1.1 Background Of The Study
Perhaps some would first react to this topic with disdain on why bother about the issues on industrial Relations or the role of industrial relations in conflict management in an organization. But in spite of the seemingly surfeiting nature of discussion for negotiation between the unions and the employers in an attempt to find a lasting solution to industrial crises in the country there are still hue and cry by employees of various establishment as to how the employers have refused to provide for their employment welfare as it may contained in the employment contracts.
The employees sometimes in an attempt to press home for their legitimate demands are systematically victimize by their various employers as been the case of the forty-two sacked lecturers of the University of Ilorin in the year 2002.
The employers in most cases resort to intimidating the employees by arresting and retaining them in the police net, the advertising of the employees vacancies is another method used by the employers to deny the employees of their employment welfare and benefits for their contributions that sees the organization to the success land.
There is also the surprising view which employers take up personnel and industrial relations managers. They have often not given free hand to the employees to participate in making policies and settle disputes that concerned both parties (Employers & Employees).
The employers sometimes openly brag that they can ‘hire and fire’ and dare any worker to misbehave and get the boot.
The employers and management feel no commitment to labour contacts if one exists in their minds.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
For many years, there have been series of problems arising from poor handling of the Employees welfare by the Employers and management of various establishment in the country, the problem with ranges from poor or non redeeming of those promise that contained in the Employment contract which the Employers and management signed and consent to i.e the non payment of overtime, Houses and car-running allowance, non-implementation of bargaining agreement reached, instant or non procedural sacking of workers, confiscation of workers salaries and wages, lockout of workers in an attempt of demanding for their rights, bank-rolling of the union members in order to useless and rubbish the workers demand. All these which lead to breach of agreement, contravening of the industrial labour laws and creation of conflicts in the organization.
Apart from the above mentioned problems Employers and management are said to have lobbied the senate House committee on labour matters for changing of legislation on labour relations and procedures to favour them, the Employers sometimes preserves false statements of account in order to mislead the Federal Government on tax payment. These situation results in corruption and moral decay, but the pertinent question is are they evil of our generation that have come to destroy our industrial relations systems in the country?
This formed the basis of this research:
1.3 Objectives Of The Study
The objectives of this work are:
- To examine the cause of industrial conflicts in an organization
- To examine the extent to which industrial relations can engender industrial peace.
- What are the methods of resolving and managing conflict.
- To determine the role of industrial relations in managing conflict in an organization.
1.4 Research Question
- What are the causes of industrial conflict in an organization.
- To what extent can industrial Relations proffer lasting?
- Solution to the industrial crises in Nigeria?
- What are the obstacles to conflict resolution in an organization?
- What are the measures employed in resolving and managing conflicts in an organization.
1.5 Statement Of Hypothesis
The following hypothesis was formulated to guide this research work:
- H0: Interdependence, communication problem, scarce resources allocation, Role ambiguity and difference in power status are not major causes of conflicts in an organization.
HA: Interdependence, Communication problem, Scarce resources allocation, role ambiguity and differences in power status are major causes of conflicts in an organization. - H0: Poor attitude of management staff, poor strategies employed in resolving conflicts and uncompromising attitude of the opposing team are not major obstacles to conflict resolution.
HA: Poor attitude of management staff, poor strategies employed in resolving conflicts and uncompromising attitude of the opposing team are major obstacles to conflict resolution. - H0: The effect of conflicts would not bring about breakdown of operation, managerial ineffectiveness, loss of reputation/goodwill and loss of profit.
HA: The effect of conflicts would not bring about breakdown of operation, managerial ineffectiveness, loss of reputation/goodwill and loss of profit. - H0: Adequate negotiations, participation and improving communication, collective bargaining and joint consultation are measures in resolving conflict in an organization.
HA: Adequate negotiations, participation and improving communication, collective bargaining and joint consultation are measures in resolving conflict in an organization.
1.6 Signification Of The Study
In carrying out this work, it is expected that this work would act as a sensitization vehicle that will convey this research message and information to both the Employers, Management and Employees who have already entered into labour contracts with one another but fill to leave up to the expectation.
It will also serve as useful guide to other researchers research on this topic. It is also my fervent hope that this work would go a long way to convince the authorities at different tiers to put a legal framework on labour matters that will place employees in a better position to participate effectively in labour related decision making in the organization.
It will equally enlighten members of the public on the role of industrial relations in engendering industrial crises in Nigeria.
1.7 Scope And Limitation Of The Study
Since this study is designed to examine the role of industrial Relations in conflicts management in an organization with reference to Radio, Television, theatre and Arts workers union (RATTAWU) of Akwa Ibom Broadcasting Corporation Uyo, it would be impossible for the researcher to study the entire Labour Related Matters in the country.
However, very limited time was allowed for this work and coupled with some financial constraints of the researcher, the poor attitudes of some respondents toward the provision of information all have combined to further restrict the coverage of this work.
1.8 Definition Of Terms
Since the use of these project is not limited to the academic community alone, but also to the general public who might not be conversant with the terminologies, the researcher has deemed it necessary to define the following terms.
Industrial Relations:
Is the process through which management or organizations deals with one or more unions of employees, through negotiation and subsequent administration of collective bargaining agreements and labour contracts.
Industrial Conflict:
Is any dispute or differences between employees and employers, or between employers and workman or workmen and workers which is connected with employment, or non-employments or the terms of employment or non-employment or with the conditions of labour of any person.
Is a collective of individual formed into a coordinated system of specialized activities for the purpose of achieving certain goals over some extended period of time even though individual membership may change.
It is connected with industry, industrial conflict, disputes or unrest.
Conflict is the phenomenon of differing and opposing interests or perspectives and it is concretized by the activities of individuals or group of people, organized or unorganized, who naturally or otherwise become associated with and identify themselves within compartments of some defined categories of these interest or perspective (Pita Ejiofor.)
Management refers to the “process of getting things done through others”. This process involves Planning, Control, Organizing, Co-ordinating and decision making.