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Entrepreneurial Characteristics Project Related Proposal Topics

Entrepreneurial Characteristics Project Proposal Topics and Materials


This platform is setup for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in Nigeria and other Countries, who desire for related project topics on Entrepreneurial Characteristics with Materials in PDF or Microsoft Word (Docx) that will serve as a guideline towards accomplishing their final year research aim. Below is the list of available Entrepreneurial Characteristics Related proposal topics that can be selected for proposal write-up submission.

How Final Year Research Functions
  • Select your preferred related project topics on Entrepreneurial Characteristics from Our library;

  • Write a project proposal for your preferred Entrepreneurial Characteristics related topics;

  • Present the related project topics to your supervisor for assessment purpose; and

  • Finally, inform Us with the phone number below after approval to get the complete research material (Chapter 1-5 and References).

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Important Project Research Questions for Students

How can I get one of the best related Project Topics on Fungi?

Our research bot has sourced out one of the best related Project topic titled “Antifungal Activity of Onion Oil Extract Against Fungi Pathogen” – The onion is a vegetable that is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium. The study was carried out to identify and determine the antifungal activity of onion extract against some fungi pathogen. The diseases which are born by food are gradually becoming a dangerous risk to public health. Onion (Alliumcepa) is native of Israel. Allium is the largest and important representative genus of the Liliaceae family. The study reveals the following problems associated with the antifungal activity of onion extract against some fungi pathogen; lack proper investigation of the inhibition of pathogenic Fungi in onion oil extract, …

Do You Have Project Topics Related to Firm Performance?

One of the most crucial Project Topics pertaining to Firm Performance is “The Role of Accounting Ratio in Financial Performance of the Firm and Investment Decision” – The study was carried out to examine the Role of Accounting Ratio in Financial Performance of the Firm and Investment Decision. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to show how ratio analysis facilitates proper understanding of information contained in financial statements, identify the usefulness of financial ratios in measuring and predicting the performance and financial position of a business and suggest on ways to enhance efficient use of ratio analysis in decision-making. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method to obtain information from the respondents for this project. A …

How Can I Find Project Topics Related to National Youth Services Corps?

Final year students searching for Project related topics on National Youth Services Corps should refer to this topic “National Youth Services Corps Scheme as an Instrument of National Development in Nigeria” – There is need to encourage Nigerian Youth to actively participate in national integration and development, rather than have passive beneficiaries of the process of change in society. It is against the back ground that the NYSC scheme sendsteaming Nigeria graduates from various institutions within the country to serve their father land for the period of one year in states other than their states of Origin. Many people see these youths in their uniform without clear knowledge of who they are or what they stand for. Some doubt the wisdom in continuation of NYSC and complain that funding of this scheme …

Do you have topics in Midwifery related to Personal Hygiene?

Finding research topics based on Personal Hygiene has been a recent activity of this platform. We suggest you observe this topic titled “Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Personal Hygiene Among Junior Secondary School Students” – Personal Hygiene is fundamental to the prevention and control of communicable diseases and maintaining good health. The study was carried out to examine the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Personal Hygiene among Junior Secondary School Students at Irrua Girls Secondary School, Irrua, Edo State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to assess the knowledge of Students of Irrua Girls Secondary School on personal hygiene and examine the practice of personal hygiene in the individual levels and to intervene them about personal hygiene. The research design used in this report is descriptive design, utilizing questionnaire method …

Searching for a Specific Final Year Project Topics on Accounting Profession?

Among the most important Project Topics related to Accounting Profession, we found “The Prospect of Accounting as a Profession Implication for Accounting Students” – The title of this project is “The prospect of accounting as a profession; implication for accounting students. The project was written to highlight the prospect of accounting profession, to identify the problems associated with accounting students in their pursuit /of academic certificate and the implications of the problems for the students. The study aroused the interest of the investigator because he felt that the study of accounting have been impeded with multiplicity of the factors inhibiting it. To identify these problems, the research Chapter one. …

Do You Have Final Year Project Topics on Teaching Method?

We have source out one of the best Project Topics on Teaching Method, which is “Appraisal of Method of Teaching Business Studies in Secondary School” – In the recent years, government organizations specially the tertiary institution are often faced with some problems because of the economical situation in the country and human weakness. Some of the problems are: · Inadequate accounting system · Deliberate refusal to supply vital information on the pretence of unavailability or confidentiality and · Non − recognition of the internal audit department. All those and more occurred where inadequate internal control and good accounting system. This project will revealed much about the structured and relevance of the above title in federal college of education (Technical) Akoka. The study looked into the ownership structure, source of …

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