1.1 Background Of The Study
In the old education system of 6-5-4 integrated science was a compulsory course in the first two years of secondary education. The course content/curriculum was developed by STAN committee for proper co-ordination of this committees activities, a director was appointed for the Nigerian integrated science text and work books.
In the next 6-3-3-4 system, secondary education was a two-tier three year junior and senior classes integrated science was equally made one of the core subjects in the junior secondary school by the policy. As a result of this the Nigerian Integrated Science project (NISP) had to be junior secondary classes. This was successfully done and by 1985. The pupils text and work books for the three junior classes were published (Ikeobi, 1988).
STAN had a great objective for embarking on this project for instance. It is believed that integrated science will among other thing, sharping the student power of independent observation and investigation also it will enable the students to acquire the basic science concepts and experience which help in preparing them for future specialization in science based- corpses.
Integrated science places emphasis on the process approach to teaching and learning so as to enable the student acquire basic skills of observing, manipulating classifying. If it is possible integrates science lesson/class are not expected to be classroom chalk-board and talk clarification, enter education approach problem solving concept mapping, Human material and natural resources, using stimulation, games because it is a subject that is designed to involve student in the acquisition of a series of process skills.
As Ohuche (1978) put it “According to the result of investigations and research findings embarked upon by many educational researchers among other things showed beyond reasonable doubt that drawbacks or failure of many students is caused by ineffective handling of the teaching on the part of the secondary schools teachers”.
This fact is attributed to non-challant attitudes of teachers to the usage of appropriate method of teaching that suit the age, maturity, ability and environment condition of the pupils such as play way method, questioning method, ability grouping method e.t.c. and the use of adequate and appropriate instructional aids is accompany the above mentioned strategy of teaching such aids includes real object, visual audio and visual which can be termed as a teaching device used to accompany chalk and talk method so as to make the teaching and learning more effective and understandable.
However, due to its importance in teaching and learning process it can be regarded as the pivot on which the rotates, since it helps in exposing various abstract ideas in integration science to real life situation. Thus enhancing students memory and understanding.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
This project is interested in finding solutions to the problem of method of teaching integrated science in junior secondary school. More specifically, the project wants to find answers to the following questions:
- The reason while students fail integrated science
- Should integrated science have their own laboratory or depend on other laboratory like Biology laboratory?
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
This project attempts to find out the method used in teaching integrated science and to investigate some of the problems associated with the teaching of integrated science in Junior secondary school in Odeda Local Government Area of Abeokuta.
1.4 Significance Of The Study
The significance of the study is to enlighten teacher in Junior Secondary School on how to use appropriate method of teaching how to manage his/her classroom, in order to enhance effective teaching.
The researcher is to make a study into the causes and likely solution to the problems. Therefore, the study will be of good value to the researcher and teacher in the sense that it would enable the researcher to know the appropriate method to use in teaching science student.
The result of the study could be used to inform the government of the situation of integrated science educational approach in secondary school and what government can do to improve the situation.
1.5 Research Question
This study is guided by the following research question:
- What methods of teaching are adopted by integrated science
- How adequate are available instructional materials?
- How adequate is the time allotted to the teaching of integrated science
- How equipped are integrated science laboratory?
- How qualified are the available integrated science teachers.
1.6 Scope Of The Study / Limitation
Due to financial constraints and the fact that the result of this project is to be submitted within a limited time, the writer has decided to limit the study to area of the study i.e. in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun state.
In Odeda Local Government of Ogun State there are many secondary schools in this area out of which the researcher will select five and random for this study.
1.7 Definition Of Terms
At this junction it is necessary to clarify what some used terms in this study means:
1) Integrated:
It means combine into a whole
2) Science:
It is a branch of knowledge involving systematized observation and experiment.
3) Methods Of Teaching:
Is a ways adopted to improve effective teaching and learning process.
4) Teaching:
It is an important activity in the educative process or impact information or skill to a person.
5) Learning:
It can generally define as a relatively permanent change in behaviour which is as a result of experience or is reinforced by practice.
6) Teaching Aids:
This is considered as any device piece of equipment, graphic representation, sound reproduction or illustration that helps the student to learn thus making teaching and learning more meaningful and effective.
7) Project:
A planned of work that is designed to find information about something to produce something new or to improve something.