1.0 Introduction
1.1 Computer Animation
This research project is basically to help undergraduates or even be handy for computer graphic programmers who want to learn and know more about the basis of computer animation programming and even go a step further to knowing it role in advertising because this research project gives some deep and explanatory as earlier stated.
As discussed earlier in animation itself, to ‘animate' is literally to give life to ‘Animating' is moving something, which cannot move itself and its concern with time so, computer animation is the art of creating moving images via the use of computers or the use of computer to create animations. It is a sub field of computer graphic and animation.
There are different method to operate or make computer animations.
Increasingly it is created by means of 3D computer graphics or animation; through 2D computer graphics are still widely used. Sometimes the target of the animation is the computer itself sometimes the target is another medium, such as file. One way to create computer animation is to create objects and render them. This method produces perfect and three-dimensional looking animations.
To create the illusion of movement an image is displayed on the computer screen then quickly replaced by a new image that is similar to the previous image, but shifted slightly. This technique is clinical to how the illusion of movement is achieved with television and motion picture
i. Sample Example (CA)
The screen is blanked to a background color such as back. Then a filled red circle is drawn in the center of the screen. Next the screen is blanked; but the red circle is drawn slightly to the right of its original position. This process is repeated, each time moving the circle a bit to the right. If this process is repeated fast enough the red circle would appear to move smoothly to the right. This basic procedure is used for all moving pictures in films and television.
ii. Tools
Computer animation can be done on a variety of computers, simple cell animation requires nothing more than that a computer system capable of simple graphics with proper animation software. Unfortunately, most of the computer animation that you see on television and in other areas is done on extremely sophisticated workstation. This page is broken into two software and hardware,
There are some of the most popular software packages used by companies schools and individual all around the globe.
- 3D Studio Max
- 3D Studio
- Light ware 3D
- Adobe PhotoShop
- Animator Studio
To trick the eye and brain into thinking they are seeing a smoothly moving object the picture must be drawn at about 24 frames per second (FPS) or faster (a frame is one complete image). With rates above 70 FPS, no improvement in realism or smoothness is perceivable due to the way the eye and brain process images at rates below 24FPS, most people can detect Jerkiness associated with the drawing of new images which detracts0 from the illusion of realistic movement. Conventional hand-draw cartoon animation often used 12EPS in order to save on the number of drawings needed, but this is usually accepted because of the stylized nature of cartoons. Because it produces more realistic imagery computer animation demands higher frame rates to reinforce this realism.
The reason no Jerkiness is seen at higher speeds is due to ‘persistence of vision' from movement to movement the eye and brain looking together actually store whatever you look at for a fraction of a second and automatically smooth out' minor jumps movie film seen in a theater runs at 24FPS which is sufficient to this illusion of continuous movement.
iii. Computer Animation's Role Advertising
Advertising is mass communication that advertising pays for in order to convince a certain segment of the public to adopt ideas or take actions of benefit to the advertisers.
In the 1950s the advert of television, which is one of the faster way of advertising, developed fast to the advertising medium #1.
Now advertising could demonstrate thee use of their products and present well know figures to praise it. They also arrange emotions through television.
One of the most popular uses for computer animation is in television advertising some of thee models that the commercial would see extremely difficult to animation in the past (i.e. saxophones, boxes of detergent, bathrooms, kitchen etc.) this is use or was discovered. The modeled objects would then be animated and incorporated with live video. The process involved in modeling and create the animation could take as many weeks.
In most case, advertising needs media to be inserted. Usually, animation is used images derived from live film.
Sometimes the animation detail is so high, that viewers can't tell if what they are seeing is real or not.
In this context of computer animation in advertising, the effects of animation in Online Banner Advertising will be assess; Hierarchy of effects models.
This study/ research attempts to examine the effects of animation banner ads, as well as the moderating effects of involvement, on each stage of the hierarchy of effects model.
The result of this study/ research provide support for the notion that animated banner ads prompt better advertising has better attention — grubbing capabilities, and generates higher recall more favorable Ad.
While online advertising has grown dramatically during the past several years (low 2000) attracting individuals attention and persuading them remain one of the critical issues for the practitioner. The only way these practitioner can make a big hit is by the innovation of animation in the ads.
The also attempts to assess the effect of animation banner ads over status ads with the framework of the hierarchy of effects.
1.2 Background History
Computer animation has been around as long as computer graphics. The University of Utah founded by DARPA. Was the easily pioneer in computer graphics and produced many of the well- know names in graphics. The first major sketchpad in 1962 by Ivan Sutherland. This system animates line drawings on a screen–based animation.
