1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Before a successful development and planning, there must be provision for suitable information which, serves as a guide to the planners. In terms of social and Economic planning and development, e planning and development that has to do with the economy of the nation. It is obvious that information on the population a swell as sex distribution and other related issues have to be there as a guide to the planner so a to make a suitable plan.
In other words, we are set to find relevant information on the population and demography suitable for the proper planning of the nation's economy.
Since the image of the nation always reflects through the state of the economy, there is all the need for proper socio- economic planning and development and since there is no way this task can be accomplish without the use of certain vital facts such as contained in demography and population records.
It therefore makes this research a very important one. Accuracy in population and vital statistics is vital to sound development planning and economic management.
They are also useful for standardizing other, macro-economic aggregates for interregional and international comparison. We shall also consider the factor affecting demography and population statistics as well as bias and other error and the sources.
1.2 Statement of Problems
No proper development planning can be successfully made without the use of proper social and economic planning in Nigeria has always remained a challenge and cannot be conquered except the population and demography are in place. Demography and population records are of most importance to social and economic planning in Nigeria.
1.3 Research Question
In the course of this study, answers will be sought for the following questions
- What do demography and population statistics imply?
- What are the sources of demography and population data?
- What are the problems involved in collecting these data?
- How are these data relevant to social and economic planning and development in Nigerian?
- What are the ways in which one can increase precision in demography and population statistics?
- What factors are responsible for changes in the population of an area?
1.4 Objective of the Study
The objective of this study is to find out the following:
- The problems of demography and population data collection.
- The strategies for improving demography and population data.
- The impact of wrong demography and population data in the social and economic development and planning in Nigeria.
- To find out demography and population data relevant for socio-economic development in Nigerian.
- To analyze demography and population statistics as tools for social and economic development in Nigeria.
- To shows the important of demography and population statistics towards social and economic development in Nigeria.
- To make population projections for future development of the Nigerian economy.
1.5 Significance of the Study
A role of development cannot be neglected in any nation. It is also necessary to understand that every planning and developments starts from somewhere social and economic development need demography and population statistics as a guide for the economic development. Demography and population statistics have been the effective tools that help in standardizing the economic plan.
Though Nigerian one of the richest countries in terms of agriculture product and other mineral resources.
The needs of accurate demography and population data for effective development and planning cannot be over looked hence the economy will be frustrated even with its riches.
In the course of this study, we will come to understand how importance demography and population statistics is in social and economic planning and development in Nigeria.
1.6 Scope of the Study
This research work is intended to find out the demography and population statistics for the planning and development in socio-economics sector in Nigeria.
The scope of this study includes
- Method and source of demography and population statistics in Nigeria.
- Problems of data collection in Nigeria.
- Demography and population statistics and its effect on social and economic planning and development in Nigeria.
- Population projection for future planning and development in Nigeria.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
A lot of factors militated against this project work. The most inflicting problem was time. As a student caring out the study with my ministerial and other domestic callings, the time schedule for this study seems inadequate.
Another major constraints includes lack of data and willingness of the custodians of those data from the nation to make it available for at least photocopy. Even the material in the libraries are grossly out data easy to come by funds needed for this research was enormous at least to cover transportation and photocopy of materials and this is earnest affected and determined the scope of this study.
All these constrains, not withstanding with God's guidance and provisions coupled with the corporation of my superior in higher learning, the study was successfully complete and within time scheduled.