1.0 Introduction.
1.1 Background To The Study
The Nigeria breweries PLC, Enugu is a public limited company, which was established in 1946 for the sole purpose of brewing.
The company has brewing plant sat Enugu, Aba, Ibadan, and Kaduna. It has a wide range of products to include Star Beer, Guilder, Maltina, Amstel Malta, among several others.
The development of the company has been as a result of intensive training programmes given to workers. However, inspite of certain government policies, which is unfavorable to the brewing industries, and the unstable economy in the country, the company’s personnel policy ensures effective training and development at all levels. When new employees are engaged their training needs are planned and judiciously purposed taking into consideration the particular need of the consideration the particular needs of the business and individual qualities of the employees concerned. Hence the company created a training department linked/subordinated to the administration department and charged with the responsibilities of recruiting, training and development has helped the company to establish a pool of skilled and qualified personnel.
Training as a natural of the sequence of selection and induction of employees and receive sufficient attention from suability of using each individuals full lap ability becomes a continuous programmer of employee development.
Training as a process of learning a job up to the average level of competed of an experienced worker performing the same job. In effect shows that the length of training period required is the time it takes to achieve an average experienced workers’ standard of output and quality not the time required to be able to perform the job. All employee regardless of their previous training education and experience, need to be introduced for their new working environment, and to be shown how to perform specific, task.
1.2 Statement Of Problem.
All organisation have pre-determined objectives or goals these objectives and goals are the ends toward which the activities of the business.
Since are aimed. These organization strive to achieve their respective goals since this is the parameter for assessing the success of failure, and those objectives cannot be accomplished without human effort. The managers and employees must be equipped in order to carry out this assignment satisfactorily.
Udoji in the service review commission has in his report that “of all the aspects of personnel management, perhaps the most important for us in Nigeria today is training. Training is virtually important for our public service. Inspite of some outstanding efforts we remain short of skilled manpower so necessary to a successful development policy training is an important means of meeting the chronic manpower shortage”.
The vital role human resources is playing for the purpose of growth and survival of indigenous enterprise spurred me to investigate, analyse and appraise the nature and problems of staff training and development in Nigeria Breweries Plc, Enugu. Then the questions remain.
- How are training needs identified?
- What is the attitude of management towards staff training and development?
- What are the types of training methods used by this organization?
- What are the effects of training on the performance of workers?
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
In view of the problems stated above, the purpose of this study is to investigate the problems with a view to developing a framework to the analysis and improvement of staff training and development programmes in this company.
- Identifying the specific areas in which staff training is required.
- Identifying the factors that hinder staff training and development in the company.
- To ascertain the type of training programmes of the company.
- To find out the extent of training effect on the performance of staff of Nigeria Breweries Plc.
1.4 The Scope Of The Study
This research work boarders on the problems and solutions of staff training and development with reference to Nigerian Breweries Plc, 9th Mile Corner, Ngwo, Enugu.
1.5 Research Questions
The following questions have been formulated as a guide for this study.
- Has the company any specific personnel that undergo training?
- To what extent does the attitude of management affect staff training and development?
- Has the company any specific method of training?
- To what extent have training and development helped in improving the performance of staff of Nigeria Breweries Plc, Enugu?
1.5 The Significance Of The Study
The significance of staff training and development will be derived from examining critically the problems the organization is faced with, and various ways of solving them. Based on this, if this study succeeds in achieving its objectives. The findings of this research work are expected to contribute to the following:
- Help the company to have a training policy so as to identify the training needs of the company.
- Help to ensure return on investment by attaching incentives to motivate staff
- Provide suggestions on how to avert the factors that hinder staff training and development.
- Help to ensure return on investment by attaching incentives to motivate staff.