productivity of the work force. The management staff are having difficult times in coping with employees ignoble attitudes of lateness work as mentioned earlier, informal relationships with visitors and staff during official homes of work, leaving official post without permission to attend to other personal business engagement, international misplacement or permanent loss of personal file for dubious motives-mutilation and impropriation of account, carrying out personal works and sale of personal items in offices low out due to non- chalet attitude to work removal of official document blue pint files and drawings and making same available to external bodies in exchange of money, destruction of office equipment.
There is irregularity payment of salaries non provision of certain basic staff welfare services like free medical services transportation, and abandonment of social responsibilities and monthly deduction of money from work salaries in name of transporting accountant to Abuja before salaries could be payed to workers. And other motivation variable by the management of national population commission Enugu head office. There lay credence to kludge’s opinion that “it is lack of motivation on the part of management that brings inefficiency and productivity hence the title-of this study, impact of motivation on the productivity of workers in national population commission (NPC) Enugu headquarter.
1.3 Objective Of The Study
The following objectives are set by the research to admirer
- To investigate the reason for employee unhappiness at work
- To find out why employees show little interest in management policies and programmers.
- To find out the reasons for employee non- challent attitudes towards the want on damage to and lose of offices equipment.
- To investigate the effect of motivation on workers productivity in the national population commission Eungu headquarters.
1.4 Research Questions
- What are the problems of national population commission interims of motivation?
- To what extent has the motivation tools applies improved the programmer of the establishment?
- What are the after effects of the motivation to national population workers?
- How has motivation change the attitudes of staff in the performance of their duty?
1.5 Significance / Rational Of Study
The finding of this study would certainty be useful to management in the office of motivation population commission Enugu headquarter. These in private sector economy would also evadible themselves of the study as a guide to the formulation of policies relation to employee welfare. The research work would also provide a database for future research in employee motivation and would also be useful addition to the motivation already existing in the library. The study would also be of immense significances to the readies will be able to realize the importance of motivation in an organization and how it helps the production of employee in the private and public organization.
The research of work would also help the management in formulation of strategies of their employee thereby making them more productive. Improvement in productivity is the focal point of this study and this hinges on the level of motivation workforce. To the government generally, this research work would assist them in for-casting and periodically reviewing their various policies and plans as they affect the moral upliftment of the entire work force for effective utilization. The concept “motivation “ as a management technique for increased productivity has for so many years generated extensive discussions, research and arguments. Nevertheless, it still holds universally, that provision of motivation devices to employee could guarantee lasting organization harmony and high productivity.