1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Civil and political participation is an important element of contemporary democracy. It is generally assumed that within a democratic political system, citizens should have sufficient opportunities to communicate their preferences toward political decision makers of equal importance, however in the mobilization aspect, citizens have to be mobilized and recruited in order to be able to participate with the emergence of social media “Facebook” which the various politicians, parties and organizations saw new possibilities for mobilizing citizens.
The Gubernatorial elections in Imo state witnessed a remarkable use of social media as a political communication tool in Imo state. The role of the social media “Facebook” in political mobilization and participation across the globe cannot be over emphasized. The 2015 Gubernatorial elections in Imo state offer a unique context and opportunity to evaluate the use of social media in elections, especially the usefulness and application of Facebook in the electoral environment.
Although it seems obvious that social media contributed in no small measure to the success of the 2015 Gubernatorial elections in Imo state, it is pertinent to understand specifically how particular stakeholders in 2015 Gubernatorial elections, like INEC, Politicians/political parties, the electorate, and CSOs, used the media during the elections. It was not only INEC that tapped the opportunities provided by soil media for greater and more efficient political communication. Politicians and political parties also utilized the social media largely to engage with voters and constituents. Many candidates that contested the 2015 gubernatorial elections in Imo state had Facebook and other social media accounts.
The several gubernatorial elections in Imo state witnessed a remarkable use of social media as a political communication tool in Imo state. Three major issues underline the tremendous use of social media tools during the elections.
Firstly, the use of social media in Imo state elections or “E-electioneering”. According to McNamara (2008), around the world, rapidly expanding access to internet, increased availability of internet ready smart phones and other communication device as well as the evolution of web-based new media-personal websites, social networking sites, blogs, newsletters have re-defined methods of political communication leading to a significant shift towards the use of social media in electoral process.
Previously, network television and newspapers dominated coverage of electioneering and were primary sites of elections related information. But today, the social media, particularly Facebook has become a major election information sharing platform globally. Because of its ease of use speed and reach, social media is revolutionizing the efficiency of election administration, coverage and reporting.
The second issues that underline the use of social media in Imo state Gubernatorial election is the tendency of some Imo politicians to tap into the opportunities offered by the social media for online campaigning.
The use of social media “Facebook” by politicians in mobilizing people for elections in recent times is gaining ground around the states. Facebook has become an increasingly important vehicle for political communication and mobilization.
Unlike traditional media (Newspaper and television) the social media allows its audiences to select and choose the extent of audiences and sources and its wealth of information are all thought to facilitate widespread political change.
The Facebook unique transmission capability has altered the flow of information throughout society and consequently has impacted the political behavior of the general public and it was on this background that the research was carried out.
Mostly, the entire political aspirant used social media tools to connect with voters and constituents. Facebook and twitter appears to be the most widely used social media platforms by the politicians.
Social media “Facebook” offered politicians and their parties the opportunity to broadcast messages and recruit a huge number of volunteers top support their campaign.
1.2 Statement of Problem
The use of Facebook by politicians in mobilizing people for election is weakening the gate keeping capacity of the traditional media. Before the emergence of social media, the traditional media played a key role in deciding what is sufficiently important to be aired to the public. This gate keeper role of the traditional media enables it to set agenda for public discourse. The mass media force attention to certain issues.
They build up public images of political figures. They are constantly presenting objects suggesting what individuals in the mass should think about, know about and have feelings about. By presenting politicians with a platform to speak directly to their constituents and potential voters without the traditional media intermediary, Facebook has largely curtailed the agenda setting role of the traditional media.
The practice of political breaking news through Facebook rather than press release in the traditional media has gained currency in recent times, press secretariat are increasingly losing their control as gatekeepers and politicians now have more liberty to frame and prime issues they consider important to win the election.
In all, the use of social media limits the control of the traditional press secretaries over the overflow of information and also decreases the dependence on traditional media for up-to-date content on election facts.
Social media (Facebook) has emerged as the new influencer in social, economic and political setting. Research has shown that increasing use of Facebook for political leadership and television viewership in many countries and all this communication may not have basis to justify them. There were very tendencies for message transmitted through the social media (Facebook) not to quickly reach the offline electorates.
