1.1 Introduction
Okada riders literary means motor cycle riders and their attitudes towards the used of helmet and safely have become the issues for concern in recent times.
Their negative attitudes towards the use of crash helmet, contributes to increase morbidity and mortality rates.
Their attitudes and disregard for safety measures have over the years led to the emergency of several directives to sage guard their life.
One new directives that has dominates headlines caused to defiance on the part of Okada riders and made the relevant authorities resort to puncture measures is that of crash helmet to the average Okada rider, the use of helmets translates into inconvenience and unnecessary expenses in the face of the biting economic condition.
It also legalize extortions in the hands of the Nigerian police for man − compliance, to an average passenger the use of helmet in too dangerous especially the one provided by an Okada rider. Infections and ritual purposes are factors that make many hearts palpate at the sight of the helmet.
Crash Helmet are designed to cushion and protect rider’s head from the impact of a crash.
Lastly, the motorcycle exposes the riders to a crash because it has no windshield, doors, windows or a seat belt to secure and protect the rider, hence the use of helmet which provide safety for the rider’s head and negative attitude towards the use of helmet leads to head injury when there is a fall.
1.2 Statement Of Problem
Okada riders constitute major problems in increasing morbidity and mortality rate thereby decreasing human resources in the nation.
Illiteracy and poverty level of Okada riders also acts as contributing factors to the negative attitudes of Okada riders towards the use of crash helmet.
Ignorance about safety importance of the crash helmet makes most of the Okada riders use both fake and substandard crash helmet.
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
- To determine the level of awareness of Okada riders toward the use of crash helmet.
- To identify the numbers of Okada riders who uses the crash helmet correctly.
- To indicate that negative attitude of Okada riders towards the use of crash helmet heads to high morbidity and mortality rate.
- To examine the effect of positive attitude of Okada riders towards the use of crash helmet.
- To outline and analyze the safety importance of crash helmet.
1.4 Research Question
- Does attitude of Okada riders towards the use of head crash helmet influence their safety?
- What effect does positive attitude of Okada riders towards the use of head crash helmet have on safety.
- What effect does negative attitude of Okada riders towards the use of head crash helmet have on safety?
1.5 Hypotheses
- Hi − There is positive relationship between the use of crash helmet and attitude to safety among Okada riders.
HO − There is no positive relationship between the use of crash helmet and attitude to safety among Okada riders. - Hi − Okada riders have negative attitudes towards the use of helmet in Nigeria.
HO − Okada riders does not have negative attitudes towards the use of helmet in Nigeria.
1.6 Significance Of The Study
Despite the fact that a lot of people have written research on plane crash, road accident, little or not research has been done on an attitude of Okada riders.
Because this research is a leading research it will act as a reference materials to those who will work on this research in schools, colleges, universities etc.
The research will assume the government in facilitating the using of laws that will enforce the use of crash helmet and make Okada riders to develop a positive attitude.
1.7 Limitations Of The Study
The following limitations were encountered during the course of the research.
- Difficulties in getting responses from Okada rider.
- Because of their literacy level I, was highly difficult to convince them that there is no implications after answering the question are:
- There is financial constraints hence the research cannot be extended.
- There is limited time hence the research could have be expanded.
1.8 Scope / Delimitations Of Study
This study in basically on Ojodu Local Government however care should be applied when trying to apply the study in generalized the whole Lagos State or Nigeria.
The study is limited to Ojodu local government and however this research provided useful information and research on the attitude of Okada riders and the use of helmet.
1.9 Definition Of Terms
Attitude is a way of thinking or feeling or way of individual behaviors or a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and disposition.
Okada Rider:
Okada riders literary means motor cycle riders or motor bike rider.
Crash Helmet:
Is a type of protective head gear used by motorcycle riders to protect the riders head during impact, the primary goal of a motorcycle helmet is motorcycle safety.
Safety is the state of being “safe”, the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, political emotional, occupational, psychological educational or other types on consequences of failure, damages or accident, herm or any other event which could be considered non desirable. This can take the form of being protected from the event or exposure to something that causes health is economical loses it can include protection of people or of possessions.
Head Injury:
Head injury is a general term used to describe any traveling to the head and most specifically to the brain itself.