1.0 General Background
This chapter will examine the general background of the study and the speakers of the language with respects to their history and socio-cultural profile. Also, it introduces to us the genetic classification of Mernyang, scope and organization of the study, including theoretical framework. Method of data collection and analysis, as well as the review of the chosen framework are also examined. This study focuses on the aspects of Mernyang Noun Phrase. Mernyang is a language spoken in Qua’anpan local government of Plateau state.
Therefore, the areas covered in this study are the sound, tonal and syllable inventories of the language, as well as some syntactic concepts such as phrase structure rules, basic word order, lexical categories and sentence types. Also, transformational processes, which are focusing, question formation and relativization are discussed.
1.1 Historical Background
Going by oral tradition, the Mernyang people originated from a man known as ‘Dafyar’. Dafyar and his sister, Nade, left Dala in Kano and settled in ‘Kopfubum’ near the present day Kofyar. Since then, Dafyar and his offspring, which were fourteen (14) in number have scattered all over Plateau State. One of the sons of Dafyar known as ‘Darep Soekoeto’ founded the ‘Kwa’ settlement where the speakers of Mernyang language are concentrated today. Since then, Darep had been giving birth to children who are also producing sons and daughters. The current total population of the speakers of Mernyang is 10,000 (Nigeria census, 2005).
The speakers are officially known as the pan people, including their language, but locally referred to as Mernyang.
The diagram below shows the geographical location of the Mernyang people on the map of Qua’anpan local government.
1.2 Socio-cultural profile
Going by oral tradition, the speakers of Mernyang language have their own unique way of life that are discussed below:
1.2.1 Marriage System
Following oral tradition, the marriage system of the people is stage by stage. At first, the boy will take two jars of ‘Brukutu’ to the girl’s parents in order to seek their hands in marriage. After this, the parents of the boy would be asked to supply the following items: goat, chicken, palm oil, salt, magi and benny seed. Once these items are accepted the boy is free to take his wife home.
The last stage involves conducting the marriage ceremony either in the church or mosque depending on the religions of the couple.
1.2.2 Festivals
Going by oral history, there are two major festivals observed among the speakers. The first one is known as the ‘pan’ day, which is done once in a year. During this event, a lot of social dances and musical presentations are done, among which are sual, koem, feer etc.
The second festival is observed by the districts. Each district has its peculiar way of celebrating its own. Also, a lot of social activities are put in place in order to entertain the audience.
1.2.3 Religion
Following oral tradition, idol worshipping was the only religion of the people in the past. But, today, Christianity and Islam are practised. There are few Christians and the existence of festival celebrations.
1.2.4 Occupation
Following oral tradition, the major occupation of Mernyang people is farming. They plant millet and guinea corn which are the main sources of their foods. However, others still engage in fishing and hunting as their occupations.
1.2.5 Mode of dressing
The speakers of Mernyang language are typically dressed in their native ‘agbada’ with the popular ‘aburo’ cap. Their women are mostly dressed in their ‘iro’ and ‘buba’ with ‘gele’
1.2.6 Food
Going by oral tradition, the favourite foods of the people are millet and guinea corn. Their common food is known as ‘chugum’ made from millet and guinea corn and grounded with other items. Their favourite drink is ‘brukutu’
1.2.7 Mode of kingship
The traditional system of rulership among the Mernyang is by monarchy. The choice of who becomes the next king is usually determined by election from the royal family. The king makers have to test the competence of the elected candidate and make him the next king who then becomes the paramount ruler of the land.
1.3 Genetic classification
Greenberg (1966:8) maintains that African languages belong to various families, and there are four main groups namely, Niger-Kordofanian, Nilo-sahara, Afro-Asiatic and khoisan.
The Mernyang language is classified under the Benue Congo, belonging to the group of plateau. This is represented below: