1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
In order to conduct the business of the government effectively, the tasks of government are broken into different parts and each task is assigned to a ministry, department of bureau.
In Nigeria, we are faced with problem of employment and this has invariably contributed to the level of our department economic wise. It is in recognition of this problem that the Nigerian governments (federal, state and local) are now mounting series of programmes designed to intimate people to appreciate the importance of cooperative business and its employment potentials.
A typical example is the establishment of people's bank, cooperative inspirations in both the rural and urban areas, Owerri North local Government inclusive. By definition, cooperative is the coming together of people with socio-economic problems and by pooling their resources together and try to solve their problems with guiding principles and which must be registered afterwards.
Therefore, cooperative and employment is a way by which the cooperative organization seeks t0 generate employment, thereby reducing unemployment during this employment generation, cooperatives are faced with various problems both from within and outside which seek to distribute and is able to be solved when the problems affecting it are solved.
Cooperative generate employment in various ways due to the fact that it can be small and large scale through which works which include mental, skilled, labour etc. are expected to be seen, meaning that cooperatives can generate employment from the various sectors seen in our environmental service as a guard stick in disking using developed from undeveloped or developing countries. Economists are of the view that countries with high rate of unemployment are low in productivity Todora (1997:29).
Every government in the world including Nigerian makes efforts to develop by introducing new programmes and policies recognizing the fact that economic growth is weak on employment and availability of resource, hence this programme is worth giving a trial.
It is against this background that researcher is motivated to choose this topic “cooperative and Employment Generation” in realization of the fact that every economic recover and industrialization would be faster and flourish more in our round area and cities Owerri north was chosen because of its geographical commercial and economic significance in Nigeria.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
It has been the perspective if many that cooperative ends up in very little work activities and has got nothing much to do with employment generation. This dies not seem to me that they misconstruction or underestimate it because they lack the proper knowledge and understanding of its contribution. This further delays our desire to attain great economic height.
The problem of employment brought about the following question
- Does cooperative business has enough employment potentials for the ever growing Nigeria people s population from the view of Owerri north L.G.A?
- What factor Constraint the growth of cooperative business?
- How significant is lack of capital and infrastructure in the establishment of cooperative business as it relates to Owerri north L.G.A?
- What role dose government policy play to encourage cooperative business in employment generation on Owerri north L.G.A?
1.3 Objective of the Study
Realizing the employment generation potential of cooperative business there are no two ways other than creating serious awareness among the people emphasizing more on cooperative as best alternative to our much talked about employment problem. Economist believe that more that half of our problems are over when we have full employment. The study “cooperative societies a strong key to employment generation in Nigeria is designed to:
- Identify of cooperative business has enough employment potentials for the growing population of the nation from the Owerri North L.G.A.
- Identify the core problems that hinder people from establishing and operating cooperative business.
- Find out remedial actions taken solve, reduce the problems above
- Find out causes of these inhibiting factors.
- Identify possible suggestion as how-to solve the problem of cooperative business in Owerri North L.GA.
1.4 Significant of the Study
Cooperative business is the roots to the ownership of capital and likewise participation towards the economic and industrial growth of the nation. This research is particularly of importance to the growth of people as it provides:
- Opportunity to persons who may need to appreciates what constitutes cooperatives business in generating employment and expected problems to be encountered.
- The profitability person(s) venturing in cooperative business.
- There is practically significant to the Nigerian government as it affords the government an opportunity to appreciate the problems facing the establishment of efficiency by compassing how much is produced with the resources used.
1.5 Research Questions
- What do you think cooperative society is like?
- Does cooperative business have enough employment potentials for the over growing Nigeria people's population from the view of Owerri North L.G.A?
- What factors constraint the growth of cooperative business?
- What role does government policy play to encourage cooperatives business in employment generation on Owerri North L.G.A?
- Do investors of cooperative societies look forward in finding a lasting solution to current employment?
1.6 Scope and Limitations of Study
The study are of coverage is Owerri North L.G.A but due to some factors which include the large scope etc. which leads to some difficulties, the phrase cooperative and employment generation already brings to attention that there are other ways to employment generation but this study is restricted to cooperatives in Owerri North because of time, finance and distance.
1.7 Definition of Terms
It is the act of emptying or using the state of being employed occupies his time.
A business may be classified under incorporated, and non incorporated, incorporated as in registered and non corporate as in not registered firm or business.
The process of planning organizing directing and controlling the effort of organization members by using all other organizational goals.
A form of business which involves the coming together of individuals which have socio economic problems top pool their resources together in other to help solve it. The cooperative must be registered and must be working under laid down rules principles.
This is the measurement efficiency by comparing how much is produced with the research used.