They create a gap “online” and “offline” electorates and enables the messages circulated through Facebook to rapidly and easily penetrate only to fraction of the social.
Violence is another problem inherent in the use of Facebook on mobilizing electorates. Politicians normally communicate false news through social media to victimize the opponents and cause social disorder before and after election.
This destabilizes the political and causes election riots in most elections in the state.
This work intends to tackle the following problem;
- There are many challenges accompanied the dependence of social media for election facts. This challenge has misled and affects people voting in Imo state.
- Since the inventions of social media, politicians have changed their campaign strategies which include using Facebook in politicking or mobilizing electorate. This weakens and affects the gate keeping capacity of the traditional media.
- This Facebook limits the control of traditional press secretaries over the flow of information land decrease the dependence on the traditional media for up-to-date content on election fact.
- 4There is a total dependency of the people on social media for news, which has no basic for readership and television viewership in Imo state.
- Facebook and other social media sites have really affected the voting pattern and behavioral pattern of the Imo electorate through these social network sites. Many voted against their wish as a result of false information gotten from these social networks.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objectives of this work are to ascertain the use of Facebook by politicians to mobilize people for election. Other objectives include:
- To examine if the use of Facebook by politician in mobilizing people for election is weakening the gate keeping capacity of the traditional media.
- To examine the role of Facebook in political mobilization.
- To know if Facebook has affected the voting behavior of the Imo state electorate.
- To identify the opportunities and challenges of the use of Facebook by politicians for political mobilization.
1.4 Research Questions
On the course of carrying out this research work, the following research questions were developed:
- Does the use of Facebook by politicians in mobilizing people for election weaken the gatekeeper capacity of the traditional media?
- Does Facebook have effect on voting behavior of the Imo election?
- Do you think Facebook has a role to play in political mobilization of people?
- Are there any opportunities and challenges of the use of Facebook for political mobilization?
1.5 Significance of the Study
The findings of this project will be relevant to politicians and political parties in letting them know the importance and usefulness of Facebook and other social media in mobilizing electorates.
It is useful to the public on the place of Facebook and other social media in disseminating political news to the people.
Scholars and academicians who are carrying similar research will find the research work useful. Also other stakeholders like the regulatory bodies, government and INEC will find the result of the study interesting in checkmating the nature of information disseminate by politicians on Facebook.
It will uncover the problem or challenges of using Facebook in mobilizing people for elections and proffer solutions to challenges.
1.6 Scope of Study
There are many social media tools through which politicians can use in passing information to people. These include; Twitter, YouTube, Yahoo, Google etc. But study will be limited to the use of Facebook in particular by politicians in mobilizing people for election.
This is so due to the fact that all social media cannot be studied in whole due to finance and other constraints as explained below.
1.7 Limitation of Study
1. Finance:
Economically, the study witnessed finance challenges as it is very difficult to browse for information and materials without enough fund at hand.
2. Time:
There is no enough time to carry out this study as the research time coincided with the time of lectures and other activities.
3. Materials:
Due to the inability of the management and public libraries to acquire enough books which are useful to the study. The study makes us of the available materials mostly from journals and websites.
1.8 Operational Definition of Terms
This can be defined as a collection of millions of computer network of varying the size of million users who share an interactive means for interacting with another to exchange digital data.
This is an electronic device which is capable of receiving information (data) and performing a sequence of logical operations in accordance with a predetermined by variable set of procedural instructions (programs) to produce a result in the form of information or signals.
A journalist is a person whose profession is to practice journalism. Also is a person involved in the operation of gathering and dissemination of information or signals through an appropriate medium.
An election is a formal making process by which population chooses an individual to hold public office. It is the act of choosing or selecting one or more from a greater number of persons, things, courses or rights.
This is defined as an online social networking website where people can create profiles, share information such as photos and quotes about themselves and respond or link to the information posted by others.
Social Network:
Any website designed to allow multiple users to publish content themselves. The information may be on any subject and may be for consumption by (potential) friends, users, mates, employers, employees etc. The sites typically allow users to create a “profile” describing themselves and list other or groups they are connected to in some ways.
Social Media:
Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.
Act of assembling and marketing both people and supplies ready for information.
A person who is professionally involved in politics especially as a holder of an elected office.