1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Most organization today in the country have at one or the other establish a department which is responsible. For all the masters concerning personal and human relation in charge of this department is of high professional expertise.
The people who posses the abundant skill and knowledge in the field can only success in performing their duty only when they are provided with good working environment Akpala (1998). Human resources are indispensable to organization worth its name should have a will staffed personal matters Obikeze (2005).
According to Akeke (2008) personal administration is a basic function of management unless it is effectively carried out by all matters of line to achieve organizational success. Effective management of human resources is very essential for the success of any organization.
Afikpo North Local Government as an organization is not example whose function is to bring human and material resources together in other to attain to the need of the people.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Afikpo North Local Government just like every local Government was created to bring development within the territorial boundaries.
The personnel management is power house of every organization personnel management is all about human resources, as is said that human beings are the most difficult thing to handle or manage been use effective management leads to effective performance are good productivity of is also pertinent to know that the personnel of any local government are public servants.
Therefore, the associated problem with Afikpo North Local Government today includes;
- Funding and managing of the available funds
- Delay of workers payment which have seen causing the personnel to involve in one corrupt practice or the other.
- The Local Government have not been organizing training and development seminar for then workers.
- Misappropriation of funds and mismanagement of resources has become the order of the Jay as a result of this project are being tone half way while some are abandoned.
The question here is, to what extent has personnel (civil servant) of this local government help in actualizing the goal of establishing local government.
1.3 Objective of the Study
- To determine the actual role/ and function of personnel management in the local government.
- To assertion the right leadership style needed local government
- To educate local government personnel on the importance of putting their best in the course of the service.
- To examine the function of local government in relation to the place of personnel management in Nigeria civil servant.
1.4 Research Question
- What are the roles of personnel management in Nigeria local government?
- To what extent has the activities of the personnel management actualize the objective of the local government?
- Are the employees actually satisfied with their employment remuneration policies?
1.5 Significance of the Study
This study would be utmost benefit and importance to Afikpo North Local Government area of Ebonyi state. Also it will serve as a source of reference in this area. It will also benefit other government parastatals.
1.6 Scope of the Study
Due to inadequate finance the research decided to limit the scope of the study to Afikpo North Local Government Area of Ebonyi state, to enable him cover the area of the research study and obtain adequate information for the place of personnel management in Nigeria local Government.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
The research would have like to cover a utider area in this study but owing to time factor and financial involvement, it was limited only to the personnel department of the organization.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Local Government:
It is known as government at grassroots level, established to develop the local government area.
As it the coordination of resources of an organization or government through the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling in order to attain organization goal.
A social or economic entity that involve different individual perform a variety or function in order to achieve a common goal.
This can be seen as individual who compose the productive force in an organization (1-4 The people that manages human are material resources in local government or other organization.
Public Service:
This is the service where federal state or local government has interest or their presence in felt.