Also produced for the effort of the university of Utah were some early films hand and an animated face by such folks as Ed cat mill, break crow, Fred Parke, and Jim Blinn. It has been earlipsed.
In the late sixties chuks Csuri was doing some pioneering work in computer animation in the computer graphics Research Group at the Ohio state university.
A Major feature of that came out the Ohio State in the seventies was real time video play back from a digital disk.
In the early 80s the research group become the advance computing center for Art and Design and continues to produce computer animation.
Norm Balder, at the University of Pennsylvania, was one of the first researchers addressing the problem of human figure animation. He has continued this research and has established the center for human modeling and simulation.
Also in the mid-seventies, at Cornell university, the programmer for computer graphics, under the direction of Don Green berg, generated some architecturally walk- through of Conrail's Campus.
Computer animation has become regular and popular in special effect. movies such as ‘Jurassic Park' terminator 2 judgement Day and ‘the Abyss' have brought computer animated called Hunger was produced by Reine Jodin and directed animated by peter folders in 1974. This effort was a 2.5D system that depended heavily on object interpolation techniques.
A major part in integrating live film and computer animation, is to make absolutely sure that scale and perspective of the animation are light. The scale is important to making the animal beharable. The animators go through a greater deal work to make sure this is right.
In 1907 The HAUNTED HOTE is an animators film by James Stuart Blacktion. In this film the animated was created by stop motion and effects animated of 3Dobjects- wine Poured into a glass, bread cut and a table set without a human present. The film was a success and introduced 3D animation at the world.
Storyboards play an important role in creating animation, but there would probably never be a storyboard for something as simple as a flipping logo or a bouncing ball.
For example the movie ‘terminator 2 judgement day' produced in 19….. there was a scene in that movie when one of the characters walks through fire. The animators would have to perfectly model the character to the greatest detail. They would then make their model unimick the live character movement and make him walk through. The fire then they would the two images together.
In 1995, Disney and pixar released the very first, fall length, totally computer animation motion picture.
Just like conventional animation computer animation is also a form of art. This can be confirmed by the words of the father of animation should be art in 1911-21. An artist can control a magnitude of things in a computer animation with a few clicks of a mouse than he can do in the conventional animation methods. A light source can be moved very easily without re-doing the whole animation.
There is now a great industry in computer animation. There is a great need for more stunning animations for television to keep the watchers glued to the screen. There is also demand for computer animation in many fields because of this demand. There is also a growing number of computer animation companies.
They are to mention a few:
- Adobe system Inc.
- Alias/ wave front
- Aula Desk
- Bantering
- Calgary
- Computer vision
- Electro Image
- National Association of Broad Casters.
1.3 Research Problem
This project is out to solve the idea of just having a stain banner advert, but giving importance of having an animated banner advert with the use of computer to achieve this. Static banner advertising does not appeal to the eye- brain because of its usual nature, which is static. Animation comes in to change all that because it draws attended and the memory of it remains. This project research is out to change the face of advertising and to through light on the importance of computer animation.
1.4 Research Aims / Objective
An animated banner advertising will have greater attended- getting capability than a static banner ad and also images convey a lot information because the human visual system is a sophisticated information processor. So, it follows or it can be said that moving images have the potential to convey much more information.
The versatility of an artist in the society is the ability of being really creative and experimental especially in the field of animation in respect of adverting in the field animation and advertising. Meleis in 1890 using simple tricks and techniques of a camera to make inanimate objects appear to move. Art history has made it open to the artist about the style expressionism and mannerism to be more creative in expression design. The aim of this research is to make artist and computer graphics programmers see the important of been innovation in their thinking.
1.5 Scope of Study
This project scope is basically based on animation production through computer and to know the important nature of animating in advertising because animation gives adverts a different status altogether. It creates more time than the old usual adverts.
And how these representations and creativity can be manipulated to produce this result through the user of computer with the use of full 3D computer animation and the techniques to move objects interesting ways.
1.6 Limitation / Delimitation
The lack of constant usage of computer as a result of non-usage in the department and lack of computer animation textbook in institution of management and technology library as some limitation to achieving what was initially intended.
Most especially time factor, which has always been the limitation.
The research has to be represented with source from the lecturer, and magazines and some foreign aid.
As said earlier time factor this work has to be out under a limit but yet a reasonable standard was achieved.