1.0 Introduction
This study is a comparative study of the purchasing concepts, its applicability by manufacturing industry (Spring Bank Nigeria plc Owerri)
Ours is a competitive and dynamic environment where one must adopt to the changing trends and be able to make the customers satisfied hence the need for purchasing concepts.
Purchasing concepts today is the subject of growing in all types of organization within and outside of business section and in countries through the world. Since views differ on the which development model is the best countries and organization take different paths.
They assign different roles to industrial, domestic saving foreign capital central planning, imported technology land reform and modernization of agricultural public or private enterprises and so on despite this diversity developing countries as well agencies and Business Corporation agree that the equality of purchasing concepts largely determines, what is achieved.
This unanimity is not based on any theory or ideology but on experience. When the purchasing concept is not in use in any organization, even massive injections of finance and resources as well as supper human effort produce only flecting improvements.
This observation is not new, much has been said and written about purchasing in developing countries, much has been done to increase the number of competent purchasing managers use to build and strengthen purchasing institutions, to learn from countries processing consideration purchasing experience spreads the gospel of purchasing concepts and purchasing activity as widely as possible.
Yet the task is not complete, perhaps the line has been too short and the effort inadequate errors too have involved the purchasing challenge of 1990's is not what it was thirty or even have imagine the impact purchasing concept could create in the manufacturing industry.
A satisfied customer will not only stick to your company but will also speak good things about it would not want to establish internal harmony consistency or congruity. He achieves this abandoning or drawing his assets from the bank.
The starting point of purchasing concept deals with the ideal of looking at the produces of services from the customers point of view instead of trying to give your consumers what you think they need, find out what they want subject to course some of the social responsibility constraints.
1.1 Background of the Study
This study looks a critical look at the applicability of purchasing concepts manufacturing organization industry. It has been observed that executives in the service industry have been slow in adopting the purchasing principles and strategies developed by tangible product associated companies.
The only few example include, insurance, firms, banks and airways, which have embraced the purchasing principles. This laggard posture of the executive in the services industry thinks themselves as producers or creator and not as marketers or service. According to Stanton, they are proud of their ability to repair a car diagnose an illness, fly a plane.
This work is meant to help us realize the good in the use of purchasing concepts the achievement of production and markets who have practiced the purchasing concepts and its effects on improving customers service level especially in manufacturing organisations.
In the past, company staff behaves in a way that made a customer feels as if they were doing him a favour by holding his money in a current account also loans were seldom granted to customers. Recently, most of the companies are struggling to change these negatively associated images. Companies are today establishing purchasing departments expanding their service and engaging in hands sale advertisements. Spring bank have developed its customers, services this they did by re-engaging all branches.
1.2 Statement of Problem
In the recent times it has been observed that manufacturing organisations have a great role to play in the ultimate improvement in customers service level and that inspite of all the regulatory framework and some orientation on how to put customers service at the apex of their service programmes banks especially commercial banks have remained indifferent and inallentive to the community at large to achieve its economic and social goals.
This attitude of manufacturing organizations warrants this question has the applicability of the purchasing concept in manufacturing organizations been a reality. If it has been, has it changed the attitude of manufacturing organisations for their irresponsive posture towards achieving high level of customers service.
1.3 Statement of Problem
There is a great need to understand the purchasing and its applicability by industry, as this is very necessary in the banking industry. There is no gain treating the customers as if you doing them a favour by keeping their money or assets. It may be time in one land. The fact remains that there is a big different between industries that operates the purchasing concept and industries that operate the selling or product concept.
It is the objective of this study to investigate these accusation of indifferent and in attentive attitude of manufacturing organizations to customers service I need with the view to finding out.
- Whether actually manufacturing organizations are applying purchasing concept in the discharge of their duties to customers.
- If they are applying the philosophy of purchasing concept in their production to what extent it has contributed in achieving satisfied customers.
- The impact of non applicability of the purchasing concepts in industries.
- The necessary adjustment industires should make to ensure effective applicability of purchasing concepts, in the realization of its objective high level of customers service.
1.4 Scope of Study
This research will be useful to both spring bank of Nigeria and all other industries within the service industries. If only the industries will adhere to the finding of this investigation, it will help in improving its customers service level and sampling be efficient in its operations. This is because the research of the potence of revealing the strengths and weakness of the purchasing strategies of Spring Bank Nigeria plc Owerri.
Also other manufacturing organisations can explored the opportunities offered by this study and apply them where necessary to improve on their operations. Finally, the researcher will also enrich his/her knowledge especially in exploring the contribution made by the manufacturing industry to the nations economy.
1.5 Limitation of the Study
This project is based on the purchasing concepts and its applicability by Spring Bank Nigeria plc Owerri. Though problems relating to the topic is peculiar to all Manufacturing industry in general. in the course of carryout this research certain problems were encountered along the line. It should be known that the data collection technique embraced the distribution of sets of questionnaires to both customers and staff of the work.
The Following Were Some of the Factors That Contains The Validity of the Project.
- High cost of research materials and lack of sufficient funds to carryout a large research project.
- Bank purchasing is relatively a new concept hence unavailability of enough relating literature posted a problem of the study.
- During personal interviews with some respondents, the research experienced a lot of communication problem some of the respondents did not understand English language. The views of the people are important to this survey because they constitute the bank customers.