1.0 Introduction
1.1 General Overview Of The Study
Cooperative marketing is both a physical distribution and one economic bridge designed to facilitate the movement and exchange of commodities. A basic purpose of marketing cooperative is to strengthen the bargaining power of formers in the market. And the function of marketing cooperatives is to sell or market products (usually form produce) on behalf of the members.
Cooperative marketing helps members in exchanging the productivity of agricultural products thereby increasing the finances of cooperative. Cooperative marketing helps in promoting Nigerian’s image in other world.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
The cooperative marketing are facing a lot of problems most of cooperatives are not educated and this has affected the efficient management of their societies. They are ignorant of modern methods and principles of management and do not make use of the marketing concepts in their activities. This has resulted in most societies nor measuring up to expectation and even most cooperative society folding up
Another problem lies in the supervision of these cooperative societies. The cooperative inspectors from the ministry are not discharging their duties effectively, so most of the inspector complained of lack of transportation.
Finance has also been a major problem where cooperative marketing societies are. Most of them are from low income group and as such cannot raise sufficient capital for the smooth running of the societies. An even finance from external service is very difficult to get and when granted, these societies feel very reluctant to pay back the money. These are also cases of misappropriation of finds by some members and officials of these societies.
1.3 Objectives Of The Study
The objective of this study in the cooperative marketing activities by Ogbo-Efere Marketing in Anambra State and how they handle transportation challenges.
The specific objectives will be as follows:
- To know the extent to which transportation posses a problem to cooperative marketing.
- To find out the effects of the transport problems in marketing societies.
- To find out the steps token through cooperative marketing to resolve the transportation challenges they face.
- To make useful recommendations on possible ways of further resolving the transport problem of marketing societies.
1.4 Scope Of The Study
This research study is limited to the geographical boundaries of Anambra State in general, Ogbo-Efere Cooperative Society Ltd, Onitsha in particular.
1.5 Hypothesis
For effective research, some academic conjunctives are formulated to help in making decision in proving whether the conjunctives are true or false.
H0: Cooperative marketing does not resolve the transportation problems by them.
HI: Cooperative marketing resolves the transportation problems faced by them.
1.6 Significance Of The Study
This project will provide information about usefulness and importance of Ogbo-Efere Onitsha Cooperative Society. it will make members to appreciate the services of marketing cooperatives. Above all, it will service as a reference for future research in this area.
1.7 Limitation Of The Study
With the process of this research, the following tentative limitations were outlined.
i. Inadequate Fund:
Fund availability may likely affect this research work because of the intended movements from one place to the other to enable the researcher obtain necessary information.
ii. Time:
As a student in higher institution, time may likely affect the researcher in conducting the research work.
iii. Uncharitable Behavior:
The attitudinal behavior of some members because of their level of education, ignorance and unawareness will also be expected to work against the work. It is hoped however, that the above limitations will in one way affect the validity of this project.
1.8 Definition Of Terms
I. Cooperative Republic or Common Wealth:
This means independent state of group of federation cooperative communities.
ii. Statutory Function:
These are functions which impose on an organization as a result of the law establishing it.
iii. Bulk Purchase:
This involves buying of thing in large quantities or sizes.
iv. Patronage Rebases:
This deals with discounts on the amounts cooperatives members are expected to pay.